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dougiedanger last won the day on May 21 2023

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  1. All this after the fact criticism of Gardiner rings hollow when the vast majority of the support backed him virtually to the end. He thought he could dupe the glaikit Highlanders and to a large extent he succeeded.
  2. Am guessing you wouldn't be seeing administration as such a great thing if your job was on the line.
  3. Your ongoing defence of Gardiner is getting even more bizarre. No wonder the club is in the mess it is.
  4. The club will die, only now this guy and his pals will make a killing from it.
  5. The ST will have had another whiff of the blazer and the boardroom vol au vents. The gullibility of the support has allowed things to get to this sorry state.
  6. And yet, he is being allowed to wreak yet more chaos on the club.
  7. There is probably not a club in Scotland with less credibility than this one--anyone even considering taking on the manager's job in the current circumstances would need one criterion: to be completely desperate for a job.
  8. The kind of glaikit thinking that has got the club into this position.
  9. This stinks of corruption.
  10. Only one way all this works out. an absolute scandal that Gardiner has been allowed to inflict this on the club.
  11. It’s a classic ploy by under pressure boards to buy the compliance of fans’ groups in return for an enticing whiff of the Old Inverness and vol au vents on offer behind those boardroom doors. Invariably, too, those same doors soon slam shut, leaving the poor mugs high and dry, predictably.
  12. He seems to have thought of this as a means of getting his dream job at Ibrox, and all of his failed schemes and scams may be seen in that light. They actually deserve each other.
  13. Great to see the message board so active again, but where have all these sensible, engaged and knowledgeable supporters been all these years, while SG was ripping the pish out of the club and the daft teuchters he took the fans to be?
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