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Everything posted by Hearach

  1. Hearach

    1 From 4

    Don't care who goes down as long as it isn't us. Basically all we have to do now is win all our remaining games and we are safe - which is better than having to wait and see what other teams do. So no sweat then!!!!!
  2. Hearach


    I think Lionel has done really well and do not think it should have been a penalty yesterday as it was tit for tat in the box. And never a red card!! He has played with passion and commitment - can we say that about some of our more regular players in every game? I remember a couple of weeks ago Russell Duncan was sent off quite rightly and he didn't attract anywhere near as much stick as Lionel. And who on earth picked man of the match yesterday? They must be lacing the prawn sandwiches with hallucinatory drugs!
  3. One of highlights of the night was when the huns sang that Rule Britannia sh*te. We responded by singing Flower of Scotland and the moronic horde didn't know how to respond as even they seemed to realise they couldn't boo OUR national anthem. Thankfully they didn't start singing theirs. God save the huns! SCOTTISH NOT BRITISH
  4. My thinking was - if Rngers don't score in first half we could maybe edge a point. For us to win in the way we did - a penalty at Ibrox in extra time!- well, if you predicted it you would be called a nutter! Thought I had broken my ribs with shouting and jumping up and down! I am also still floating - took hours to get to sleep. Bring on Falkirk - bring on the world!
  5. lets just be glad Brewster has gone andmove on. I floated back from Glasgow last night/ this morning. maybe we all had to go through the Brewster phase to realise what a fantastic team we have. You could probably pay all our guys wages and get change from just ONE Rangers players wage. The commitment last night was fantastic. WE ARE STAYING UP!
  6. Join the Supporters Club then you won't have to worry about parking or mixing with undesirables!
  7. Is it my imagination or has david Proctor become one of our best players in recent weeks? Seems to give 100% in all games - okay makes odd mistake, but hey who is perfect? I have been critical of him in the past but he has certainly impressed me recently. long may he continue playing his socks off.
  8. Hearach


    GET HIM SIGNED NOW!!! He is doing a fantastic job
  9. We have to continue as we have been doing, showing passion and determination. Win all our games and we ARE staying up. Dougie, Lionel, Pavels, Eric, Richie have been showing the way. Roy McBean has been running around like a teenager. David Proctor has been playing better than ever before. Grant Munro is picking up. Ross Tokely is simply Ross Tokely - Mr 110%. Ian Black battles away and how we shall miss him next season. Adam Rooney gets stuck in. Ryan Esson has proved himself. Would like to see Felipe Morais back to full fitness. Yes, a time to be quietly confident. A team to build on for top six next season. I just wish Zander Sutherland would get a game.
  10. watch my jelly babies, dzebi-zadi
  11. VERY impressed with the little we saw of him yesterday. Blimey , how exciting is it to be a Caley Jaggie just now? So many great games to look forward to. Bring on Killie. On a sad note - how much are we going to miss Blackie? He gives his all. Wasn't bothered about Cowie going or Mikey Fraser but wee Blackie will be a BIG loss.
  12. Hearach


    I thought he was excellent yesterday. A darn sight better than Hastings anyway. Well done yesterday lads, I was proud of you - We ARE staying up!
  13. When were you last at a match Kiltarlity? Caley Cat is long gone having been replaced by a stupid green monster that no-one pays any attention to. At least there is an attempt to be highlanders with music just at before kick-off
  14. Sounds promising. Can only be an improvement on the woeful Barrowman/ Rooney. And the sooner Don Cowie leaves the better as recently he has not been giving his all to the team. Any word on bringing back Juanjo?
  15. Very disappointed that Maurice Mal-pass is coming. Crap player, crap manager. Not entirely happy about Butcher but maybe he will come good with all the contacts he must have from all the jobs he has had. Our team played well against Hearts and if they can keep that momentum going then we ain't getting relegated. No matter who the manager is we all need to get behind the team - just don't stand up or get excited at the games - the stewards don't like it. Unless you are away supporters of course.
  16. And we could certainly do a whole lot better. What has John Robertson done since leaving ICT? Get sacked a few times for not getting results. Steven Pressley would bring some passion to the team as well as being an excellent manager. With Barry Wilson as deputy.
  17. There's a big difference between being fit enough to turn out for Montrose and being fit enough to play in the SPL ! In which case he couldn't have done much worse that Wood, Barrowman and Rooney!
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