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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. son plays for the 17s and they were told the arteficial pitches beside mcdiarmid park, as they walking over to the cup final afterwards!!!
  2. Sunday, Perth. 1 pm. Artificial pitch beside McDiarmid park. 17s playing Dundee United before the cup final. Cant see many UTD fans cheering on their boys!!
  3. I went down to Airdrie to watch them. Crowd of maybe 250 watched an entertaining game, that as the game went on Airdrie dominated in the second half. However ICT played that well in the first half they SHOULD have been out of sight. Two old Diamonds sitting behind me said in the second half as they went 4-2 up, they could not have seen that coming after 45 minutes. Re the second half, our defence visibly tired and because of this Airdrie seemed to get a lift, and after a reasonably quick equaliser we were very much on the back foot. 3 or 4 of the 17s also played with the flu and headcolds which couldnt have helped. Regards the current 17s, there are a few good players. all of the 16 year olds are probably good enough to be kept on. I can think of 4. But its all down to budgets. Do we want to pay more to get the first team better in wages, or do we go for a very young cheaper team that comes through the system. To be honest if you look over the years the Highlands has not got the best track records in producing good first team, premier league level players. With a few exceptions Duncan Shearer, Barry Wilson, McGinlays, Pat Nevin, Grant Munro etc. So which would yopu choose as Manager, or DoF, or Chairman. Not an easy choice. Most clubs will only normally keep 2 or 3 of their 17s, fishing a lot of their 19s from bigger clubs releasing the perceived better players that get released. Current 17s are one of the best squads ICT have had. Some very good players.
  4. Problem with playing 4 or 5 forwards is we are liable to get ripped apart and picked off at will. No team in the sfl dont know how to defend. All have decent midfielders and attacker who given the room of an empty midfield will find their attackers with several good chances each during a game. As things stand we do not have a team that can dominate a game like Barca, even for the sfl2. However do we want to be a real madrid who will never have a goalless game but will not be good enough to keep many clean sheets. Entertaining yes, but bloody frustrating too. What we do need is more attack minded midfield to supply the forwards, A holding midfielder who rarely leaves his post and a good creative player behind two strikers who want to attack the goal not the corner flag. What do defenders hate the most, directness, as they are under pressure to get it right every time, and nobody is that good in the sfl. Personally I think that with Odhiambo back soon, Imrie getting fitter, Sanchez creating, Forans passion and experience, we will not be far away and things will improve soon. Not worried about County or Queens, but cant let Dee and Plastic Whistle get much further away as they have better squads for the long winter coming up. Having said all that I like the no fear attitude of the young players pushing to come through, but doubt they will get to many chances as long as we are making hard work of the league. Plenty of time to catch up, 7 points aint a lot if you go on a run!
  5. On the positive side of things, Butcher is keen to play HIS signings this season, So Lionel the writings on the wall - as he was signed by Brewster. Grant, Rossco and Golly in the back 4. Fine with me
  6. Jesus people. Settle down. No neeeeeed. He will prove his worth. Cant believe some folk
  7. Its certainly becoming Butchers team. However I do think that we have several class players in the signings. Foran for a start, Sachez, Cox, Bulvitas. Eagle, Stratford, Hayes and Odhiambo have yet to show there worth, although we have seen flashes. Wingers also have good and not so good games - McGeady for example. So I dont think so badly of them, but I do think that McBain, Hastings, Duncan should be getting a better shout, and some of the youngsters should be given a chance more... Nick Ross a perfect example. Has looked very positive every time hes come on. We want more of that
  8. Wyness101. You not go to any of the games last year?????????? Problem is, he does his thing turns a player or megs another. Fine when it comes off, but how many times do you need to be caught before you decide to just humf the bloody ball up the park. Its better an opponent getting it outside there own box compaired to outside ours, especially when your fellow defenders are starting to push up. Spoke to Blackie about him last season, and he said the other players hld their breath when he gets the ball.. message to Lionel, just defend and get rid of ther ball and you will be a sensation, dont try to be Bazza or Jinky
  9. to be fair the side has hardly changed this season so far, and played well, mediocrily, and poor in the games to now. But today was dire, some did try hard, but you need more than 3 or 4 players performing. Only plus about today was the Dee and Pars not capitalising. We only 3 points and 4 goals of the top!
  10. Think Tel must like the unknown factor in him, a bit like his old team mate Ted McMinn. Nobody knew what was next. Fine in the oppositions half, not so fine when your last man.
  11. Every one can have a bad day, but usually when your having a bad one you do everything to try and make it better, not do everything to make it worse. Thought he was confused as to which team he played for, hence the succession of staightforward passes to the red team, and clearing the ball out of the park when we were in danger of attacking with any purpose. Bambi was doing the same in the first half too, so we had a really good back line today, as it started making Nauris and Grant nervous too. How Tel cant see this amazes me, since he was such a comanding defender himsel. Hastings and Tokely back in next week please. PLEASE.
  12. In truth its been an accident waiting to happen. Not a big fan of players trying to do tricks at the back, especially when they wait for the opponent to run 20 yards to them before they try to turn them and make 5 yards of space. However he was not alone in his woefullness today. Neither full back could find a blue shirt in the first half. Midfield over ran in first half, and when we got near their keeper, we seemingly wanted to pass it around and not take a shot. Subs should have been on in thwe first half, as it was obvious to everyone we werent up for it
  13. Have never seen such a poor game. Should had have subs long before. First half was terrible. All I can say: SHOCKING!!!!!!!!
  14. Hibs up here, So Butch can stick it to Yogi and show what could have been. Rossco for hattrick that night would be a good bet! Revenge
  15. Cant see the Highland News printing " COX UP FOR DERBY"
  16. Drank in the White Horse a few times, but only because it sold alcohol, along with a few other places down englandshire. Aint been for over a year now, so looking for ward to one soon
  17. I know for a fact that ICT have been in touch with MacDougall and Hastie about them supplying the club. And noy just this week, they were talking in the Summer over a month ago. So watch this Pie stand, Hope they also get Harry Gows curry pies aswell
  18. Just for the record our ticket numbers are 1488 - 1492
  19. Get a grip folks. Everyone seems to be writting someone or two or three off. Cant finish, cant turn, too slow, Injury prone etc etc. They all have their strengths, and each weaknesses. Foran seems to be without doubt our chosen one, because he can finish, he plays like it means something to him and he has done it at a much higher level and on a regular basis. Roooney was top scorer last season, and with probably the least amount of time on the park, so he must have something others dont. He has scored already this season, and will again until he hits double figures this season me thinks. Barrowman is a penalty box player, a poacher, or a finisher. The way we should have a lot of pressure against teams this season he can score a load of goals, and I expect double figures. Sutherland is a very promising prospect, and should get a good number of subs appearances this year. Depending on how he does, as he is just a loon, he will get more and more time to show what we have. By the end of the season he could be quite an important player for us, if he gets the chance, as this also depends on the previous mentioned goal getters. Eric Odihambo will also get a chance because Tel likes him a lot. He will get time against some of the slower defences we play. And will come on in tight games to stretch the game too. Once he recoveres from the sore foot it will be interesting to see how soon he gets a game. Sanchez will play most games, as a provider that can finish, but not as an out and out striker. Hope he gets to play in the hole behind a front two, and not as the support for a sole striker. So we have a good number of options that will likely be fully used this season. I however think that Foran will be first name, with Rooney and Barrowman playing swapshop, and Sutherland and Odiambo on the bench regular to suit the needs.
  20. new tactics. Play all of them at the same time. Back to the we'll score more than you school. Although he's just learning his trade I would be good to see Sutherland get a run with Foran, Sanchez doing the feeding!
  21. Who was it Danni Sanchez played for in Espagna?
  22. where to start. Cant stand certain music genres - R & B, Rap, Country, Boy bands, Girl bands, Rave, Dance, Techno, inept crap that tends to be in the charts and radio, Reggae, Thrash metal, etc etc etc. You get the idea im sure. Do like Indie, Goth, Punk, Grunge, Death ballads, mainly things with a bit of an edge.
  23. Did Esson save pens or did the Gable enders miss! Who took ours, positives - we in the next round, another game under the belt towards full fitness, and we have at least 5 picks to take penalties this season
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