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Sir C the 3rd

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Everything posted by Sir C the 3rd

  1. Some of the referees have been woeful. Home to st mirren and away to Morton spring to mind. But there’s no conspiracy. The players are the ones constantly diving, pulling shirts, claiming for everything. That’s the way the game is now and when that is happening for 90 minutes In just about every game then referees are going to get things wrong.
  2. Unfortunately this is what football in general has now become. It’s just business now. The game has been hijacked by already rich business people to make more money. Forget about the fans. They don’t matter anymore.
  3. I agree with most of what you say except ‘holding the club to ransom’, that’s pretty poor I think. I can’t imagine Dave has been anything but reasonable in most contract negotiations and doubt he is earning a fortune. He is probably a lower spl/1st division wage earner and would most probably take a further slight drop. But if it’s not financially viable for him to take a drop of what we’re offering then that’s absolutely fair enough on his part. He’s made it clear he wants to stay without making a fuss about it. Unfortunately we’re not in the position to offer him what he’d like (and deserves). He goes with best wishes and total respect for what he did at the club. I hope he gets a good club down south and gets the coaching badges he wants as well.
  4. The referee, the referee, the referee. Bottom line is We didn’t take our chances when we had them and couldn’t score any goals. If we’d played for another 4 hours on Saturday we still wouldn’t have scored. Mckendrick was poor but sadly you have to accept that’s part of the game. Vigurs should’ve been experienced enough after a very dodgy 1st yellow to not put himself in that situation. Samson took a chance and it paid off for him. He got our player sent off. He should’ve gone too but got away with it. St Mirren did a right number on us throughout most of the game. Almost all our players got wound up by McShane and they all fell for it. In regards to mckendrick I actually think he knew he got the penalty decision wrong then fell apart after that. I thought Robbos interview was totally embarrassing as were some of the ‘official’ tweets after the game. We sounded like very bad losers.
  5. Deserved win. Solid defensively which makes a huge difference. Chalmers strolled through the game, smokin joe. There’s not a chance we’ll be near the bottom of the table come May.
  6. We obviously won't sack Robertson as we can't afford it, so that's the end of that. On a completely unrelated matter I'm Looking forward to seeing Stevie Aitken take over Falkirk and March them up the table.
  7. Absolutely embarrassing folk complaining about OFW not leaving. He is under contract and if he doesn't receive an offer he fancies then quite right that he stays here. He had a decent first season, 2nd not so good but then he was playing through injuries. Yes, it's frustrating that we're paying him a large wage but then we did take in a large bonus for him for being at the Euros. Give the guy a break.
  8. I don't know what it would take to get Kevin Fraser from Buckie but we should use some of the Draper money/wages to get him if it's at all possible now. Have heard nothing but good reports about him. His 2nd last night, against a team in our league, was supposed to have been brilliant.
  9. Bingo. Being a supporter isn't just blindly applauding every defeat and looking for the positives in every negative that befalls the club. Being a supporter also entails questioning decisions and if your unhappy about something then saying it. Our board don't answer any of our questions because they have no answers. No idea how to turn things around by the look of things. ultimately we all want the club moving forwards in a positive fashion. It hasn't for quite some time. Being a supporter, a supporter of my club, I want to know the reasons this isn't happening and finding our ways we can address what's going wrong. Looking for positives when our rivals have bought our vice captain for a very conservative amount isn't one of them.
  10. I genuinely don't think it has punched above its weight at all. We are a lower premier league/top championship sized club. We had 2-3 great years in which we did actually punch above our weight at the top of the premier league but that's all. We had more than enough to minimum just remain in the premier league. But Penny after penny pinched away, the absolute inability to attract any substantial investment into the club which is /was based in 'the fastest growing town in Europe' and woeful judgements on how and when to let players/managers leave have led to this.
  11. There isn't an area of the club that isn't cheap (except the prices of everything the club sells) Not one thing is done well with quality or pride. It's just make do in the cheapest way. Supporters treated with contempt as they'll just pay up regardless. I wouldn't accept this from any other buisness. Why do I do it here? No wonder crowds are down and will drop further. i can accept there isn't much money in Scottish football but we have been run dreadfully. We all know this club can be so much more. But It's a constant stream of negativity and cost cutting. It's been like this since long before the cup final. Success papered over the ever increasing cracks. But at the moment it's Impossible to see how we can move forward in a positive fashion. It's utterly depressing.
  12. He might be one of County's mentors if we get their U21's in the challenge cup. Absolute disgrace what has happened to our club in the last few years. Those involved should be hanging their heads in utter shame.
  13. After what's gone on in the last 2 years I'd be amazed if Buckie were at fault. The Highland league winners captain and best player, obviously they'd want a fee. A large one at that.
  14. Who cares what Ross County do? We all understand what they're doing, why they're doing it and where the money comes from to finance it all. Its up to them. We should be worrying about getting our own house in order and not wetting our pants with jealousy about anything happening in Dingwall.
  15. Does the club shop have one of those machines that prints names and numbers on the shirts? If not then I think that would be a more realistic investment. A lot of kids got shirts in the summer and I'm sure most of them would want numbers etc on the back. I'm sure this would be very doable for the club and give them a wee bit of extra cash.
  16. Polworth for me has everything to be a good player except attitude. It's shocking. If he just worked a lot harder he would stroll this level. In respect to the game, like most folk, not getting carried away but a decent performance. Brechin weren't great but we did what was expected, played some good stuff at times and scored a few goals. Can't Really ask for more than that for a first game.
  17. Probably best not to pin your hopes on Tremarco staying either btw.
  18. Wether this is true or not but apparently there are just I's to dot and T's to cross on Drapers departure. Slightly good news is that it's supposed to be a club in England he's going to and not Aberdeen.
  19. Mcnaughton is a nice guy and gave 100% but for me I'm quite glad he's left. Age has caught up with him and he's a bit short of pace for a full back. He's also a bit small to be a centre back in Scotland. Maybe in the championship he might have looked better as he does have a good football Brain and bags of experience. But I wish him well and hope he finds another club soon.
  20. Depends what your definition of huge salary is? If it is £1500 (or around that figure) that he is getting paid, with all the talk of people being laid off in the wake of our relegation, then yes, out the door. I'm sure OFW weekly wage is more than some people at the clubs monthly wage. It probably is more than what 95% of folk get paid in Inverness in any other line of work. Footballers wages are completely out of control. Average guys like this, floating around small clubs potentially hoovering up close to £100000 a year. Ridiculous. plus all his money from his painting! (Joke btw)
  21. I happened to mention this to someone involved at Fort William a few weeks ago. He was going on about how good he was and that the like of Brora etc were looking to take him. I jokingly said to him 'maybe Caley should sign him'. He said that we had had him watched but he wasn't sure what was going to come of it. It certainly doesn't hurt us to give the guy a trial.
  22. I seen Doncaster in the paper the other day gettig excited about how Rangers and Celtic could join the EPL. The same Neil Doncaster that was practically begging the other clubs to let Rangers back into the Premier League as the game would 'die' without them. Now he's delighted at the prospect of them both leaving. Cant help wondering why one of the heads of Scottish football would be delighted at the 2 biggest money making organisations for the league leaving. it stinks.
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