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Sir C the 3rd

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Everything posted by Sir C the 3rd

  1. HT 1-1 FT 2-3 ICT King DUN Higginbotham crowd 2330
  2. I think perhaps the issue is announcing this a couple of days before the first game. It would have been in everybody's interest if this had been announced a few weeks ago so people had a chance to buy a ticket beforehand. Possibly saving large queues today and for an already overworked ticket office. Dont really like the thought of home and away fans in the same queue also.
  3. I don't think anybody is getting their knickers in a twist. I was just suggesting it would be disappointing if he chose Dunfermline over an established Premier league club..... if we were after him. Some people feel the need to want to get their knickers in a twist over anyone that doesn't agree with them however.
  4. Spot on. Just like not caring about trying to re-sign Billy McKay.
  5. Kallum Higginbotham has signed for Dunfermline. I hope we dropped our interest in him and he hasn't chosen Dunfermline over us.
  6. They haven't actually signed yet. Lets hope both of them get tied up today. We seem to have a horrible habit lately of deals getting leaked into the press then not happening. So lets get these through ASAP.
  7. Brown did okay, kept the ball and didn't look panicked when the Nairn forwards closed him down. Which they did a lot.
  8. Macnaughton looked excellent I thought. He might be older but he looked just about the fittest person on the park. Mulraney, this is being kind, I'm sure will have much better days. He did very well for the 3rd goal though.
  9. Apparently we have a game v Nairn on the 7th of July
  10. While this is most likely made up. He was a good player and did a good job for us in times gone by. These days though, Rankin would be a terrible bit of business for us. As I said somewhere else. He's approaching his mid-thirties, his legs have nearly gone, we have at least 3 better players in the position he plays and he wouldn't come cheap. He's the sort of signing yogi would have been hounded for.
  11. He is now a rather large taxi driver in Aberdeen. Always a legend here though.
  12. Oh and vigurs, who has just signed a 2 year deal.
  13. Roberts and Mutoumbo...... Yogi signed them didn't he? Also fon Williams. i thought all his signings were terrible or have I been reading the forum wrong?
  14. Is the analysis equipment a television?
  15. If we are getting someone new in then let's hope they have some good contacts. Because we are way short on numbers. People mulling over contracts, apparent pre-contract negotiations with others, players released who might have now stayed, players staying who might well have been released. Its an absolute shambles of a situation and no-one involved should be holding their head high over this.
  16. What a ridiculous mess we find ourselves in. Yogi has made mistakes bringing players in I agree , but a worse manager than Christie ? What are you on. The board are also not blameless. We had a chance to lose yogi and get compensation from Dundee Utd. But no, we get him to sign a new 2 and a half year deal which we want to buy him out of after 6 months. I'm not saying we are, but we certainly appear to be totally amateur behind the scenes.
  17. We are playing Fraserburgh at Bellslea park on Saturday 2nd July. William Watt testimonial (if we have enough players)
  18. What a surprise. Aberdeens scouting manual is obviously just a copy of the Inverness-Aberdeen train timetable. Who is next?? Draper, Tansey, Warren or Meekings. I'd imagine it'll be Draper.
  19. John Rankin?? He's 33 in June, legs have nearly gone and we have at least 3 better players in the position he plays. If we had a team of young boys then yes, his experience would be valuable. But there is a lot more areas of the team that need strengthening before we ever looked to him. Sorry John, good player for us in the past. Can't see signing him as a positive move now.
  20. The only surprising thing would be the low size of the fee. Aberdeen's scouting network seems to consist of the Inverness - Aberdeen train timetable, so it wouldn't be a massive leap to see them wanting Draper as well as Tansey. I had heard that they were in for Draper in January before Tansey but we flat out refused.
  21. Not a huge surprise I'm afraid. Big summer for Yogi, his signings in this period will make him or break him. Going by previous signings and apparent lack of any scouting I'm guessing its going to be the 2nd option. But please prove me wrong. Raven was not only a good player but a nice bloke too. Sad to see him go.
  22. Devine, Horner, vigurs, polworth, fon Williams and either Hughes or wedderburn in my opinion. Hardly inspiring but this is what I've come to expect recently.
  23. Hearts players were literally shi**ing themselves At the prospect of playing us.
  24. Can we replay the first half of the season then? I don't remember anyone saying much when we've had benches of 4 and 5 players this season. As harsh as is it on Hearts to have so many out, did we not have 11-12 players out injured at one point. We were forced to get on with it as should they. Plus they have a much much bigger squad than us. Very poor indeed
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