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Row S

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Everything posted by Row S

  1. Looking to make my first away game of the season this Saturday. Does anyone know the set up for entry? Is it the same for all away games, that we need to buy tickets in advance? Can I buy them at Mcdairmid Park on the day? Don't want to get caught out like I did for the Hearts game this time last year when I was down that way for the weekend having bought tickets in advance and then the game was called off.
  2. Play like they did against Motherwell and the next 4 games are all winnable - Dundee, St Johnstone, Hamilton and Kilmarnock. Onwards and upwards.
  3. I like the look of our team line up today - more attacking midfield? The home car park filled up with Dons fans. What's that about?
  4. That pretty much sums up how I felt too. It would have been more insulting to the Brit loving hoards of Rancid fans if a Scottish Saltire had been displayed instead of an Irish Triclour. As well as the sectarian bile they were singing there was a fair amount of anti Scottish stuff in there too. I wasn't pleased there were so many of them in amongst the home crowd either but I suppose taking money off them is payback to our club's coffers.
  5. All predicated on major road improvements, notably the grade separation of that horrible roundabout junction. There was an "urban village" plan many years ago to take advantage of the waterfront location but limited ability to attract major investors put paid to that.
  6. Brilliant guys! I should stay away more often. Would be good if they can emulate or surpass the score in the last game against them.
  7. Sounds like Dungdee getting too much possession and shots on goal just now. Hope we're not sitting too deep on our lead.
  8. Wow, what a start. I'm following the game on my iPad from south of Vancouver. Glad I got up in time for 7am start here.
  9. Very pleased to have got something out of the game after gifting them 2 breakaway goals, not getting that penalty, surviving a second half onslaught and being subjected to a range of Irish anthems. It was amazing how their travelling morons fell silent when King, Billy and Fisher, Alex scored. As for Pat Nevin talking about the penalty claim on Sportscene last night, he still speaks about us as if he's never got over our 2015 Scottish Cup semi final win over the God's given right to win every trophy in Scotland mob. GIRU the lot of them!!
  10. Absolutely and blasting out from the PA system too. After all a couple of seasons ago when we played County on a Friday night the teams came out before the start to Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves by Sonny and Cher.
  11. Having looked at the photos on caleyjags.com I'm now certain they were at the St Johnstone end. They were being watched by the stewards when they surrounded one of the buses outside the ground. They later appeared out of Henderson Road right in front of me as I approached from the ground. Human Rights or not I found these little neds intimidating enough to warrant recording evidence of their bad behaviour. I also took video footage along Longman Road but deleted the lot from my phone after they calmed down and seemed to pose no more of a threat by the time they got to Rose Street.
  12. If these are the same youngsters that misbehaved after the St Johnstone game then we need to stamp out this nonsense right away. I thought they were Perth casuals at first and took some photos of them whilst walking back along Longman Road into town in the event that they caused trouble. I did see one of them being very abusive to a motorist at the entrance to Lorimers and thought about going into Burnett Road Police Station to report it. However, I thought this would be a waste of time and decided to continue on my walk into town. It does seem that someone needs to keep an eye on them for future matches though. I wasn't at Pittodrie on Saturday but those I saw after the St Johnstone game were mostly dressed in black, no ICT colours and some tried to cover their faces with hoodies and scarves.
  13. Row S


    Once again what a huge missed opportunity to sell many more shirts than could have been purchased if they had been available at the end of June. Wearing your team's latest strip when on foreign shores on summer holidays used to be a given but now with Cabrini and us it's become a rarity. Not being able to get hold of a replica top before the season starts will potentialy result in reduced sales.
  14. I googled Gavin Gunning and found this on Wikipedia: "On 12 April 2016, Dundee United announced that Gunning had left the club by mutual consent, describing the decision as "a private matter". This came three days after a match against Inverness Caledonian Thistle during which Gunning, in what was described by the media as "a bizarre incident", had picked up the ball during play and walked off the pitch. He subsequently returned to the field to receive treatment for an injury before being substituted. It was reported that he had "sarcastically applauded" fans who verbally abused him over his conduct. Despite the club statement, manager Mixu Paatelainen subsequently clarified that while Gunning would not be considered for selection, he remained a Dundee United player and could return to training if he wished "or take an early summer holiday". Perhaps he's a reformed character now and Richie will know how to get the best out of his fellow countryman?
  15. Mmm........ Josh's mystery injury and lack of detailed information from the Club is a concern. Methinks there is still more to it.
  16. No, out with a groin injury so Cammy MacKay will start.
  17. Dirty Forres again. They always manage to crock one of our players. Last year it was Roberts, the year before it was Meekings. Time to stop playing them pre-season. Any news on Ryan Esson's groin injury? May have to haul OFW back from his break if Ryan isn't fit for Saturday.
  18. Any news on Ryan Esson? Will we need to get OFW back from holiday?
  19. So what is going on with Meekings then? Hope it's nothing to do with his court case or perhaps he's about to sign for Celtic - Effing Ambrose got pelters again for his performance in the "Shock of Gibraltar" last night.
  20. The very reason why I would prefer only one home game a season against either of the Dark Forces of Evil.
  21. Was it the Forres or Nairn game that Jordan Roberts got crocked in at the start of last season?
  22. It used to be the case that most folk wanted to buy one in June or July to wear on the beach in Benidorm or Magaluf.
  23. Not even the goal posts or pitch for that matter. The setting up for the Sir Rod concert has taken over.
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