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Everything posted by caley100

  1. Jackson did ok last night against an experienced Falkirk reserve team, maybe its just his age, but he needs to get that wee bit extra into his game, looks like a young Dargo type player. Anyway while you are talking of Fox, he was very poor last night IMO, wee flashes of what could be, mingled with large spells of indifference. The same could be said for Mcallister.
  2. Some good ones there Gordy... Mott the Hoople was my first ever LP, played on a ( by nowadays standards) crappy record player where the lid turned into a pair of speakers... but it was STEREO! as long as the record was not mono you were ok. Yeah.. Greenslade, Sutherland Bros, Yes, had em all!! Went to see kraftwerk... weird, persuaded to buy a Tangerine dream LP even WEIRDER. Went to see Chris Rea in Edinburgh a few years ago, best crack at a concert cos he was pished but sang till the hairs on the back of your neck stood up!!
  3. caley100


    'They are so daft they just stand in the middle of the road looking at you as you drive along.' You are obvoiusly teaching your students to drive too slowly Dave.. the birds know they are safe, try driving at about 60, once the feathers start flying they will get the picture... :x
  4. Just off to the Innes for a beer on the way home... wish they sold John Smiths or 80' but 70' will have to do..... :roll:
  5. Did Leitch not play for Murrawell with Derek Adams - son of George? maybe there's a connection there somewhere?
  6. Dundee have sacked Kernaghan and assistant Kirkwood, they were asked to leave by Mr Marr, asked to leave is corporate talk for the heave ho eh! Suppose its no surprise after getting beat by Brechin.
  7. According to BBC Zander Sutherland, Stewart Soane and the under 19 keeper have all been given one year contracts, CC says they have shown the desire to succeed and have been rewarded wqith a f/t contract. Good news.
  8. I still have a feeling that Brian Irvine is in with a shout, he's turned Elgin round pretty quick.
  9. A touring coach starts a journey around the west coast full of O.A.P's after about and hour the driver gets a tap on the shoulder, a little old lady gives him a handfull of almonds, 'thankyou' says the driver. This happens every 20 minutes, eventually the driver asks the lady why she gives him the nuts, old lady replies ' we dont like them ourselves' then how are you buying the nuts then?' says the driver, ' oh we only like the chocolate round them ' says the lady.
  10. I dont think Livvy would go bust, but would find it very difficult to get back up..they would surely lose a few top players ala Dundee and rely on youth ala Dundee. But did you see their crowd yesterday 2300 FFS, for an important game that is awful. Anyway i would not shed a tear if they dropped, not even because of Robbo.. dont forget Robbo jumped HMS SNECK at the first sniff of a big job, we owe him zilch.
  11. 'CC will most likely field an inexperienced, young squad ' Very very unlikely, CC will go there reminding the players of their own professionalism, imagine if we were in a relegation position and needed say, Dndee utd to go to Pars to beat them for us to stay up, and they sent a weak young team there? ICT players will not be very happy to go and get beat there again.. no way.
  12. Aye aye...you only managed to spell that 'H' word cos' you copied it off the tube...
  13. Was this something you swapped for filing cabinets????
  14. He came into the reserves after some good games for the under 19's, might i add that we sponsored him last season.. this probably had a postitive effect on him..... When i have seen him play he's been pretty good even against some experienced players, sort of like Burke from Rangers. Good future methinks.
  15. Realistically it looks like we are a one play team, our tactics suit when we are the team under attack, abosrbing pressure and scoring on the break. When the roles are reversed, and we are at home the team are confused as to what to do, even against lower league oppostition ala Ayr and Partick. Its about time this was addressed, it could have a negative effect on season ticket sales. I'm feckin sure i'd prefer to see 8 home wins instead of 3 home wins, maybe mantis and the rest would argue, but more wins at home might produce bigger crowds.
  16. caley100


    He always seems do do quite well against us, maybe he's fishing for a move to a bigger club? And the signing on thing made me think.. although we dont pay a comarative high wage, do we give players a lump sum for signing on? eg Duncan signed on till 2009 would he get a fat packet this week?
  17. I remember the sadist that was Colin Baillie, during school swimming lessons forcing the weaker swimmers to jump off the high board to give them' confidence' in the water, Probably scarred us for life. ... cant.. stop..twitching...
  18. Errr excuse for being ignorant..what is ' a wee feely ' ? if i've had one already sorry.. if its something Tmftj got in exchange for a filing cabinet, i dont want to know.
  19. Which brings me to a thread which oldies and lovers of old ( and much copied ) music can post their fav's. After a trip to and from Livvy last week listening to TMFTJ's rock guitar selections i think we should post our favorite bands/music. Personally, i went through the Black Sabbath type stuff, mellowed a bit and now still listen to Talking Heads, Stones, beatles, and lots of rock stuff too varied to mention.
  20. Nice to be optomistic Alex!! Cant see us averaging 7.5k crowds, with the wages we pay, we cant afford top quality ( for Scotland ) players. Therefore i can see us maintaining a lower middle SPL status, unless of course we can get a multi millionaire to bank roll us.. what happened to the Al Fayed rumour?
  21. Have to say i'd be more worried about losing Dargo than Black, goalscorers who hit the net as much as Dargo are more valuable to us. CC says that he and Parkie have identified 2-3 players they want to bring in during the close season to fill area's they see as needing improvement.
  22. Worth a ****-of-alot more than £50k in my mind, but as with the other players they are all contracted for at least another year, and so will cost money. CC says in the P&J that he is confident of keeping the same squad for next season. Now, if this is what CC thinks fair enough, but how do we progress from this season? do we need better players, does he need to sort out home form? does he need more ftom the players that are there? If his ambition is purely to stay in the SPL, we have the squad to do it, thats all.
  23. Surely Rossco's totally unexpected overhead kick vs Dee Utd deserves the title! Never see that again!
  24. So do we think that Russel Duncan is chuffed at being offered a new contract? Did he wonder if he was in line for a shunt? Every team needs a midfield grafter, but a grafter that can pass is a bonus!
  25. Dougie Macdonald is a feckin waster as well.... not quite up to Calum uselessbassa Murray though. At least Macdonald tries to let the game flow before he makes sh1t decisions.
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