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Everything posted by kilda

  1. "Time is swift, it races by; Opportunities are born and die... Still you wait and will not try - A bird with wings who dares not rise and fly."
  2. I only see us getting 8 points but will be happy to be wrong. ;)
  3. The St Kilda Inverness CT supporters club is going wild. :018: :thumb04:
  4. We can play badly yes but its kind of hard to play any match when the ref is giving away free-kicks to the other team when he could play on or whatever. You might say its the team which is playing badly yes they are 50% of the time and the other 50% of the time is towards the ref and his 2 linesman for giving away stupid things Well truth is I wasn't there so can't comment on this particular game. I have stood at matches and cursed the ref and his assistants on many occasions but in retrospect, having watched TV replays, have often proved to be wrong. None of that will stop me cursing them and expressing my opinion at the time but it is unfair to blame them for the failings in the team.
  5. No, it's just you (that's become more arrogant, judging by some of your dismissive posts on just about anything) :thumb04: I'm not, er, assured. Care to provide a bit more than just prejudice? In my experience, the tourists think it's what makes the Isles what they are. Before anybody accuses me of representing the 'Gaelic Gang' (eh?) can I say Mrs Mantis is a native speaker from Lewis and I visit the Isles every year. I did a learner's O Grade over 20 years ago and find the language and culture fascinating - but not something that should be preserved artificially. That would be pathetic. Maybe to push Gaelic in the Sneckie area is too much (but let's have some reasoned argument without the abuse). However I do think some effort should be put into preserving it (in the heartlands) and just see whether it bottoms out and recovers, or continues to die. This would be a small price, in return for all the efforts by various governments since Culloden to eradicate the language and the culture completely, ethnic cleansing in effect. In my experience over 30 years, all of you won't have much to worry about shortly as all the natives are dying off anyway. Quite right Mantis, the sad but true fact off life in the Western Isles is the rejection, in large part, by the young of Gaelic. I work in that area and hear Gaelic spoken all the time. They certainly have a different culture and a possibly better way of life but I fear that it is doomed. I have to admit that I know very little of the language despite having a family heritage, my mother spoke the Gaelic as a first choice and was forced to speak the english at school, understand only a little myself. The Gaels now have Gaelic language first schools, even in the sneck but it won't save the language, except as part of some romantic and improbable history. Perhaps we have to let times change and some things are not worth preserving at any cost.
  6. Why is it that when the team fails to perform,to our satisfaction, that the officials also fail to perform to our satisfaction. Time to put the blame where it lies. It isn't some sort of 'central belt bias' and certainly isn't officials being bribed by our opponents. Truth is we can play badly without any help.
  7. Not fair comment. These players are just not good enough. They are not fleecing anyone. I won't even mention the difference between a ten and forty year working life. :thumb04: Sorry but I totally disagree. Its us who work that pay their wages. I agree that we pay their wages , the point I'm trying to make is that they are not good enough to play any better. Doesn't matter how much we pay them they are simply second and third rate.
  8. Seems to me that we aye blame the officials when it is the team that is shied. What exactly do we expect from a team largely composed of rejects.
  9. Not fair comment. These players are just not good enough. They are not fleecing anyone. I won't even mention the difference between a ten and forty year working life.
  10. Tell me I don't know where to look. :thumb04:
  11. kilda


    You can buy lots of smarties for ?1,000.
  12. We just seem to have less pride in our heritage than Wales. It always surprises me that Wales, so close to England, can defend their identity and yet we, away up here, seem to be so keen on Anglicisation. ''Gaelic is dead, an embarrassment to all the local English residents, only the thick West Coasters use it, why can't they speak English like us'' So sad and so wrong! In Wales they rejoice in their native tongue and indeed I have heard it used for their regional news on TV. Just ponder on why Inverness and Dublin are the best English speaking places in Britain!! No wonder we let our natural resources outflow from our country and give thanks for Cushion, Cromarty and Artsier, a bone thrown to the locals to keep them happy. Backbone? I don't think so! Wales wins at more than rugby, I'm afraid. .
  13. Killie or st midden, both have disgraceful supporters severely lacking in manners.
  14. Mise aordann comah. Hope that is spelt right for the 'Gaelic Mafia' :thumb04: :018:
  15. I like Imrie's work rate but wish he would get his head up and look around a little more. I was particularly impressed with the players reaction to the large number of fans who stayed around long enough to clap them off the pitch. Any more of that sort of thing and we will start looking like proper supporters.
  16. On the subject I remember as a young boy living in Springburn going to watch Petershill for free. In those days the done thing for wee boys was to ask any adult, 'Gona take us in mister?' Started me on my supporting days.
  17. Spot on, future fans and that sort of thing.
  18. Yes but where's the fun in that sort of thing
  19. Many is the game where I have seen us get three points stolen from us. Today we wore the masks. We won three points and, at this stage in the season, I don't care how we did it. More of the same next week would be the right sort of thing.
  20. Not a big fan of Duncan and this sort of cheating doesn't help.
  21. kilda

    1 From 4

    still 5 games before the split, I think, if we win 3 then I think we will be safe. I fancy us to win against Killie, Falkik and Hamilton. Giving us 34 points. Surely enough to stay up.
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