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Everything posted by TheKnowledge

  1. Looks like it then. Only thing that could save it is if Kerr feels like Dundee have signed to many olayers for him to get a chance in the first team. Doubt it though. Safe, secure contracts are what players want.
  2. Renegade is a woman, shes Alice Imrie. did you not know that?
  3. It's an interesting point this. Look at Newcastle. "We don't like Allardyce" say the fans. "We want Keegan" say the fans. "We want Shearer" say the fans. I'm sure the vast majority of Newcastle fans didn't want any of these things, but it's the vocal minority whose opinions are always heard. So what do the decision makers then think? It's a tiny minority of nutters, or are these people the vocal tip of a similarly thinking iceberg? Hopefully they do realise it's (normally) the former. I reckon clubs like Newcastle and Celtic, whom both apparently have the greatest fans in the world, suffer more than most due to supporter opinion. Well, Newcastle actually. They must have an over whelming amount of supporters that can not stand the beer belly, sky sports sound bite, Newcastle 'till I die minority. That club has bad manager, after bad manager, apart from when they get Alladyce but, he gets no time because he's not Newcastle 'till he dies. Where do the Newcastle board pick up on fan opinion? Is it message boards, phone ins on the papers? Or are the board diehard fans themselves and feel the same way as the fans?
  4. Agree 100%, even now with his status in the town he will always say hello when you pass him, true football Gentry!! and ICT LEGEND!! When I worked in a certain city centre fast food outlet AGES ago, him and three other ICT players came in, with a good shot in them. Whilst the others were being loud and a bit yobish, CC was still very polite to everyone and kept the others in check. What a gent.
  5. I've e-mailed this onto people, because I think it's quite clever. One response I got though was that 1 KK equals 30 EJ (Eoin Jess), my mates not that bright.
  6. Come on. We have to blindly follow to get a few vaguely answered questions a month? If people from the club take what is said on here seriously, surely they can see it's only a few people, with time on their hands, passing rash comments about the tiniest little things. Do you think the players come on and look at how IHE has rated them after every game? If they do, they shouldn't, unless they like a laugh. Do the board come on here to gauge fan reaction? They shouldn't, most people I know at games don't go on here, and never boo the team they clap, cheer and sigh. You can gauge the reaction in the stands. Boardroom banter is defo a good thing. Don't believe that we have anything to do with the answers though. Like was said in a previous post, an SPL club has to watch what they say becasue of the 24 hour nature of the media. Not enough news so they make things news that really aren't. I would prefer a Butcher banter but, I can't see that happening! "Terry, Why has Esson been dropped?" "He's a cheeky wee know all". Can't see it though. Keep the boardroom banter coming. It makes an interesting read. Are you allowed to post up what questions have been avoided? That would provide a few answers as well.....
  7. I don't know if Butcher will get a chance to produce his own team as the funding may not be there. Anyhoo, you guys are right. He needs a new season for us to judge him on and using Robbo's record as the bench mark is fair enough. I was just wanting to point out that what is said in the WSC article, is all similar (apart from sectarianism) to what we have seen so far but, in a different league, at a different time, with a different team, and a different assistant. I am still genuinely hoping for immediate promotion. If he does that, he'll be warmly remembered here forever, no matter what has, or hasn't happened at previous clubs.
  8. That one result was the one game we only had to get one single point from to stay up, thats why. I do appreciate that it is the points total from the whole season but, does that not mean we can thank Craig Brewster for the win against Aberdeen in the first game of the season? That three points kept us in touch with St Miren and Falkirk come the end of the season, he so nearly kept us up.
  9. I agree. The only reason Yogi kept that mob up was because of our own incompetence......
  10. But we knew exactly what we had to do in that last game of the season..... We just needed 1 point... 1 feckin point from Falkirk at home and we were safe. I know. I single point.
  11. I do really hope we go straight back up, and Butcher and his tactics blow division 1 apart and I am 90% behind him, MM and the team. The warning signs are still there though.
  12. Did Scott Mclean go to Partick? Also, you must have played at the same time as me. :)
  13. Alex you are right. As long as everyone is trying, they have my support, which I know they will all be glad to hear.
  14. Totally bang on!!! Why have I suddenly been engulfed with all this Hilsborough stuff? 442, when Saturday comes, world soccer, football focus, bbc, ITV, channel 4 have all wasted my time this week with this. I know it happened. We all do. We can think about it, or pay tribute any day we want. One of the guys on football focus last week said "it makes playing football seem so insignificant on a day like this". What? A day like this? You mean a Saturday? WTF? It's a horrible way to die but, why does no one critisise the fans at the back pushing to get in, and therefore making the police panic, and open the gates? People die everyday. How many soldiers died in WW2? How many people care? How many people died at Hillsborough? We ALL have to care. Total pish. There is so much imbalance in the world. Chalres Intadje has done Fuk all wrong there but, because everyone is $hiting themselves incase they are accused of not doing the right thing, the club have to act. This is the same reason every media organisation has paid a tribute this week. What about the Juve fans at Hysel? Rangers fans at Ibrox? Ivory coast fans? My Uncle died in the Hillsborough disaster and although it happened before I was born and I never met him, I find both of your comments deeply offensive. The speech CaleyD is referring to their was by Culture minister Andy Burnham. It was interrupted as he forwarded the PM's promise not to forget the 96. The crowd reacted as that is really an empty promise given the 20-year fight for justice. Fortunately the Government has since ordered the release of all police files regarding Hillsborough, so the hope is something will finally be done about this. With regards to Itandje, if you can't be bothered to sit there and keep your f*****g mouth shut for 20 minutes to pay repsect to 96 innocent people who had their lives crushed out of them, then you don't deserve to have any association with Liverpool FC. It is absolutely beyond me how people are on here defending his actions at a MEMORIAL SERVICE. How can you defend someone laughing and dancing around with a grin whilst families all around you, mourning the deaths of a husband, a dad, a wife, a son, the people closest to them. He was a DISGRACE. "What? A day like this? You mean a Saturday?" - No. A day for remembering the ninety-six innocent people who died 20 years ago. That comment is extremely offensive. The 15th of April isn't just another day in the calendar for us. It might be easy to say "only" 96 people died that day, but each & every one of those 96 were people. They were individuals with families, loved ones. While the world might see one of them as just one of the 96, each one was to someone, their one. Their only husband, only son, only dad. You go and talk to their weeping families, and then tell me its just another day. Tell me then that 20 years on is "just a Saturday". Thats a disgraceful, offensive thing to say. "Total pish." - You are a poor excuse for a human being. Wrong, wrong and, er, wrong. You are letting personal emotion to get in the way of your writing. You can only really be offended, or not. Being extremely offended is the same as being offended, you can't get different degrees of it. I'm not a poor excuse of a human being, just not the human you think I should be. What Caley D said was correct, the guy has no connection to the Hillsborough disaster. Absolutely none what so ever. He did next to nothing wrong but, because it's Hillsborough, everyone feels like the better make a fuss of it because, everyone is $hit scared of not being seen to do the right thing. The government has done nothing for 20 years, but Andy Burnham has not been in the government for 20 years. This government has not been in power for 20 years so why booo him? Ah, I know, because it's the hillsborough anniversary, so we can treat people how we want, and say whatever we want about people (see above) and it's fine, because the media will back us up because everyone is so $hit scared of not doing the right thing. Why does the Hillsborough disaster get so much attention every year? Reactions like yours are probably half the reason, everyone must be seen to do the right thing. There are many incidents involving huge loss of life happening all over the world, everyday, and all are equaly important. Anyone thats wants to mourn these, does so in their own way, without forcing the rest of us to watch it. It was just a Sataurday to me, thats the truth. All I wanted to do was watch football, and I refuse to fake any emotion, when I felt no more than I do every other time I hear of bad things happening to others. Please dont attempt to launch personal attacks on people, its not what discussion is about and it can discredit the point you are trying to make.
  15. Sunderland and Norwich have been used already but, in the words of Redman and Method Man, Whateva Man..... Dynamo Kiev
  16. According to Dougie's head, it was ?3 million..... Your right, it is hard to get a figure because it's rarely just a lump sum in exchange of the player. On wiki, whoever is writing the page should have to show the source of info for the transfer fees as well. Anyhoo, I doubt Hearts, or anyone will be taking him but, the cash for him could go someway to buying three or four other players.
  17. Think it was more like ?50 - 60k. According to Wiki ?35 thousand....
  18. I think a few players are thinking long and hard about staying, Morais, Kerr, Foran, Imrie.. Thinking long and hard means waiting to see who come in for them. Poor Dougie though, no one else wants him, not even Rangers.
  19. He doesn't put a shift in at all, and that's hard to take. If he starts scoring though, then no-one really cares how much work he puts in. Even though Darren Bent went through a dry spell for Spurs, you could still see he was trying but, Barrowload doesn't seem to care. Like I said though, goals will get rid of any concerns about effort.
  20. Italy v N.Ireland on the bbc website. Try not to dislike Sanchez, really hard.
  21. Do you not get the feeling that every year it's gonna be the same? Injury scares and glorious defeat. I wish he would win it but such is the pressure, I don't know if he can deal with it.
  22. Tell me about it. You could try watching the NBA highlights, or the cricket world cup but, it ain't the same. They need to make wimbledon last the entire close season......
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