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Everything posted by TheKnowledge

  1. I'm up for that. Do we only get enough for one player?
  2. No I think we will finsh top six next year - I've been hopeful of this for a number of seasons. I'm not sure if Butcher and Malpas will be able to do it - that is if they're there. Yeah, hopefully that top six finish we all want badly is coming soon.
  3. Renegade posts = :spam01: :D Sorry, forgot about the house rules.
  4. :P :015: :015: That's pretty rich Alex.... Coming from the only supporter that wanted Brewster to remain as manager! Butcher bash all you want, there are very few people who seem willing to.
  5. It's probably only a matter of time before renegade suggests Tokley.....
  6. It would look a bit gay unless the stadium was full.......
  7. Thats another good point as well. Just wished we had kept our bottle.
  8. I feel a moderator telling of coming because everything I find funny, is against the rules of this site.
  9. IF we do go back up, only a moderate reduction in prices would be necessary as we would be horsing everyone that came near the dump.
  10. This was the game that ultimately cost us. We could have pretty much relegated Falkirk that day - had we won we would have been 10 points, I think, clear. Even a draw would have done, which was the problem. We went for the draw, and got turned over. Losing 4 goals was ridiculous. We had two big games against Falkirk to seal survival. We needed 1 point from 6 and couldn't even manage that. We bottled it big time. Here, now you say it. ARRRRGHHRGRHH. we deserved to go down big time!! Im worried that we still have the same management team that oversaw that at Falkirk. Disgraceful. We should have been safe ages ago. Lost the last 2 games as well. We were ****, regardless of how many points we finished with.
  11. 1-0 at Ibrox and then going to my local after which is a total tim hive and everyone congratulating me as if I had won the game myself.
  12. Keep it in context though. For a footballer, with as much potential as Vigurs, ?350 is not enough. He obviously felt the club could offer more and, before we got relegated, I would have to agree. For a 19 year old builder then, it is enough, but he's a footballer.
  13. Would ICT maybe make Foran the highest paid to keep him? Butcher does seem to love him as he has played every game since he came. I dont think he's even been subbed off, has he? Ritchie, if you read this, i'll get your name on my shirt next season if you stay. Now that is a promise.
  14. Gutted about Vigurs and Pavels but delighted that they think Foran might stay.
  15. TheKnowledge

    Sorry Ict

    Although I wasn't at the Scottish Cup game, the Falkirk fans appeared to be making noise totally disproportionate to the number there. Really good supporters.
  16. He never said he wasn't good enough, thats not the reason for his departure. Reason is they simply did not get on, other factors too but that is the main reason. Brewster came out and said that Donald Park simply wasn't good looking enough and had to go. I agree as well.
  17. True. Id also love it if we had the same support as Boca Juniors, doesn't mean I don't think they are all knife carrying illiterate little tinks. :( Newcastle do have a good support. They need this reality check though.
  18. Very good point there. I've paid for it twice as well, at home and online.
  19. The average Newcastle fan comes across as a fool. By the average fan I mean, the topless pot bellied guys they interview on skysports news. How come these guys are always hanging about the stadium anyway? Anyhoo, I feel sorry for the silent majority that viewed Shearer as the last in a long line of desperate moves. However, it's the guys that call themselves the toon army, and regularly do their best to make St James Park look like a health education clinic, that I don't feel for.
  20. I agree with you there. It's a tough division to get out of and I think we'll be there for a while. I hope I'm wrong. With out a doubt. Look how many teams were fighting near the end of it to finish top and there was alot of goals aswel Our defense, whom all of apart from Pavels I expect to stay, will be the best in division 1. If Barrowload can do what he's supposed to, I reckon we will be challengers straight away next season.
  21. I regret anytime i've ever said anything positive about, or cheered Dougie 'have you ever seen a person whos ego is more out of sync with their ability' Imrie. I hear Herats want you. Keep injury free and 'win' yourself a move there. Thanks.
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