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Everything posted by TheKnowledge

  1. Kris Boyd. Part of me says he should never play again after what he did but he is the most natural goalscorer we have had in years. Thats what we lack and everyone in the country knows he would have put those chances away. you cant not pick him 100 times no! Boyd should be left out forever. You shouldn't be allowed to pick and choose when your going to play for your country as it makes a mockery of the rest of players. A bit like Larsson and Giggs, except they were good enough to get away with it. Keep George Burley, please! If not, our next campaign will be another of the players and management getting to know each other. People say get rid of Miller but, we don't have anyone available that is any better, or as experienced. People say get rid of George Burley. Who comes in instead? Levein? What happens if he doesn't qualify for the Euros? Sack him, and then who? What does need to change though is leaving it to the last game, against the best team. In the last campaign, it was the Gerogia game that cost us, and this time the Macedonia game. I don't think much could have been done about Norway because they have better players than us, and we had bad luck against them. Roll on September 2010
  2. How can he score if he isnt playing?? :D True dat
  3. 3-2 to us, Zadi to score all the goals
  4. We will probably win the second two.
  5. Someone has surely met one of the Gladiators?
  6. I thought it was only 2 young pished guys at half time at Hamilton. The guys he was eyeballing. I thought it was a section of the crowd but, how many people constitute a section? Probably was only a couple of guys.........
  7. My mate got a video as well. I'll try post it.
  8. We defo did have a cent mid called David Macrae, who was a good passer, and ended up at Nairn County.
  9. I believe theres a queue............... Did anyone see Barrowman's reaction to scoring his penalty yesterday? He doesn't like us very much. I wonder if this feeling is spreading round the team? Some of the abuse that was being dished out at the county game was pretty bad. This probably got to Munro. Also, the morons that were giving Blackie dogs abuse at Hamilton, you were all pretty quiet when he was actually sitting amongst us yesterday. It's good to see that he doesn't hold it against us.........
  10. I met Tad from neighbors in a hostel in Belfast. ****. Graham Roberts in Miso in Glasgow. **** Billy Dodds at an Inverness Youth League award ceremony. Well sound Bob Geldof at Caley Park. I served him a pie and didn't know who he was. Nice guy Charlie from casualty in Marks and Spencers. I packed his shopping bag for him, and he donated money towards our scout trip. Well sound Paul Sheerin came down to do some coaching at the Astro pitch in Inverness. Well sound Duncan Shearer, as above. Twatish Robert Pritz gave me a row for being greedy with the ball. Fair point. Sound. Steve Paterson in the roller bowl toilets. He was very chatty. Nice guy. All of Jurassic 5, for some weird reason, on more than one occasion. Super sound. Gary Lightbody in King tuts. Nice guy Billy Boyd. He's in my work all the time. sound Edith Bowman and the singer from the Editors in Sleezys in Glasgow. Nice people. Keith Wood several times. As sound as they come. Bobby Charlton at culloden Academy. Stephen Fry at an air show at either Inverness or Aviemore. Nick Olivera outside the Garage in glasgow. He was smacking a pay phone of a phone box. Sound, but hot headed......... chris akabusi at the running track in inverness.
  11. In my head, SP was the best, JR was next, followed by CC, and then CB (first time round). I can't really remember SB's team but, I do remember not really enjoying being at Telford Street much when he was in charge. Don't know if that was the football, or because I was10 ish. TB hasn't had enough time but, I still expect a close title fight this season so he will probably end up being quite liked..... CB second time round hopefully will never have anything to compare with. Hopefully a one off!
  12. Your too intelligent to be on here. Well said.
  13. I will be there, booing LDZ. Don't forget your rocks and glass bottles aswell lad. Strange comment. What would they be for then?
  14. Ha ha! I laughed out loud at that one!
  15. I remember reading about this one in total football when I was younger and thinking that they must have been exaggerating! It's absolutely astonishing that West Germany got a goal kick for that. Schumacher's hair, combined with that tackle makes him evil.
  16. Apparently the player who dished it out, Witsel, hasn't apologised.
  17. Thank you Alex, that worked. I am simple.
  18. Zadi and Butcher have made me forget my user name for Born sports, the company that sell our merch online. I know how to get the password reset but, I don't know how to get my user name sent to me again. Can anyone help me please?
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