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Everything posted by Kingsmills

  1. I suppose a Col Donaldson own goal is too much to ask for when we play our postponed game against the Pars...
  2. I agree. In the circumstances, a point was a decent result and hopefully when we next play we will be in a stronger and much more normal position. For what it's worth, my guess is that restrictions will be eased when they are reviewed in two weeks time with crowds perhaps increased to half capacity.
  3. However, they are not and we remain firmly in the mix. If you had asked me at the start of the season whether I would be content with ending the first game of 2022 in second place just 3 points adrift I would have happily taken it. All still to play for.
  4. Dire but at least we didn't lose. Today's saving grace is the fact that Raith Rovers failed to win the Fife derby but we can't rely on others in the top five to continue to drop points. Somehow or other, we need to find a way to win again and we undoubtedly need to strengthen in the window if the finances can be found.
  5. HT; Arbroath 1, ICT FT; Arbroath 1, ICT 2 ICT; Sutherland Arbroath; McKenna First yellow; Dowds
  6. I was rather dismissive about our opening day victory at Gayfield describing it as nothing very special. I was wrong and only hope now we can repeat that feat.
  7. It's rare that our season could be defined by a match at Gayfield but this is one such occasion. A repeat of the scoreline in the first game of the season would be most welcome.
  8. I agree. The ballot system is the most fair bit if 200 out of 500 allocated don't show up then the club's move is a sensible one. With any luck, we will not be under these restrictions for too long.
  9. Even if he would it is a bit of guile and experience we need at this stage of the season whether on loan or a short term contract.
  10. Kilmarnock dropping points at home to Morton is a real bonus for us. All to play for when we get back on the pitch and nobody now can discount Arbroath as genuine title contenders or assuming, as I confess I have been, that they are likely to fall away.
  11. Given that the team would already be on their way and there are no fans to inconvenience, unless the pitch is under a foot of water, surely they could have waited until the last minute to make a call on this.
  12. Welcome back Scarlet. Good to hear from you in chilly BC once again.
  13. HT; Dunfermline 0, ICT 1 FT; Dunfermline 1, ICT 2 ICT; Sutherland Dunfermline; O'Hara First Yellow; Carson.
  14. We have, so far this season, only taken one point out of a possible six from a Dunfermline team who are one of the worst in the division. That needs to change, if Arbroath can beat them 3-0 then surely we can also muster a win. Right now, I'd settle for a scrappy 0-1.
  15. I am sure that my mother spent much of the following year paying the bike up on our next door neighbour's 'clubby book' For younger viewers, very much the forerunner of the Argos catalogue with the ability to have sneaky look at the women's underwear pages whilst ostensibly purusing the toys.
  16. I suppose the answer to this will almost certainly vary according to your age and possibly gender but what was your favourite Christmas present ? Mine was, without doubt, the Raleigh Chopper left by Santa in 1973. Although, the Subuteo set the year after with four stands and working floodlights and Action Man with both tank and helicopter the year before both rank highly.
  17. Actually, whilst I left the Old Spice to my father and Henry Cooper, my teenage self was, in the late 70s, delighted to find a bottle of Hai Karate in my Christmas stocking. I splashed it on liberally but it never had the effect depicted in the adverts. However, as I recall, it did give me an irritating rash.
  18. It compliments my Old Spice beautifully...
  19. As a 'festive gesture' does anyone want to purchase from me some excess socks, two garish ties and a bottle of wine that could be pressed into service as paint stripper ?
  20. I confess, given the title you gave the thread, that I was expecting you to gift it rathrr than sell it.
  21. A kind and generous offer that I am sure someone will take you up on.
  22. It was intended to be a light hearted comment rather than yet another debate on the merits of our former manager. As you allude to, it's well known that I am one of those who have mixed views about Mr Hughes to whom, despite those mixed views, I have always given credit for managing the team to the League Cup final, which we did not deserve to lose and then to our ultimate triumph in the Scottish Cup the following season.
  23. I hear that the new Pars manager is a bit of a cup specialist. Doesn't always do so well when clubs struggle in the league.
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