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Everything posted by Kingsmills

  1. With Arbroath winning well and Kilmarnock hanging on for victory, not the best non playing day for us. We are still in the race but we have to be on our best form, with no room for slip ups, from the off when we return to action.
  2. A football free Boxing Day. Cold turkey and Netflix it is I suppose.
  3. Merry Christmas to the whole ICT family. Despite the absence of football and the presence of omicom, I hooe you all have a wonderful time
  4. On the other hand, if we get it right we could be back on top of the league.
  5. An interesting point of view. However, on balance, I think I prefer to take the advice of the experienced public health experts.
  6. Have the SPFL approved the postponement or are we at risk of forfeiting the points ? The club statement, as is often the nature of statements from our club, doesn't make this clear.
  7. I have faith in people generally and am sure that the vast majority of people, including the great majority of ICT fans, will be honest and not put others at risk.
  8. England now seems to be the only country now in Western Europe that feels it unnecessary, or more likely finds it politically impossible, to bring in fresh precautions in the face of omicom. I have no sympathy for those in government at Westminster but sincerely hope this does not prove too much of a disaster for the population.
  9. If they do allow 500 fans, I hooe that, given the current surge, they insist on a negative LFT on the day of the match even though that is not a legal requirement. Better to keep everyone aa safe as possible. The Premiership have brought forward their Winter break which, by the standards of Scottish football, seems very sensible. If there are to be any postponements further down the chain then being out of all cup competitions might be to our advantage if there is a fixture backlog.
  10. Despite today's unwelcome, if not unexpected, news, I would doubt very much if this will mark the end of the season. We just need a bit of a 'circuit breaker' to get more folk vaccinated and boosted and for more data on omicron.
  11. Today's news may put a bit a of a damper on any last minute pre Christmas sales.
  12. Looks like crowds to be limited to 500. Back to the ballot.
  13. After initially flattering to deceive, I think it is well established by now that he does not have the ability to be a threat at this level. He may well prosper in League 1 or League 2 and if we can find a lower league club willing to take him on loan and pay a proportion of his wages we should do just that.
  14. An Inverness lad, still only 30. Could definitely be a good addition to the squad, at least until the end of the season, if he fancied coming home.
  15. Kilmarnock will now almost certainly appoint a more competent manager, they will almost certainly spend to recruit in the transfer window and will almost certainly improve as a result. Yesterday was a perfect opportunity to create a buffer between us and them and we completely blew it. Very frustrating indeed and potentially extremely damaging.
  16. Enormous credit has to go to the unfashionable Dick Campbell for coaching the only part time team, with the smallest budget in the division, to top spot at the half way stage. They would never implode in the manner we did for the last 15 minutes today.
  17. I confess that the doubts I had about Billy Dodds when he was first appointed are raising their heads again.
  18. I am sick fed up of watching the same thing and posting the same thing. The number of points we have squandered from winning positions this season is a disgrace for professional athletes and coaches and is increasingly likely to cost us promotion. I have watched good ICT teams over the years, sometimes very good, I have watched poor ICT teams sometimes extremely poor, are you listening Mr Foran ? However, I have never ever witnessed a team so inconsistent so that you never know what sort of performance you are going to get, not just from one match to the next but from one minute to the next. Get it sorted Billy and soon. I don't relish the prospect of spending next season in the same division as Cove Rangers!
  19. Precisly the distance I hope that Mark Ridgers views the bulk of the action from.
  20. Every single country in Europe has borrowed at historically low interest rates to fund Covid support measures with the exception of Norway, a country of about five million people which was fortunate enough to discover substantial reserves of oil and gas in it's territorial sector of the North Sea in the late 1960s, does that sound familiar? Instead of having to borrow, Norway was able to draw on it's €600,000,000,000 oil fund which, as a small independent nation it was able to build up over the decades of explotatation of it's resources. For what it's worth, I agree with you that the relaxed attitude of many business owners and managers in the hospitality sector to what remains a major public health issue has been very disappointing and that a heavier hand should have been taken with enforcement. Personally, I deal with the issue by taking my custom to the many businesses who do take the matter seriously.
  21. Our last performance against Hamilton where we couldn't even salvage a point despite playing most of the match against ten men was possibly our worst of the season. We are better than Accies, the league table does not lie at this stage of the season, and should continue our latest winning run but we will have to play a great deal better than we did at New Douglas Park to do so but what an incentive to go into the big Boxing Day fixture still leading the league.
  22. HT; ICT 1, Hamilton 0 FT; ICT 2, Hamilton 1 ICT; Sutherland Hamilton; Ryan Crowd; 2,091
  23. The Scottish government has a fixed budget and very limited borrowing powes. An independent Scotland wouod be able to borrow to fund appreciate compensation for the hospitality industry just as the UK government should do but probably now won't as Boris Johnston has lost control of his ideologically libertarian, Covid denying back benchers. The continued wearing of face coverings in public indoor settings is surely a very modest imposition to continue to protect the most vulnerable from this infuriating virus.
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