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Everything posted by Kingsmills

  1. You didn't miss much. Probably the most overrated band in history.
  2. Although, as an Elgin player, there is almost always scope for making money by betting against your own team ! More seriously, if it is established that that is what was going on we might not be seeing much more of Shane this season.
  3. I wish I could give you two 'green dots' one for each sentence.
  4. Patrick's late equaliser is a real bonus for us. However, it's essential that we fully capitalise on it by taking maximum points tomorrow.
  5. Looks like there might have been almost as many bets placed ar Borough Briggs as there were parties in Downing Street.
  6. HT; ICT 1 QOS 0 FT, ICT 2 QOS 0 ICT; Billy Mac QOS; Nditi
  7. Must win game is, especially for us this season, a grossly overused cliche. However, this game comes very close. Our record against the bottom five has been very poor this season and significantly worse than any of our promotion rivals. That just has to change preferably starting tomorrow.
  8. On reflection, I apologise for my initial knee jerk response. For all I know, Shane could be one of the many thousands who have a gambling addiction. According, I withdraw what I said previously and, if that is the case, I hope that this very public exposure is a route to whatever therapy or counselling may be required.
  9. If proved then he is an idiot. The rules are well known and, as far as I understand it, all SPFL players are reminded of them at least annually.
  10. Kilmarnock have further strengthened by signing former Aberdeen defender Ash Taylor. A player well known to Derek Mcinnes and who I suspect will do very well indeed at Championship level. Worrying that the team that are probably our main promotion rivals have done such impressive business so early in the window, especially if the rumours about Lafferty prove to be true. We really need to recruit now if we are not to be left in their wake.
  11. Although, most of us hope that Deas moves on to the Premiership at the end of the season whilst remaining in Inverness.
  12. A real test of the genuine ambition of the board to gain promotion to the Premiership. If they let Deas go at this crucial stage in the season I can only conclude that they have none.
  13. Also already being discussed in two other threads.
  14. Not so much a lack of ambition as a lack of funds probably. However, I do think the failure to find those funds, one way or another, was a short sighted mistake. We are probably talking about a modest five figure sum whereas the difference between being in the Championship or Premiership next season will run well into seven figures.
  15. I hope that that fridge is well stocked with wine and cheese, apparently essential work materials in Downing Street, so that the PM can get some work done whilst he self isolates himself from reality.
  16. Disappointed to read that Daniel McKay has signed for Kilmarnock on loan until the end of the season. I know that we did make enquiries about doing the same thing but assume that Kilmarnock were able to pay his full wages and possibly a loan fee on top whereas we were not. I was hoping to land him and this is without doubt a boost for our main promotion rivals and a blow for us. Vital now that we can find our own talented and creative loanee to bolster our promotion prospects.
  17. Maybe, like me, he bought a watch from the open air market they used to hold in Inverness in the early seventies. Three quid it cost and I was robbed.
  18. The Tunisia v Mali game certainly had an intriguing conclusion or three.
  19. There have been few UK prime ministers in my lifetime that I have had much regard for and one in particular who's views and policies I found utterly abhorrent. However, I am in no doubt that each and every one of them, perhaps most particularly the hated Margaret Thatcher, would have tried to set an example by following their own laws in the midst of a public health crisis or, at the very least, had they not, would have the decency and integrity to SINCERELY apologise and to resign. Boris Johnston is not fit for any position of leadership having, for decades, in his personal, professional, or political life an utter disregard for truth, probity and common decency believing that anything that furthers the lusts, desires and ambitions of Boris Johnston is acceptable if he can somehow lie obsfuscate his way out of or around it. Now, he seems to have gone to far even for some of those who have, for reasons known only to themselves, supported, or at least tolerated, him in the past.
  20. Perhaps the most surprising aspect of Boris Johnston's performance at PMQs today is that someone who has lied for so long and so consistently remains so poor at it. I am sure most 8 year olds, given time to think about it, could have come up with something more plausible.
  21. Agreed. I would be surprised and very disappointed if there were not new recruits about to come in. That said, I would much rather that they arrived in the next week to ten days rather than gambling and waiting until the window is about to close.
  22. Excellent. I hope the 500 witness a positive performance from the first whistle and a victory.
  23. We have been practicing social distancing down the Longman for years !
  24. Let's hope this is the last home game we ever play where the crowd has to be restricted for public health reasons.
  25. So far, we have been fortunate in that every other member of the top five has been as poor and unpredictable as we have been. That will, almost certainly, not continue to be the case so we must improve if we are not going to fall away from the pack. The frustrating thing is that, on our day, we are as capable as anyone. We desperately need more of those days and soon.
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