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Everything posted by Kingsmills

  1. I must be thinking of another rare defeat for the Jags at Telford Street.
  2. If that's the same match that I remember, or to be more accurate trying to forget, was it not a good couple of seasons before the merger ?
  3. It may not be cool to admit it but I quite liked queen. I so them live two or three times and, while you can be critical of the qulity of the music, Freddy Mercury was a great vocalist and the theatrical experience was second to none.
  4. Only teachers would feel obliged to comment !
  5. To be fair the "half Dozen" problem may be a matter of canadian use of english. I remember once being asked by a canadian customs officer how long I was visiting for and I replied a fortnight. He loked blank as I twice repeated myself and was only content once I'd changed my response to two weeks.
  6. Hard to beat Fawlty Towers, stillfunny after 30 years and endless repeats.
  7. Sorry, were the spice girls the 90s, at my age one decade begins to merge with another !
  8. I suspect thatthe makersof Hector's house were under the influence of the same substance which clearly influenced the makers of the Banana Splits.
  9. I have to demur, tattie pies are ruined by the addition of beans.
  10. Funnily enough I've had a very similar conversation.
  11. Any of the assembly line boy or girl bands of the 1980s with the Spice Girls possibly the worst example of the genre.
  12. Is that not what we're talking about, Nairn County ?
  13. I like the current away strip. My least favourite, apart from the Caley strip we played in at the very outset, was the one that resembled a cross between the Rangers strip and the England cricket team one day outfit.
  14. So would I. It must be nearly twenty years since I was last at Station Park.
  15. Sad to hear about the demise of Morrisons their tattie pies were so much better than Burnetts.
  16. Dactari and My Favourite Martian. The Phil Silvers Show upon which Top Cat was based.
  17. I believe that they cook hedgehog in Dingwall in a very similar manner
  18. A reasonable draw with a good opportunity to reach the quarter finals after which anything is possible especially if we can rediscover a bit of form. Can't complain about being drawn at home again.
  19. Neither the SFA or the SPL have the power to ban a player guilty of bing in possession of a recreational drug, assuming that there might be a plea or finding of guilt. They would only be able to impose a sanction if there was evidence of use which there will not be whatever the outcome of this particular case.
  20. I have, not all that long ago, gone to work with one black shoe and one brown one.
  21. Possibly the most unpleasant thing I've eaten, or to be more accurate, failed to eat, is jellied eels from a traditional London pie and mash shop. The eels themselves are bad enogh but the slimey green "liquour" they are served in is just vile.
  22. Ostrich is also nice. If properly cooked it's not unlike fillet steak.
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