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dougal last won the day on February 25 2024

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  1. Phew there is a God Dougal
  2. Fresh moderation might be a positive hopefully just like administration will be for the club. I long for the day when posters don’t get unjust thread bans especially considering its probably the most important thread in CTO history. Dougal
  3. I sadly agree with you the resemblance to the route the old Rangers took and the route we took is uncanny. The rise to the SPL, European football and Scottish Cup win will now always be overshadowed by overspending and mismanagement some might even go as far and call it cheating. Regardless what it is there is a horrible taste left in the mouth. Dougal
  4. Duke I’ve green dotted you for this as I couldn’t green dot you regarding the point you made about egos in the admin thread. Couldn’t have made the point better myself unfortunately that opportunity was taken away from me due to being banned from the thread from the establishment with no reason. Seems Ego’s clearly exist on here too. Dougal
  5. Halcyon days indeed and sadly highlights perfectly the level ICT have fallen too. Also quite alarmingly noticeable is that the terracing festooned in Union Jacks. Dougal
  6. Yesterdays shocking attendance probably wasn’t helped by the North of Scotland Cup final in Nairn. I saw plenty of faces there that normally frequent the Dump. For anyone interested Clach were well pumped by a strong looking Brora outfit. Very healthy attendance with the majority born and bred Invernessians. Hats of to the young ICT players though can’t have been easy putting on what sounds a decent display under the current circumstances and also Duncan Ferguson to be honest as it would have been very easy to throw the towel in. Dougal
  7. I 100% it is most definitely morally wrong but this club was formed on immoral principles I just can’t see a sudden about turn and change in direction can you ? There are many to blame for this shambles not just the present or outgoing board. I saw this day coming a long time ago if I’m being honest Dougal
  8. Always amuses me when you appear it coincidentally goes with United going well. Angry wee man Davie just like your hero Dougal
  9. Not personal abuse merely an observation so calm down girls. My take is we should just accept administration which is inevitable liquidation may well follow. If I’m totally honest I actually applaud Bannerman for not contributing to the go fund me account no one in their right mind would plough money into the club at the moment if the debt figures being flouted are correct. Sobering thought but that same money could fall into the hands of Gardiner or Ferguson or for any else that is owed money it’s certainly not going to save the club. The Inverness business community won’t touch us with a barge pole at present and a large swathe of the city population don’t want anything to do with us. Start again and regroup regardless at what level that is with a possibility of a rebranding to Inverness United/City or simply InvernessFc. The ICT brand is damaged beyond all repair whether we like it or not. The Go fund me debacle should have been set up for funds after administration so the new club in whatever form had something to build on. Dougal
  10. No sign of a donation from Bannerman No surprise there then Surely he could gather a few quid from his beloved social club or the blue and red phone box down the Longman Dougal
  11. Absolute devastated to be reading this I’m in total shock. Johndo will be sadly missed by the entire ICT family a huge miss at games and on CTO it just won’t be the same without him. My heart and condolences go out to all his family and friends . RIP my friend Dougal
  12. Well there we go that just highlights how out of touch the so called local media are then. Dougal
  13. So you can’t wear colours or any regalia from other clubs but what if you are covered from head to toe in other clubs tattoos? Maybe it’s something the stewards need to start checking for? Dougal
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