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Everything posted by Laurence

  1. Sorry because of bad spelling somewhat a product of a poor education I sometimes do cut and paste In a former life I tended to rely on a very good secretary
  2. Hi Ender You know probably more than most others the standard of non league football in England is very good as your team Chorley have shown us You could say that if Chorley were playing north of the border they would probably be too good for league 1 But you may know different I say again I just feel for long suffering football supporters like Montrose who nobody seems to care about. In the league formerly called the Conference there are a lot of teams, who for many years graced the higher divisions, I would be gutted if I supported a team like Grimsby or Lincoln City. All with good support and important histories. But in Scotland the league to which there is a possibility Montrose will enter is not much better than the Sunday league outfits we all played for in our teens. Of course you are right. Even the upper echelons of Scottish football are on a par with English pub teams and I wouldn't fancy ICT's chances against the Dog and Duck at Penkridge over two legs. I blame those naive, unintelligent xenophobic separatists Grow up Kingsmill
  3. AS long as Bury FC don't join them I don't care Mind you when I see your Mrs I will spill the beans on your betrayal of her home town,. of course if she is an R L fan I will be a fellow supporter , with great memories of the great Billy Boston
  4. What happens in England that will determine the government
  5. At the end of the day British General Elections are between the Red and the Blue. Between the two main parties over 25million people will vote. The rest between them will be lucky to top 4 million Why should the 4 million tail wag the 25 million dog So much for democracy
  6. I really enjoyed Ed's goal against Aberdeen, you don't often see a player score lying down Brilliant effort.
  7. No problem with the price maybe concessions should be more as an OAP myself I don't need charity. I am perfectly capable of paying my way
  8. Hi Ender You know probably more than most others the standard of non league football in England is very good as your team Chorley have shown us You could say that if Chorley were playing north of the border they would probably be too good for league 1 But you may know different I say again I just feel for long suffering football supporters like Montrose who nobody seems to care about. In the league formerly called the Conference there are a lot of teams, who for many years graced the higher divisions, I would be gutted if I supported a team like Grimsby or Lincoln City. All with good support and important histories. But in Scotland the league to which there is a possibility Montrose will enter is not much better than the Sunday league outfits we all played for in our teens.
  9. I think you missed my point guys I was saying I feel for the fans, no more no less
  10. This must be the only fan forum that trolls from within. I don't really know why you are trying to set up an argument - Calling me a troll is itself a troll I presume a troll is someone who starts an argument for the sake of it. All I did is post my perception of the game if you are too minded that every thing is rosy in the ICT garden that is your perception and you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine I have more to worry about than your self obsessed perception , I have been worrying about my wife's sister who has been in Nepal for six weeks. Anyway now I feel better to learn she has landed safely in Manchester this morning So think about it, would somebody as worried as I was be bother to do aimless trolls
  11. As the only Labour supporter on this forum I think Ed is perfectly right Give the Nats Nowt is what I say
  12. With an earlier version of the game - played Rangers in league two. I won the championship for the next 4 seasons the only matches I lost were to Celtic, When in the lower leagues in the cup, and also when I got to the Premiership , For some reason I just could not beat Celtic
  13. I always seem to do quite well I usually start with Turkish 3rd Div team pendic My intention is to become Fenerbahçe manager, or manager of the Turkish National team. But I usually get a job in England with somebody like Fulham; where I make my name for a big move - hopefully back to Turkey. When I eventually get Manager of Man U I give up and start again. I start again I always try to get Fabian Brandy ( striker) as soon as I can; not rated by the writers of the software but use him well don't upset him, use his speed and he will get 20 goals a season at any level. You use him as far advanced as you can, tell him to be greedy and run at defences. I confess I do reload after a bad result caused by the other side getting penalties and me getting players sent off. I don't like to reload because you only cheat yourself. If I take my time and careful and work out my tactics I am OK. But if I rush it, things go wrong. I have been sacked like John Hughes I got sacked at Hartlepool United. I have played the game now for over 20 years started when it was on floppy disc My recent game playing has now changed to Front Office Football Seven which you become head of an American Football team - You can get it through "steam" the object is to win the Super Bowl - A few names have been changed for copyright reasons , but is a great learning curve for American Football fanatics like me.
  14. My view of the match was The Good - started well made loads of chances The Bad - Missed several goals should have had 4 before half time The Ugly - Finished with poor passing , lack of composure , They made Aberdeen look like there were 14 players in red shirts and against only 10 in blue. Total shambles at the end, quite frankly didn't look fit.
  15. Does all his mean the badge of my boyhood team is in Jepody Bury Football club Background Today Bury are a modest club, struggling to survive in the Manchester metropolitan area against competition from big city clubs but once they were among the aristocrats of Lancashire football. Formed in 1885 at a public meeting in the White Horse Hotel in the centre of the town, the club rose to local prominence very quickly. Passed over when the Football League was formed, Bury became founder members of the Lancashire League in 1889. Before a Lancashire Senior Cup match against Everton, the club chairman JT Ingham announced, "We'll give 'em a shakin'. In fact, we are the Shakers." This has remained the club's nickname to this day. They started out wearing chocolate and light blue shirts but in 1888, plain white shirts were adopted. A team photograph taken in 1889 reveals that a crest was worn, apparently a version of the town's coat of arms. In 1894 Bury successfully applied for a place in the expanded Football League Second Division. After winning all 15 of their home games, they won a test match against Liverpool, who had finished bottom of Division One, to secure promotion in their first season in the League. In 1900 the Shakers won the FA Cup, beating Southern League Southampton 4-0 at Crystal Palace. In 1903, they won the cup again, beating Derby County by 6-0, still a record score for a final. In 1912, Bury were relegated and spent the next 12 years in Division Two. Immediately after the First World War, the club was unable to get hold of their traditional white shirts so turned out in red and white hoops for a couple of seasons. Promoted in 1924, they remained for five seasons in Division One, finishing in in fourth place in 1926, before dropping back into the Second Division and they have never returned to the top flight since. For the next twenty-six years, the Shakers stayed in Division Two, generally in or below mid-table. The town crest appeared again between 1952 and 1955 against a shield. In 1957 Bury were relegated to Division Three (North) where they played for a single season. The crest reappeared the following season, now without a shield, and was used for the next ten years. When the regional divisions were scrapped in 1958, the club were placed in the new national Division Three. In 1961, Bury were promoted as champions and remained in the Second division for the next six years. With more clubs now promoted and relegated each season, Bury went up and down with bewildering frequency. Relegated to Division Three in 1967, they were back after only one season only to suffer relegation again immediately and in 1971 they dropped into the Fourth Division. Between 1967 and 1973 Bury's shirts did not carry a crest and then, for the 1973-74 season a rather curious badge was adopted, consisting of a single star underneath the legend, "Bury FC." This was replaced the following season with the distinctive "V" design that proved both popular and recognisable, surviving until 1982. 1974 brought promotion back to the Third but six years later they were back in the basement. The V crest was dropped and "BFC" was embroidered onto the shirts in cursive script between 1982 and 1986 when the old town crest was revived. The pattern of promotion and relegation continued with Bury moving between the lowest two division until successive promotions in 1996 and 1997 took them up to Nationwide Division One (the old Second Division). In 1999 Bury slipped back down to the third tier on goal difference and by 2002 they had dropped into the lowest division where they faced a constant struggle to survive, selling on promising players at the expense of building long-term success. To mark their 125th anniversary in 2009-10, Bury adopted a home kit based on their original strip from 1885 alongside a change strip based on that from 1892-93. The specially designed crest combined the traditional coat of arms with the iconic V design from the Seventies. The two gold stars represent Bury's FA Cup wins from 1900 and 1903. The old crest was reinstated the following season with "Bury FC" embroidered underneath and in 2011, the two gold stars appeared again.
  16. I seem to remember Wigan Athletic in the Northern Premier league The future is bright is it not once you get into the higher leagues. Stockport County in your way though, at the next level
  17. No axe to grind here at all But when a well known quiet little club is threatened with relegation to obscurity you have to feel for their long suffering fans True the pyramid system is supposed to be for the good of football in Scotland. One of the teams likely to beat them does not really want league status. The other comes from a City which has enough league teams already I could see the outcry if one of Scotland's most famous clubs Queens Park had come bottom of League 2 Surely there is room in League 2 for Montrose and any other team good enough to compete at that level of football It's not as though throwing Montrose on the scrap heap is really necessary ***** Sorry I have just realised there is a thread covering this aspect lower down. Must apologise ******
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/32422311
  19. To be a fly on the wall of Hampden H Q would have been fun. My guess when comments and pressure from the outside world including FIFA started to pour in. The powers that be got mighty nervy. It is one thing to support your champions and biggest team it is another to be pressurised by the outside world. There are signs that the pressures on authority we see in the T V drama " Blacklist" probably had nothing compared to what happened behind the scenes at Hampden. A few years ago a senior rugby player referred to the officials of the English rugby union controlling body as a bunch of old farts. Beginning to ring true of the people at the top of Scottish football
  20. http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/celtic/318148-celtic-boss-ronny-deila-hopes-josh-meekings-can-play-in-scottish-cup-final/
  21. I agree with the above in its entirety I noticed in this mornings Times a statement from a FIFA official which may have helped The whole statement is not in the link because you have to take out a subscription http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/sport/football/scotland/article4419858.ece I mentioned earlier posts the ramifications of hearings like this but I am quite surprised that FIFA picked up on it so quickly, I wonder if it helped behind the scenes Below is another link I did not read in hard copy http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/other-football/fifa-referees-chief-criticises-sfa-decision-over-josh-meekings-204293n.123977581 I also read in the Times the following comment, so why did Celtic get involved? http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/celtic/318148-celtic-boss-ronny-deila-hopes-josh-meekings-can-play-in-scottish-cup-final/
  22. FIFA control international football they have no jurisdiction, then again, appealing to a body with no jurisdiction would be no more of a farce than the complaint being laid by the Compliance Officer in the first place... Somebody somewhere must oversee national associations to make sure hearings of this sort are consistent throughout the game. If not anything could happen with no right of appeal other than the civil courts For one thing is there not a rule about the restraint of trade. Will Meekings not have a case that his earnings are being affected by this potential ruling which he could argue is based on professional vindictiveness of a rival organisation. Americans recently had play off for the super bowl. Dallas had at least two decisions made for them. Which no one in the game could understand. They were blatantly wrong Detroit were plainly robbed. If you do not follow American football Dallas are known as America's team. Similar in stature to Celtic. Their opponents were Detroit who nobody cares about. This sort of thing happen in sport. As the Americans say " Nobody likes a sore loser " .http://uproxx.com/sports/2015/01/video-former-nfl-official-blasts-refs-from-detroit-dallas-game/
  23. If this is upheld ICT should complain To FIFA or whatever This is vindictive, but not that alone it will completely change the face of the game. Every single time a referee gets it wrong in future a complaint will be sent upstairs for review. It is a recipe for mayhem. We will be leaving grounds not knowing which players will be suspended should we or any other club have decisions or non decisions challenged. Some reviews may include I. e. " We feel that the throw in was a foul throw which led to the goal". "We feel that the goal keeper handled outside the box", The list of complaints may be endless . "Our player was in his own half when given offside", Once this starts where will it end. That is why FIFA must be consulted. I am sure somewhere in the Referees chart it states the Referee is in sole charge of the game and his decisions are final. PS We feel Maradonna scored with his hand
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