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Everything posted by bughtmaster

  1. Daily Ranger is that a comic? something that has replaced the wizard or the hotspur? from the 50's. Do you think my Grand Kids would enjoy it ? I've never read it myself and I'm scared it might not be acceptable reading for them.
  2. Well done again to all involved with our reborn club, excellent result and a clean sheet to start the new year. TogetherNess is paying of. Good luck for next week lads you are making us proud.
  3. H T: 2 - 1 F T: 4 - 2 ICT: Doran Dons: Hayes crowd: 4422
  4. Given a bit of time I am quite sure he will be, Everyone wants him to be that player again, I'm also sure none more so than himself. Good luck and haste ye back Chris.
  5. There are tried and tested league systems all over the world most to my knowledge are basically the same. Why do we have to try and invent something different ? If it aint broke dont try and fix it, try a system that is proven to work.
  6. Don't worry IHE, just take it easy now, be comfortable in your innermost thoughts, the winter break will soon be over and things will be back to normal. Have you enough medication to last you another week old chap or would you like me to have a word in your trickcyclist's ear, perhaps you are running out of tena again It's a stressful time for you i know but I am sure a man of your calbre can beat this, relax now relax, deep breaths. Have an early night and you will see things clearer in the morning. ...........Goodnight IHE, sleep well, we are all thinking about you.
  7. Are there any other wolves they can throw him to ?
  8. davie, I like your post there is a lot of positivity in there but one thing I am sure of is that not only do we have the right management in there but also players who are fighters.They have already proved their worth with some great comebacks from dire situations, they are of the same mould as Terry, no chance of them folding that easily. Terry though is the one who has the gift to channel their energies and spirit, he is the inspiration of the team and that is why, at this stage, he is so important to our maintaining the challenge and charge we are undertaking in the second half of the season. It is not often you come accross this combination of hungry players and hungry management, an equality of will to achieve. We are very privileged to have this within our setup and I too am going to relish the journey. Oddquinne forget your parochial thoughts of how the team is being formed what matters is, as you say in a later post the entity that is important. It is worth your appraising Scarlet's post, there now are words of the wisdom that come from age and experience and well worth digesting.
  9. Is the Fat Lady really singing or are these just bum notes through laryngitis ??? If true then, ooops just heard it is true, TB on for the longest ever reigning SPL manager and will get his knighthood eventually staying at ICT. Thanks Terry for justifying my faith in you, a modicum of doubt did creep in I must admit but that was down to the stupid negativity of some of the less enlightened posters who love to stir things up. Always did say that if you wear dark glasses when the rain comes on you are likely to make a slip and fall on your faces. Onwards in the league and cups, togetherNess is going to win.
  10. In other words the fat Lady is now coming on stage..........
  11. Patience lads and lasses patience, answers will be forthcoming shortly. Fortunately not all of us wanted Sir Terry sacked so where there is light there is hope and maybe he will comply with our togetherNess.
  12. When you are eagerly awaiting the restart of the season with a great feeling of anticipation.
  13. Don't fret - I will continue to act in a consultancy role and can take over if necessitated !!
  14. Alex, Alex,Alex Motherwell were unlucky not to get the draw today so now, as it stands, if, (and it is possible) we beat Celtic next time that will leave us six points behind them with the same number of games played. The Celtic support is already shaky, the team hasn't been performing all that well and their support knows that. The pressure is going to build on the team and and anything can happen, especially so if they are knocked out of their European sojourn. Celtic fans expect their Team to win every game, so does their manager, this is not going to happen, pressure is going to tell on a team that is imo over-rated and we are in for a very exciting second half to the season. That said I do not believe there will be any complacency in the ICT camp, I aggree wholeheartedly with the last paragraph of your post, the smell of success is there, and the lads will do their utmost to savour a really historic season. There is going to be a very strong challenge from all Teams from the seventh place up, possibly the most exciting race to the top ever envisaged in the SPL. Just enjoy what comes, give our lads your full support, and encouragement, relish it and let whatever happens last in your memory.
  15. OOOh dear a little bit too much negativity creeping in, get real, this team has surpassed your expectations, why start wearing the blinkers now? The ICT deserve every bit of praise given to them for the first half of the season they have not beeen negative they have fought like tigers and redeemed themselves on many occasions when they have slipped up, yes two thrashings but lessons were learned and came back all the stronger for it. How much more can you ask of a team on their performance to date. Virtually a new team playing like an established side and you moan, come off it , go and get yourselves some decent glasses, watch carefully the progress the manager and team are makeing and get behind them in a positive manner. Who knows you might even think of getting a rose tint in your lenses by the end of the season. Happy New Year all. . . . . remember the watchword is togetherNess.
  16. There's always a bright side, if the smelltic play tomorrow we will no longer have that game in hand hanging over us. I quite fancy a draw in that match which can only be good news.
  17. They are all hungover and still in their pits at Dingwall!!!!!!!!!
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