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Caley Mad In Berks

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Everything posted by Caley Mad In Berks

  1. Scotland narrowly failed to qualify for next year's cricket world cup today, when a combination of bad weather and a poor umpiring decision saw them lose to the once mighty West Indies by only 5 runs when heavy rain stopped play. I know the VAR system in football is getting a bad press right now, but its equivalent in cricket, the DRS system, has been used at the top level for years reasonably successfully. Unfortunately it was not being used in the world cup qualification tournament just coming to an end, and one of Scotland's best batsmen was on the rough end of a very poor lbw decision , which, had DRS been in use, would certainly have been overturned in Scotland's favour. On top of that, Scotland lost out when rain stopped play with about 14 overs left, when they needed 74 runs to win at little more than 5 an over, when the infamous Duckworth/Lewis method of deciding rain delayed matches came into force, indicating that Scotland were 5 runs below the 'par' score when rain washed out the match. Everyone knows that in almost all one day matches there is a huge increase in the batting side's scoring rate towards the end of an innings, so how D/W can deduce that with 14 overs left Scotland would not have been able to marginally increase their scoring rate to achieve the required runs is just incomprehensible. So a historic victory over an established international team, and qualification for cricket's world cup, which looked on the cards, for most of the day was denied them. Bad luck Scotland. You really were 'robbed' today.
  2. Why don't you just do what several posters have recommended, that is speak directly to the Chairman or the C.O.O.? I'm sure they will be delighted to advise you how to make your investment. Is it really necessary to bleat on about it on this thread? I, for one, am getting rather tired of it.
  3. H/T 1-1 F/T 1-2 ICT Polworth Dun Utd King Crowd 5123
  4. H/T 1-1 F/T 1-2 ICT Oakley Dunfermline Cardle Crowd 4123
  5. I've deliberately avoided getting involved in this debate up till now, although I admit I have followed it, and quite enjoyed the 'banter', if that is what it is, between the two main protagonists, CB and CaleyD. Not professing to know a fraction of what either of them apparently knows, I must say that my own opinion, garnered from all I've read to date, would lead me to side more with CB, whose comments in the above post, I think are spot on. But, I've no doubt several posters may have different views.
  6. Assuming no extension to the season, there are now only 8 Saturdays left, one of which will be taken up with the Irn Bru final, and 12 league matches to fit in. Hope our lads are fit and able to cope with almost two matches a week, with all the travelling involved, and that's without any further call offs for weather. Surely a case for better scheduling throughout the season including better use of 'international' week ends and 'spare' Scottish cup week ends. Not the ideal schedule for our late ( and forlorn) push for the play offs.
  7. H/T 1-1 F/T 1-3 ICT Oakley Dumbarton Gallacher Crowd 600
  8. Yes, that's the one. Can you believe it is 14 years ago now? It was shocking at the time that Lennon's blatant cheating got our man sent off. ICT did successfully appeal the red card, but of course, as far as the match was concerned, the damage had been done. In recent times of course that sort of incident happens quite frequently in modern football, more's the pity. Personally, I had never liked Lennon as a player before then, but since that incident, along with many other ICT fans , I dislike him with a passion, both as a manager, pundit and human being. Some of his more unsavoury domestic issues which came to light when he was at Bolton, only confirm the contempt I have for him.
  9. We only need to beat Ireland and Italy, and England to beat Ireland, and France to beat England, and we'll be 6 Nations champions. What can possibly go wrong?
  10. Let's be honest, Billy Mckay has never been near his best since his first spell with us. I'd not want to see him back now.
  11. It will no doubt take the powers that be several weeks before deciding it should be played in Belfast at 10am on a Thursday morning.
  12. At times in the first half we looked quite in control against the part timers. What a change in the second half. It was definitely us who looked like the part timers. Embarrassing. I'd have put money on us missing that penalty. When did we last get one btw? And don't get me started on our complete lack of discipline this season. It just beggars belief. But hey ho, another final to look forward to.
  13. Well, when did we last get 3 goals before half time? And it should have been more. Crusaders are just shocking at defending, but they look quite sharp up front. Not afraid to shoot, and could have caused us problems if not for the two early goals. Same again in second half please.
  14. My mistake. I thought I heard that 3 qualified for final. Perhaps that was only for semi final qualifying. Still, 4 disqualifications and one other crash out in her last 5 Olympic races does not sound like just bad luck too me. Let's see what she can do in her last race next week, assuming she is fit enough. Great to see our lady tin tray sliders do so well with gold and bronze.
  15. Just watched her 1500m short track semi final where she crashed out and got disqualified with half a lap to go. What is it with this girl? Is she just unlucky ? I don't think so. She was lying third with 3 to qualify for the final, with the others miles behind, when she tries to overtake the second placed girl and causes the fall which sees them both knocked out. Why not coast in for the remaining few seconds and get a definite final place? Doesn't seem that she has learned much from her 3 disqualifications 4 years ago in Socchi. Having said that, I hope she is not too badly injured (she left the ice on a stretcher), and that she is fit enough for her final event, and last chance for a medal, in a few days time.
  16. And maybe the match will be a cracker, to go with the crowdie.
  17. I see our old friend Eddie Ofere has now turned up in Vietnam, playing his first game for FLC Thanh Hoa yesterday.
  18. Our famous win was just featured on BBC's football Focus in a piece about Ross Tokeley and Brora Rangers, prior to their game at Killie today. Great to see the goals again. Good luck to Brora, and Cove as they fly the flag for the Highland League in today's 5th round.
  19. Don't know what became of C-H2. But I feel another "where are they now" thread coming on. Others, off the top of my head, who I don't see posting any more include Johnboy, The Fly, Pauliebees, Harry Chibber, Sneckboy. Must be dozens more.
  20. You must have been very lonely there on your own.
  21. Absolutely. Even the preceding Saturday was memorable for a different reason with a futile trip up from London (for 4 of us) for the postponed game .
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