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Everything posted by Glebeict

  1. The difference is ,the Ronaldo is a diver , falls down all the time. The ICT player is Honest
  2. BBC headline on their website was Brewster brands Tokely a disgrace Mr Brewster should be a lot more carefull when he talks to the media.
  3. Brewster has lost it by calling one of his own players a disgrace in the media. Behind closed doors in private thankyou. Even a manager of a kids team knows that.
  4. Brewster was bad from start to finish . Wrong players. No motivation, Wrong Subs Etc Etc.
  5. Rob Ramage , an ex Pro Hockey player has just been found guilty of impaired driving causing death. I will be interested to see what the sentence will be as he now works as a financial adviser in St Louis U S A. They say he will lose his permanent -residence status in the US. So there gos his job . Trouble is he has a wife and 3 children , so they end up suffering as well. That's why I asked the above question. Has Mr Hart any dependants?
  6. If you do not keep your job , do you not become a burden on society ?
  7. I hope the powers are not the same powers that have nothing to worry about than those fans that are sitting in the wrong seat in a half full stadium.
  8. There have only been a few games played , and Don Cowie is Off . That would be ridiculous - even for the SPL.
  9. It is all very sad really. I just hope mr Hart can stay away from that stuff from now on . I do think he should get a second chance from ICT but not a Thrid.
  10. Warning . Years ago in Ottawa Canada we had a World Hockey Team called the Nationals. They started checking seat tickets in a half empty stadium. A few years later they were out of business!
  11. Have you ever seen anything strange?
  12. Condolances from Clan MacRae in Canada . I believe the Lament is Chro Chinn T-Saile.
  13. If thats the worst thing he is called in his life he will consider himself lucky.
  14. Thats what we are called over here . There are French Canadians, Irish Canadians etc. I am 6th generation , so native. The family left Glenelg in 1815. There are almost 5 million Scottish Canadians
  15. Canadian - Trailer park boys American - WKRP English - Allo allo
  16. Being a native Scottish Canadian ,my best trips were to North Carolina and Florida in the USA, the Carribean and of course 2x to Scotland. I was brought up in Glengarry which is !/2 way between Ottawa and Montreal, and ended up in Ottawa. All the places mentioned above are worth seeing ,but you may be bowled over by the distances. By car it takes over 2 hours from Ottawa to Montreal ,and 4 and 1/2 hrs from Ottawa to Toronto.
  17. Canada is more Scottish than English . Read"Great Scots-Howthe Scots created Canada" by Matthew Shaw , and"How the Scots created Canada"by Paul Cowan. In fact parts of Canada like Glengarry and Cape Breton are said to be more Scottish than Scotland . This means the old highland culture.
  18. They had the Falkirk -Celtic game on Tuesday at 12:30 PM , then had Everton on live. Still better to go to the Celtic Supporters and see the SPL games live I think.
  19. As I am a Canadian - Can Someone tell me is the Home Office from Scotland or is it part of the UK govt? This all seems a bit silly to me .
  20. Richard was named to the best 11 team of the tournament yesterday
  21. Not much use for political parties ,but the Conservatives are the worst of a bad lot
  22. The Club should go ahead and sign a new striker. They need one anyway, and the competition may might help Dargo make up his mind.
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