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+05: Player Sponsor
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  1. That's mine paid, thanks again for organising it.
  2. That’s me paid again. Thanks Scotty.
  3. Yes it has, I received an email earlier this week asking to reply and confirm attendance by today
  4. X3 for me thanks Scotty
  5. Terrible news. Can’t believe it’s happened. RIP
  6. I can’t seem to get the renewal link to work?
  7. Board have never attended since I've been going as far as I can recall. Always been sponsored players, management team and coaches only. No reason for them to be invited really?
  8. He was no more or less mediocre than the rest of the team
  9. The one point vote option needs Austin put in instead of Bell?
  10. I’m already going anyway but would encourage anybody to make the effort if you can, always a good evening, the players are relaxed and the Q and A session is most entertaining.
  11. If it's live on Alba does that channel not start broadcasting on a Saturday until after 4? Would explain the ko time.
  12. 3 events in these games, only one miss has been widely agreed to be her fault - the 1500m. In the 500m her hand was clipped but the referees missed it and blamed her. In the 1000m she was pushed and shoved by another competitor but ended up being the one disqualified. I'll take the ex-skaters opinions over the once every four years armchair experts every time. Too many people in this country seem to revel in relative failure of our elite athletes. Reminds me a lot of the people who turn up at ITC every week waiting for a particular player to make a mistake so they can hurl abuse at them. And Charles exactly how many Olympic medals from her 4 separate appearances does Paula Radcliffe have? Doesn't lessen her other achievements and Christie should be given the same respect.
  13. Why not? Multiple world champion, multiple world record holder and will still be at her peak. Don't recall Paula Radcliffe, Colin Jackson, Steve Cram etc. getting this much grief when they failed to win Olympic Gold despite being world champion, world record holder.......
  14. Only the first 2 qualified for the final, she had to try and overtake. Those two also won gold and silver. I think she is just very unlucky. The amount of world titles she has proves she can do it when it matters.
  15. A team that was unravelling wouldn't have celebrated together like they did after the second and third goals, people are seeing things that don't exist, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.......
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