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The Mantis

07: Moderators
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Everything posted by The Mantis

  1. Ach away. I bet Clach could knock seven shades of **** out of any vatican XI :015:
  2. Yeah but we failed to beat them. Christie must go!
  3. OK o wise one, I'll defer to your superior eyesight Sky dish :015:
  4. But that's what happens to everybody when they go to cabbagetown :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: Oh you mean the end of his time at TCS :001:
  5. Just back and as far as I'm concerned that was never a red card. We never got one decision today, I'm sure that ref's from East Kilbride and just wanted to make sure nobody put his windows in. Boyd was 25 yards out, didn't have the ball under control, he's got no pace anyway, and he got in a tangle with Dods & Granty. Feckin robbery. Justice was done. The best bit was the last 5 mins when we all sang 'we are the people' as the huns left in their droves. That and the 'Sebo' chants of course when he came on :015: :015: :015: :015:
  6. Love him or hate him (and I can see how he can have both effects on people) Salmond is never anything but positive and never blames anything on 'The English'. In my workplace the most scandalous anti-English comments have come from one or two alleged socialists. The nationalists have worked out their intellectual arguments years ago- indeed I have a few English pals who vote for the nats. At my advanced age (as two old gitsscoundrels have alluded to in another thread :015: :015:) I can remember nationalism being petty and whingeing at one time but it seems there are signs of us maturing out of the chippy mentality at long last. Having said that you have to stand up against such as our 'national' broadcasting service when at times they display breathtaking ignorance. I actually found myself agreeing with Annabel Goldie the other night when she says you can be positive about the Union without doing down Scotland, which is what the Labour party are doing at the moment as they dig themselves into an intellectual cul-de-sac. Apparently if you visit Labour's website it's all about the SNP these days...
  7. I'll take one if you like. Email/PM me or get my moby off Mairi or Richard. Site is awful slow tonight.
  8. I know it well- I use it as the course book for my 6th year probability course.
  9. Aye CB, all the classes must be getting their end of term videos today then :015: :015: :015:
  10. You'd never believe I was that old eh?
  11. I ken you always kipped the school ya baldy git, did they no tell you about am/pm :023:
  12. So am I, but ICT are not in any hurry to sign me. Anyway I'm 51 :015: :015: :015: :015:
  13. Somebody was telling me they've got a ban on mobiles in the dressing room, but the Lithuanian players just come in, holding the phone to their ear with one hand, and throwing the fine down on the floor with the other :015: :015: :015:
  14. Anyway it's spelled NUMPTY :015: :015: :015: :015:
  15. Aye but I think it's a supermarket now :015:
  16. The SFL will have nothing to do at present with the West (Junior) League (not that the Juniors have any intention of giving up their independence either). Unless you mean the South of Scotland League (which is really gash).
  17. I thought the rule was 2 years in a row but I see the Shire have already been bottom 4 years running. Definitely some rule passed in the last year or two- maybe at the same time as they decided to have playoffs? Their best place for them is probably the West Juniors- far more quality and money than the East, and a few decent stadiums. But that would stop them ever getting back in the SFL, so probably East of Scotland League along with Spartans, Edinburgh City, Whitehill etc. The level there is shyte even compared to div 3, Spartans are the only club at the mo with a decent setup.
  18. No, St Mirren are. They can't win either.
  19. I've got a brass neck to make any comment. I've never been back up the A9 since we got mugged by the tic, still depressed about it, and no mates have been available to pass the journey with. When the weather improves I'm usually looking for the season to end so I can get on with my life but this year the feeling has come early, even if spring hasn't. So bear in mind I've not really seen Patti play apart from about 10 mins as sub. However it seems really simple to me. We've got no strikers. When we played Dennis and Dargs we had 2 intelligent forwards who terrified defences into mistakes and fouls with their movement. Players with skill and pace (well Dargs anyway) who could turn a poor pass from the midfield into a good one. Round about the new year we were starting to look a good side and I was really optimistic before we got the two shoulder injuries back to back. When Rory/Bayne/Sweggy play, the midfield get fed up with the forwards not showing or making intelligent runs. They panic in case they lose possession and get the crowd on their back, so they just lump it forward, pronto. The forwards just run about (or stroll if you're Rory) like headless chickens, lose the ball and our midfield are back under pressure. Guys like Duncan and Roy and Barry and Blackie have to work twice as hard as they should and get burned out and frustrated. They're no less able than the midfielders at some other clubs who have a half decent striker playing ahead of them. I'm sure CC has tried to get strikers in so you can argue it's his fault he hasn't...
  20. A man in a pub wi a dug is talking to a man without a dug (Douglas was his name). Douglas says to the other man "I bet you £50 your dug will do anything I tell it" The other man says "you're on". Douglas picks up the dug, flings it on the fire and shouts "get off that fire boy!"
  21. What for are you wanting a bikini? Do you not go in the buffy?
  22. Airdrie are no great shakes either, and there's always the likes of P*rt*ck only a few points ahead. I can see County being in the playoffs and surviving to give us all a good laugh again next season.
  23. It was all a matter of timing though. County were not a bigger club back then (or at any time before 1994) but got in on the first wave of clubs. Also they had just won back to back league titles under Bobby Wilson but had only won it once before in their history. Elgin got in when the novelty of Scottish League football had worn off and ICT/County had nicked all the fans. Not to mention the small matter of County's best ever cup result 3 days before the vote.
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