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Everything posted by forresjags

  1. Appreciate the income from home gates has been not great over the years, but its been on a par with St J , Partick Ross C and better than Hamilton. All these clubs seem to be in much better financial shape than us so why is that? The extra revenue through our cup runs, top four finishes etc has slipped through our fingers some how and now we are at rock bottom, trying to haggle (and failing miserably) with Buckie Thistle. We haven't paid a transfer fee in years and have shopped at the arse end of English football while making absolutely nil investment in the stadium other when forced to by the SPL. What the feck has gone so badly wrong.
  2. Fantastic post Absolutely bang on. Highlights everything that is wrong with the club. They(Boardroom) think that can just throw open the gates every second Saturday and supporters will turn up regardless of how sh*te the facilities are. Think they could be sadly disappointed with probably our biggest attendance already achieved for the season thanks to the travelling DUFC supporters. Witnessed a spectacular mismanagement of the club at board level over the last couple of years with absolutely no investment from our finest years of top six finishes and cup finals. Cannot believe anything we made from selling the likes of Ryan Christie, Billy McKay Butcher going Hibs etc has all gone with nothing to show for it.
  3. The club is an absolute basket case at the moment, the spat with Buckie seen us sink to an all time low.
  4. Ach well if its true look on the bright side, at least we have appointed a much needed Chief Operating Office. Who needs a strong presence in the centre of midfield when you can have a shiny new Chief Operating Officer in the boardroom.
  5. Maybe I could live with this transfer if it wasn't such a derisory offer. £100 000 is the figure being talked about, Boyce went for over 5 times as much after 1 good season. That for me sums it up. Tell them to GTF.
  6. Josh Meekings a fantastic talent blighted by injury over the last couple of seasons. Hopefully will regain full fitness and head back down south.... far to good a player to be slumming it down in Dundee.
  7. There seems to be a massive black cloud hanging over the place at the moment and nobody in management seems to give a f***k. Is it any wonder we could barely manage 2000 supporters for our opening day fixture. The club have been taking the supporters for granted for to long now and many have voted with their feet. As posted, by many on here there is a whole host of basic things that could be done (with minimal outlay) but always seem to be to much trouble. Time for the management to come out of the boardroom on match days and see things from our perspective.
  8. It's not just about the money here, the club need to make a statement to the fans that they have ambitions to regroup and move on, and not take the first derisory offer that comes along. Lets hope it is all lazy journalist speculation.
  9. Absolute p*ss take talking about £100 000. Draper is as influential to us as Boyce was to them. so that has to be reflected in his market value. Fecking scoundrels trying to unsettle our player.
  10. Cannot disagree Polwoth is not a winger so I have no idea why he keeps starting. Draper and Vigurs seem to be JR preferred central partnership so he really is going to have to up his game if he is to remain a first pick as I believe both Mulraney and Seedorf are far better options out wide . Hate to say it but mediocre at best again today, no real influence . Needs a big performance and a couple of goals to boost his confidence , maybe play him behind Oakley who looked pretty decent today .
  11. Better team by far just lacking a cutting edge. Some good performances Vigurs was a class above the rest with Calder running him a close second, was outstanding in first half and is far suited playing further forward. Dundee Utd terrible gamesmanship or cheating which ever way you want to call it with that wee fraudster Billy King the worst culprit. Could not believe how many times the flow of the game was halted due them lying pole axed .
  12. Cannot believe for one moment that a transfer fee was not mentioned however large or small by either club prior to the lad coming across on trial. As for the Buckie manager talking the price of his player up, cannot see how that is such a 'ridiculous statement'. Surely it's no different to how we are doing our business in trying to keep Ross Draper. Hopefully we can get this resolved and he can go onto emulate the likes of Iain Stewart, Richie Hart and Ross Tokely.
  13. WTF are we playing at. Wasting everybody's time bringing Highland League players in on trial, knowing that we could never afford to purchase. Embarrassing and unprofessional springs to mind.
  14. forresjags


    Absolutely nonsense, why would you bring in another 2 no hoper journeymen to replace 1 SPL experienced fullback who IMO still has loads to offer. Thought the idea was to have a smaller squad but with more quality. Get Raven back in at fullback releasing Seedorf to play further forward.
  15. Unfortunately everything you have said Charles is true, and as much as I hate to say it leaves me quite envious. They have developed off the field while we have stagnated. Cannot believe for one moment that all the good things across the bridge are down only to the Chairman's money. Maybe they have just got good people behind the scenes who realize that there is more to running a football club than just opening the gates at 2.30 every second Saturday and hoping the punters turn up.
  16. Hopefully past his best , 2 relegations in 2 seasons is not that great to have on your CV. Hopefully this is a good omen to see us swap places with RC next May.
  17. This question has probably been asked many times before but Aaron Doran is he still at the club under contract. Do we know if has been given a Squad number and is part of JR plans. We constantly here speculation about senior players being offloaded but he's never been mentioned as either going or staying. Appreciate he has been out injured since the last winter break, but is there a forecast on his return to fitness ? Anybody know ?
  18. Exactly, these are city centre outlets(maybe tartan tat is being slightly unfair) that see plenty of visitors, unlike the back of the shop at Debenhams that we once tried. I feel we just need to get a foothold in the city somehow to generate additional interest in the club.
  19. Sorry cannot agree. We are were an established top flight club and need to be in the top division. We cannot afford to become another Dunfermline, St Mirren or Falkirk floating around the second tier, we must aim high and that means going straight back up.
  20. If he has the natural talent then we would be mad not to take a chance on him. Plenty of players slip through the net for one reason or another.
  21. Lets just do f***k all then and watch RC take the iniative. We need to to at least try and connect with the city, have a presence. Debenhams and Zoo was a half arsed attempt, surely in this day we could try and do better.
  22. Seedorf easily our best player again. Defensively very good , going forward even better. Let's get Raven at fullback with Seedorf in a more advanced position and put the struggling Polworth out of his misery. Cannot believe the rumours that we are looking to offload Raven , surely his wages are not that extortinate , we are not exactly renowned for splashing the cash.
  23. Totally needs to up his game struggled to make any impact today and looks lost at times playing wide right. The point about loaning him out was a valid one it was the making of Graeme Shinnie but also think that should have been done a couple of seasons ago. Really want him to do well but not sure how patient JR will be.
  24. See there are a couple of new tartan shops opened in Inverness one in the Eastgate and one opposite Primark. Maybe it would worth making an approach to see if there was any scope to promote our merchandise in there. Worth a shout to try and get some self promotion on the high street before RC decide to capitalize on our apathy. Lets be honest how many tartan scarves can any tourist need, give them want they really want ......a black and white away strip with Seedorf on the back.........Winner.
  25. Iain Vigurs is undoubtedly one if not the most talented players at the club, who would sooner pass the ball 30 meters than run 30 meters that is his strengths. Last season the individual criticism on here was pretty horrific when collectively the team performance was utter sh*te , many used to take great delight in picking to pieces his performance and focusing on his errors. Not all players need to charge around for 90 minutes closing down space to prove their worth, get him on the ball and he will create chances.
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