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Everything posted by forresjags

  1. You say he's good mates with DOF so won't get the sack. One blatantly obvious solution is get rid of the pair of them. Director of Football !! FFS this is ICT not Barcalona. Get rid of all the dead wood and jobs for the boys, free up some extra cash.
  2. Have to agree Black and Vigurs. Black can do the donkey work and Vigurs can create. The only positive to a miserable season so far is Blacks form and the introduction of Vigurs to the first team. Brewster needs to give Vigurs a run of games in the central position and stop moving him all over the park as he did in the last home game against Falkirk.
  3. Is that the level we have sunk to 'pinching points at home to Falkirk'. We really need to be aiming higher.
  4. Deserves a chance. Last nights game could not have done any worse than Imrie. Then again players who have a little flair and skill and who might offer a little entertainment probably dont fit into Brewsters plans.
  5. Absoluetely garbage. Entertainment value nil. How you expect people to come back week after week to suffer through that is beyond me. FFS one up front against Falkirk at home and it was literally Wood on his own against the Falkirk back four not a single ICT shirt near him for support. Vigurs must think wot the **** is going on. Where am I meant to be playing. Started off the deepest of the midfield three, ended up on the right wing before he was hooked at half time. Wasted night
  6. A game that's there to be won if approached correctly
  7. forresjags


    Maybe the days of Dennis being a centre forward and goalscorer are behind him, but to lose a talent that could be used in another position would be madness. I believe he could still do a job maybe a little further back creating for others. Great touch and vision , something that is lacking in the squad.
  8. Really cant believe things turned around so quickly after 45 mins against Falkirk. Thought Dennis had a decent first half always looking to come short and link with the midfield. Dennis at the moment was the only player worth paying to watch in this season of guff, can see the fans patience running. out rapidly
  9. Stands in his overcoat looking important on Saturday afternoons other than that sweet FA
  10. First contract that should be terminated should be Brewsters followed by the Director of Football what a joke and a waste of a salary. Putting aside the loyalty and sentiment for Dennis Wyness he is still truly a great footballer and probably the only guy who can do something different in a very mediocre team. What's seems blatantly obvious is that Brewsters tactics don't include playing football but trying to capitalise on other teams mistakes and I for one am getting sick off it.
  11. Another gutless performance with Falkirk never troubled all day. Set pieces a joke , groaned every time Munro comes forward to take his throws, Cowie's aimless floated corners. Mcbain strolling off the park without a care in the world after being subbed ,says it all really.
  12. 5 points from 30 in 2008 is relegation form and totally unacceptable. the only defence I can make for him is how much of a say does he have in the selection of Niculae, who today should have been hooked long before Wyness and is first choice regardless of form. Then again someone must be responsible for the spineless perfomances this year.
  13. Good on ya, Have you looked on the Football Heaven Website, they have got Red and Blue Checked flags + Sampdoria Flags. Maybe something to get you started.
  14. Not harsh at all when Bayne plays we lose not only Niculuae but Wyness as well. As a target man he cant hold the ball up doesnt bring anybody into the game around him and his positioning in around the penalty area is woeful . Countless times our attacks (long punts) are broken down with him jumping into the defendergiving away free kicks and possesion. FFS Brewster sort it out.
  15. If Brewster thinks Bayne is a better attacking option than wot is on the bench then heaven help us. Our performance today was shambolic from front to back .
  16. has to be Wyness + one , when played to his feet there is no better at running at defenders. The ten mins or so he got yesterday he caused Jones and co plenty of problems. What does worry me is that our highest earner and our player-manager will be first pick regardless of form and goals scored.
  17. Deadly serious , as a wide player he hasn't the pace or stamina for the SPL , as I said when was the last time he got the ball in a wide area and was effective.
  18. Hardest thing to take yesterday was the sight of a central defender with dodgy knees running at our defenders and there was no way they could handle it. Why the feck was he allowed to dictate the second half and why wasn't Tokely put on him to offer more of a physical challenge.
  19. Hasn't been good enuff now for a few seasons. Lets be honest when was the last time you seen him go past the fullback and his set pieces have been pretty cack as well. A great servant to the club but we have to move on , try something different(Zander).
  20. Great news if it all goes ahead , but priority has to be given to a club shop/ticket office because the portakabin is nothing more than a embarrasment on a par with what you would expect at a Highland League club(no offence Forres ,Clach etc) .
  21. Caley Jaggy ,just a quick question what is it when ' Bayne does his usual thing' ? :024: :024:
  22. Cant see the kids wanting to come back in a hurry can you ?
  23. Totally right with the title. His inability to change his tactics when the game was slipping away from us , doesnt fill me with much confidence. Couldnt believe he hooked McSwegan who was having a decent game holding the ball up and linking the play, whereas Bayne what a shocker , 9 out of ten times he jumped into the defender , thats when he wasnt being pulled up for being offside. End of season cant come quick enough as the way things are going I'm glad the teams below us are running out of games. :008:
  24. Munro and Dods where caught out countless times by the pace and movement of Falkirk and if ever there was a time for a forced change in the central defence this was it, with Caff going man for man on Stokes .
  25. forresjags


    Seems to be things are not running for Dennis in front of goal at the moment , but for his touch and vision, he has to start . When the ball is played to his feet there is nobody better in the squad who can bring other players into the game , so a slightly more withdrawn role could well be the answer.
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