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Everything posted by RednBlackComeback

  1. Now that I like . We've finally managed to get the 'c' out of ICTFC and the eagle has flown, leaving just the thistle and ITFC
  2. Disgusting way for the club to behave . What is going on in there?
  3. I think the last two posts above sum up the game perfectly. Shaw through the middle didn't work, and he seemed to be exhausted early doors? Though I can see the thinking behind putting him there with his height maybe giving the celtic central defenders something to think about, but he really had nothing to work with! Special mention to the singing section. . . . they were awesome throughout Just goes to show that this west terrace project should be put to bed and the singing section moved into a completely unallocated section B (or wherever) of the north stand. That would create the best possible atmosphere at home. Mon The Jags !
  4. Why the secrecy? Was the same in 2015. Seems crazy that the club won't tell us. It will only put people off trying to get tickets cos they'll likely take the view that tickets are either sold out, or so few sold that there won't be a good atmosphere! It'll be clear to see on the day exactly how many tickets we've sold so I really don't understand the club's stance on this?
  5. I faced the same issue. Seems the only way to book kids tickets for the bus is in person at the ticket office, as I did today? To be fair to the staff, when I was in there was a queue so no chance for them to answer any calls.
  6. Tonight was the story of our season. Didn't turn up for half of it, then when we did finally get ourselves into a position to progress we left it too little too late ! Most disappointing thing is that this was the 'easiest' Championship for years and we've finished 6th!! Time for major changes methinks (though that'll be happening anyway as most of the squad are out of contract). Bit of a worry as to where we go from here. We don't have the means to spend our way to promotion so need to get lucky with new signings/new management? Don't think I can take another season of some of the square-passing pedestrian turgid pish we've been served up this season. We must be more imaginative and much faster. Really hope we don't play like we did first half tonight in the cup final, or it could be extremely embarrassing!
  7. Can you imagine: we reach the cup final, and win it on penalties! We reach the playoffs and make to the playoff final. We win that on penalties too, against ross c#unty ! Nah... me neither
  8. 10.04 'inverness caley' . . . Dear god ! I'm sure even the caley fans on here would agree that's wrong on so many levels!! ffs !
  9. Even if Dodds was removed, I don't trust the powers that be to make the next managerial appointment! It would likely be another 'jobs for the boys' recruitment!
  10. Same. I've had to change my mentality to attend nowadays. . . .now I expect a defeat and anything else is a bonus!
  11. I see Partick's keeper scored their equaliser today. Maybe we should play Ridgers as lone striker? He must be a better option than Oakley!!
  12. I don't think I've ever met Kingsmills, but I enjoyed both his balanced viewpoint and impassioned discourse in his many postings across the years. Being a fellow Jaggie, I also appreciated his support in numerous threads too! RIP ❤❤
  13. Please can they leave the rugby goalposts in place for our next home game ?
  14. Didn't even realise he was on the park, until he was subbed. He's worse than a man short !
  15. A truly disgraceful 'performance'. Was like watching a training exercise... no urgency, no creativity, no pace, no tactics, no inspiration, no imagination, no skill, and no heart! Looking at that team today, there's nothing there. There's nothing that says to me that this team can challenge for the title. The performances through the playoffs gave me hope that we could win promotion this season. On today's evidence, that hope is gone! Awful
  16. When do the tickets go on sale for the glamour friendly against Milan that the club has obviously arranged for Wednesday 13th July?
  17. Nice shirt ! Shame it's taken the club 28 years to acknowledge, and should be the Home not Away! Nevertheless I'll buy it for the kids (and probably myself too)
  18. Those young FCU lads were my kids' highlight of the whole evening! They were fascinated by them and daughter hasn't stopped watching clips of them on the the youtube footy adventures channel since ! I think anything that adds to the atmosphere and encourages more young fans to attend is a good thing.
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