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Everything posted by dead_ball_specialist

  1. Your BBC match report was the worst of all time :016:
  2. He's still not very good, but definatly improving. As long as he keeps getting better he should be left to get on with it.
  3. Manager - Steve Paterson (Level headed, tactical genius, prudent, great eye for players, team builder, his own man) Assistant - Craig Brewster (playing the 'bad cop', fitness freak, disciplinarian, a perfect foil for Pele) DOF - Charlie Christie (sober, eloquent, professional, business savy) I'd love to see this set up. The only problem would be convincing Brewster to become number 2 although I think if things continue as they are he will accept that he needs some help and be happy to stay in a new role.
  4. Because his teams get tanned more often than he does.
  5. Charlie, start getting warmed up - you'll be in the dugout next week :015:
  6. Pele took us to the top of division 1 and flying, we are on the verge of the bottom of the SPL and freefalling. We are no better than when he left - lets get him back to carry on where he left off! And get us playing football again!
  7. FFS!!! We were 1-0 up last time I checked, can't believe we've managed to go 4-1 down!!! And against a very average side at that!!! Only a few months ago we were looking like shoe-ins for top 6, what has changed?? :029:
  8. After some reflection I think it is premature to judge Brewsters actions at this point. It could be that he has some new players lined up in the summer and is clearing the decks. Whether binning Wilson, Rankin, and (hopefully not!) Wyness was the right or the wrong decision will depend upon who he replaces them with. We will have to reserve judgement.
  9. This is the worst blunder any Inverness manager has EVER made. Shocking and awful.
  10. That was one of the first games I ever went to, must have been about 5 lol. Still have it on VHS. Shame this clip doesn't have the after match analysis where the pundits go on to say that Charlie Christie is 'as good as any midfielder we have playing down here' (I guess they mean the central belt?) Derek Johnstone says he would be proud of Polworths 'good old fashioned centre forward hero' header and Alex Totten says that Caley deserve to be in the Scottish league. I just noticed Paul Cherry was playing against us that day. :015:
  11. I wonder how our reserves would do against our starting 11?
  12. I think this idea probably makes too much sense to ever be tried out. :rolleyes02:
  13. I remember he stepped in and gave his players a bollocking when they didn't give the ball back to us properly after an injury last season, he got a round of applause. Very sporting of him. :clapping03:
  14. If Dennis Wyness is binned I will seriously consider not be renewing my season ticket. I find the very suggestion that the club could do something like this (not to mention the way they've gone about it!) absolutly outrageous on almost every level! As a footballing decision, to get shot of our most skillful attacking player and all time most prolific goalscorer - with nobody to replace him - is just crazy! He is certainly not past his best, and whenever he has been given a run of games he has done the business. Secondly, I am disgusted and offended that loyal ICT legends who have served and entertained us through the years are being treated so disrespectfully and unprofessionaly. If everything that has been written here about contracts being offered and withdrawn at the last minute is true then our club is being run by a shower of absolute b@stards. And to cap it off, I am wary of the fact that our flair players seem to be being shipped out one by one (Wilson, Rankin, Wyness...) leading to inevitable long ball dross, goal droughts, and losing runs. Brewster is doing exactly what he did at Dundee Utd. I am starting to believe those who suggest he hasn't got a clue what he is doing. His decisions make absolutly no sense!
  15. I will be p*ssed off if the club decides to let Wyness go. He's the best forward at the club, period. Give him a run of games and he scores goals. Beyond that, he's the kind of player that fans pay to watch. If the manager has decided to bin him then I would have serious doubts about where he is leading us and what kind of team he is trying to build :017:
  16. I wouldn't sack Brewster but I think we need somebody with a football brain like Steve Paterson involved at the club in some capacity.
  17. Kris Boyd should start every game for Scotland.
  18. Agree with Gringo Jr, the team is missing Bazza. Nobody more so than Roscoe.
  19. We need to get Proctor into the back 4 asap. IMHO he is our best defender, he reads the game beautifully and wins almost everything. His distribution is also a class above the others. The only question is who do you drop? I would play him in place of Tokely, who should be pushed further up the park as he is arguably our most penetrating attacking player. When he gets forward things happen - why don't we just leave him up there???? :029: I'd also stop playing Marius as a striker, he'd be far more effective as an attacking midfielder with the game in front of him, rather than with his back to goal. He's a playmaker not a poacher. And he would still provide a goalscoring threat, as most of his goals come from outside the box, or from getting on the end of set pieces - both of which he could still do. So who should partner Wyness? Bayne is not good enough to take us to the next level. Andy Barrowman is the obvious solution. A target man like Bayne, but who also has pace, is comfortable with the ball at his feet - and most importantly scores goals! Drop the underperforming Russel Duncan and play Blackie in the anchor man role. He is just as good as, perhaps even better than Duncan at closing down and challenging opponents. I think this is his forte, more so than his attacking play. And he'd contribute far more to our fluency than Duncan when we have the ball. Play Niculae in Blacks attacking midfield position. Fraser Proctor McGuire Munro Hastings Black Tokely Sutherland Niculae Bannerman Wyness
  20. Couldn't agree more. He was our best player in our pre season games by a country mile. Give him a chance, what do we have to lose? It wouldn't even be a gamble - he has done well in his previous outings in the SPL. IMHO he is the most exciting talent on our books.
  21. There weren't really that many poor individual performances today. It was a very slow, scrappy game played in sweltering heat. Neither side managed to play with much fluency and it was a lucky, scrappy goal that won it. Unfortunatly it was for Falkirk. Overall we created the most chances but that's football. The home support was pathetic. So impatient, so abusive, so negative. Every time Russel Duncan played a square or backward pass he got a mouthfull, even when he had no other options available! The same story with Rory, he came on put himself about, always made himself available - but one miscontrol and it was 'get off the park!!!' time. In fact no home player was immune. Honestly, with supporters like these who needs away fans? How is this kind of reception going to help a team low on confidence and struggling to find fluency? We are on a bad run but the margin between success and failure is very slim. This is the same team that won 5 games in a row, and came back to win from 2-0 down against Celtic only a few months ago. We could easily have won today if the luck had gone our way. This was not a 'disgraceful performance', or 'absolutly pathetic effort'. Stop being such drama queens and get a grip! The top 6 dream is over and it's time to focus on securing 7th place and rebuilding for next season. I'd like to see Brewster give some of the youngsters a run out over the next few weeks.
  22. They're obviously trying to attract huns fans to improve their gates.
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