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Everything posted by dead_ball_specialist

  1. the4thstand, andyp85 and foxy are obviously the same person. All new signings with exactly the same avatar and saying exactly the same thing over and over. :014: Some on here seem to have nothing positive to contribute but visceral nonsense. The gleeful schadenfreude and bitter gluckschmerz aimed at brewster by certain characters over the last few months is tedious. You'd think he was the anti-christ! Even more tedious are those fantasists who bore us with their made up 'insider' information to fit their agenda which turns out to be b*llshit 90% of the time. The chairman just said in the Courier that we were going to have a larger budget for new players in the summer than we have ever had before. Like it or lump it CB is the top man and I hope he succeeds. His record isn't as bad as some make out. With the funds to bring in some much needed quality (and he has signed well in the past), and a full pre-season to mould the team (our best start to a season in recent years was our only one with Brew at the helm) I expect us to hit the ground running next term. Robbo? You're having a laugh. The only former gaffer I'd want back is Pele.
  2. I heard from a former player who I golf with that Rankin and Christie came to blows after a game, and Park ended up taking a sore one in the melee. This story coincided with Rankin losing his place in the team so I thought it must be true. Also the fact that he regained his place immediatly after Parkie left seemed a bit strange. Although he did follow Parkie to Hibs so it's probably all a load of rubbish. :003:
  3. Sutherland and Wood will be like new signings. I also think there is alot more to come from the likes of Paatelinen, Imrie, Malkowski and McAllister (some if not all) But we definately need a couple of defenders, a creative central midfielder, and a no-nonsense number 6.
  4. I remember when motherwell went into administration a few years ago they, like Gretna, were forced to release their 'star' players, and field a team of rookie youngsters, their results actually IMPROVED. Just because Gretna are fielding a young side doesn't necessarily mean they will be a walkover. Did any of their players impress? Possible signings? :024:
  5. I didn't say that. :rolleyes02: Stop being so fatuous.
  6. Leave them to it. None of your business. If you don't like it, do the other thing.
  7. It was a no-win situation day. Even if we'd won 15-0 the cynics would cry "so what???!!!" Sounded like we dominated the game but missed loads of chances. This happens in football. Wyness was the chief culprit, everyone on this forum has been calling for wyness to play - what do you want brew to do? (resign I say!!!! resign!!! blah blah blah) if wyness had scored a hat-trick they'd cry "see, he should have been in the team all along! terrible managment!" as it turned out he missed loads of gilt edged chances so it'll be "he was off colour because he's not been given enough games, and his confidence has been shot by brews poor man managment skills!" Basically, it doesn't matter what Brewster does - the drama queens will always complain. A win is a win.
  8. Are you still pretending to be a psychologist? Funny how your so called 'psychological analysis' never rises above standard grade level. :rolleyes02:
  9. Malkowski Tokely McGuire Hastings McBain © Proctor Cowie Imrie Hart Wyness Niculae
  10. Doesn't that tell you something?? :003:
  11. I support the teams with scottish managers and scottish players. Used to follow Carlisle when Alan Smart played for them. Blackpool aswell since I saw them when I was on holiday there. Hendry gtf! lol :003:
  12. 'Black hart wilson' sounds like it could be the name of a pirate :003:
  13. All this negativity is becoming tedious. If Brewster is to blame for the inconsistant perfomances of the team then why were they so garbage before he arrived? :017: You couldn't meet a nicer bloke than Charlie Christie but he had the same problems and even threatened to resign such was his disgust with the efforts of his players. Despite the hysteria spouted by the obsessive drama queens who frequent this forum, he has brought quality players to the club: Proctor, Black, Dargo, Imrie (who will go on to become a better player than rankin IMHO) etc. The only 2 'dodgey' siginings Mcguire (p1sh) and Malkowski (still has to prove himself) were last minute transfer window jobs at the eleventh hour when he'd just gotten in the door. The other bones of contention are his tactics and his treatment of ICT 'legends'. Hmmm. His tactics are strange at times, the 4-5-1 worked brilliantly to start with but we took too long to change once it had been sussed... but is it accurate to say that he favours a long ball game? That he instructs certain players to play the long ball ALL the time? They did that under Christie too. It's probably more to do with confidence and / or laziness that we end up playing that way - rather than it being an actual game plan. At least that's my opinion :024: And don't forget that we've played some excellent football under Brew aswell. Remember his first few games? Away at easter road, falkirk at home etc? Not to mention our winning run. The football on the park is a work in progress, Brewster does not DELIBERATLY set out to play terrible football ffs! But he isn't playing ISS pro, he can't actually control what the players do once they cross the white line. If anyone is to blame for rubbish football it's the players. What about the 'legends'? John Rankin is a strange one. I always felt that he was over-rated and unreliable. He played well for a bit just before he left, but for every one of his good performances there were at least 5 g@sh performances. And his game was pretty one dimensional. From what I have seen of Imrie - he seems to be a more intelligent player who offers more than rankin (powerful crosses, occasional attacking runs through the middle and long shots) he can dribble, he has far better peripheral awareness and picks out passes that rankin would never have seen, and he can actually tackle. Give him time (remember how long it took wyness, robson and rankin himself to start producing) and I think it'll turn out that we have done a good bit of business there. Barry Wilson is getting on a bit to be honest. He hasn't been at his best for a while and sooner or later we are going to have to bite the bullet and replace him. It'll be a shame to see him go but that's football. At least we have Cowie and Zander Sutherland ready to step into his shoes. Richie Hart has no-one to blame but himself. I would probably have kept him because I'm a liberal guy and I think he's a terrific player - but the club have obviously decided to take a hard line on this one (no pun intended :016:) he blew it basically. Jose Mourinho terminated adrian mutu's contract (who he'd just signed for ?23m!) is anyone going to question his managment skills? :024: Dennis Wyness was treated shoddily and should be offered a new contract asap. Brewster was trying to emulate pele paterson who got the best out of wyness by sticking him on the transfer list - but it didn't work as planned. I suspect he always intended to give Dennis a contract but didn't want him to be too complacent. He made a mistake - but Wyness will probably still be with us next season, hopefully. Blackie has been playing poorly and deserved to be dropped for that reason alone. I have no idea what he said in the players meeting and whether he deserves to be stuck with the U19s for a bit, but he is a petulant little sh1t at times and only 3 weeks back threw his ICT shirt on the ground and walked up the tunnel. :020: Nobody should complain if Brewster is starting to crack a few heads together. "Abbrasive managment!" based upon an "egocentric personality disorder!" "The new Graeme Souness!"cry some. Get a grip - after a run of completly unacceptable performances I would be p1ssed off if the manager WASN'T kicking some @ss. Once Brewster has been given time to mould his own team I think we will see a stronger, more consistant ICT. If you want to make an omlette you've gotta break some eggs.
  14. Ian Black being dropped coincided with our best performance for months. Coincidence? :003: He is our Eoin Jess i.e. a player who gets away with poor performances because of his 'potential for the future'. Is he a better player now than when he was selected for the scotland future team a couple of years ago? Absolutly not, he's half the player he was then. I think the early hype may have been the worst thing that could have happened to him. It's obviously gone to his head. As I said on another thread, he has some neat touches but his overall contribution to the team isn't as significant as some of his cheerleaders seem to make out. He contributes pretty much zero goals and zero assists. That's simply not good enough for an attacking midfielder. And you rarely see him busting a gut to offer defensive cover when we lose the ball a la Barry Wilson, particularly when things aren't going our way. When he threw his ICT shirt on the ground and walked up the tunnel 3 weeks back he should have been dropped there and then.
  15. Fraser has been pretty mince recently, giving malkowski a chance is a good shout.
  16. You are having a laugh. That French guy was total garbage. A complete lightweight who would get absolutly murdered in the SPL. Imagine a centre half with the heading ability of Charlie Christie, the passing ability of Russel Duncan, the tackling ability of Ian Stewart, and the game reading ability of Andrew Allen. That sums him up pretty well. I would sooner re-sign Greg Hood. :015:
  17. McGuire had some good games when he first arrived (OGs appart) but as of late he has been truly awful. :020: The fact that bamba was getting a game in front of him at the pars should have been a warning to us. :017: Now that he has been signed permanently we need to find other ways to push him, as somebody else mentioned, his performances have dipped since he earned his contract. That means we need competition for places, something we just don't have in defense at the moment other than at right back. Hastings hasn't been all that bad IMHO, sure he's not having his best season but can't think of too many defensive clangers on his part. His attacking game hasn't really hit the heights though. He doesn't seem to get up and down the wing with the energy he did before. Possibly one of the reasons we aren't scoring so many goals? (when our full backs used to go up all the time we scored more and conceded less - a case of attack being the best form of defense perhaps? :024:) Imrie? Give him a chance. He's done quite well considering he has only just come into a new town / team / system / division. His first couple of performances were excellent. Give him time to settle in, don't spit the dummy! We had to be patient with Wyness, Robson, Rankin etc and it was worth it. He's a player who will do a job for us next season.
  18. At least he is suspended for next week :003: Perhaps someone can come in and stake a claim? Let's hope so! :004:
  19. I missed the game yesterday because I was kicking *** at the inaugural north of scotland poker open at the chieftan :003: But according to all of my friends and family who were in attendence, caley were terrific and didn't deserve to lose. :024: Not sure where all the negativity is coming from? In the long term we need to get results, but it's the poor performances as of late that everyone on here has been bemoaning. Yesterday sounded like a gutsy performance (marred by a few individual errors, bad refereeing and bad luck) surely we have to take the positives out of it? Brewster bashing seems to have become an obsession for some.
  20. Munro has had a very poor season, and hasn't exactly been an inspiring captain. If the manager really has started to take some radical action, as the rumour mungers on here suggest, then I have alot more respect for him than I did before. The current formula isn't working and needs to be changed. Brewster has had his worst run as ICT manager in the last months and his role in our slump must be scrutinized, but the players must also be held accountable for their pathetic performances.
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