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Everything posted by RichieKass

  1. Agree with most of that. I'd like to take a look at your granny before endorsing it all though! Seconded - Fraser has showed on many occaisions he is worthy of the jersey and I agree it is more down to poor defense and to an extent lack of confidance. Malkowski played some shockers for hibs and i'd be seriously worried with him in goals
  2. I'm sad - there was always an outside chance of seeing Caley in europe, it's less likely we'll see that now (although maybe we should be concerned with staying up at the moment).
  3. That's down to ignorance - when i get handed a abnk of ulster banknote i normally have to check with sum1 whether i can accept it becausei havn't got a clue if it is real or not. I havn't had many problems with them but occaisionally i do - I can live with it.
  4. Happy ruddy birthday guys....
  5. Ne1 remember TAB clear? came in a transparrent can and it was clear cola????
  6. Speaking as a reformed smoker (I quit at new year, after starting 2 years earlier) I think the ban is great - and thought so even as a smoker, there is no moral arguement that can contest the ban IMO. Also as a musician 9and a jazz musician at that) it is great not to have to breath in everyone's smoke when you perform, and your gear doesn't begin to stink and get smoke stained (especially important when it cost you an absolute fortune in the first place). Also as a former barman and having loads of mates who do bar work part time - it nice to go to work without having to breath in everyone else's smoke and have to come home from work stinking of the stuff EVERY night, not just when you go out. That said - I still think everyone has the right to choose to smoke if they so wish, provided it it isn't physically harming anyone else apart from them and nothing annoys me more than when people shoot nastly looks at people for smoking. I don't think you can judge someone just because they choose to smoke. especially seen as most that do it are the ones who don't smoke - yet drink to excess every weekend and enjoy killing their livers. And for those who say drink doesn't hurt anyone else - ever been out in any big city on a saturday night and seen how many fights, stabbings, arguements, abuse shouting, etc goes on? For that matter know anyone who works in a+e on a fri/sat night? ask them. Or even better speak to somone who's been attacked without provocations when walking down the street by a drunken ********, I kow people who have been stabbed, bottled and has their teeth punched out simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time - all by people who have had far too much to drink and who have claimed in court to have no history of violence. Don't get me wrong I go out and have a few drinks quite regularly - but I don't get in such a state I can't stand or that I feel the need to start fights. I often wonder when, if ever that people will get over this 'living for the weekend' idea? Ever wonder how many people are going to have serious liver problems in 30 years? probably the majority of my generation.
  7. I like: Lettuce (sp?) Tomatoes Onion Jalapenos Cucumbers All served up in a pitta bread ...With a wee bit of shish lamb in the middle :004: I'd certainly never ever touch donner meat again - it's rough...
  8. Caley are my no. 1 side however: Scotland: Jambo's (I live in Edinburgh and my mum's siude of the family are all from leith - they're all hibees and although I have a soft spot for them, I'm still a Jambo) England: Newcastle united - My folkes used to live there briefly before I was born - I've been down a few times and love the city and the people. I also love Newky Brown ale aswell. I also like to see county do well - just not as well as ICT. I support all scottish teams in Europe as well.
  9. Never thought I'd say this but I really think we missed ferguson at the weekend. I've never thought he's had an outstanding game for Scotland, but the midfield was all over the place at one point. Teale was absolutely aweful IMO. The penalty was a blessing though - we were really sitting back before that - it was a well needed boot up the arse. If fad match fit?
  10. I don't see why anyone cares so much - the Scottish pundits are just as bad - ever see the commentary when the nation side is playing or when the old firm are in europe - and they dispute blatant fouls, and back dodgy penalty decisions etc - but then that's all part of the fun of commentary and punditry - it's supposed to be a bit biased and fun. Let's face it - MATD has about 6 times as many english viewers as Scots and that's their market - especially when the English games are on. If you don't like it - dont watch it. I'm a Scot, and damned proud of that fact, I watched the Scotland game in The Rob Roy - a scot's bar in London because I was down for the Police gig this weekend. Afterwards I went and watched the England game with some mates some of whom were English - we had a bit of banter and rivalry and we both know the English pundits are pretty bias and mention 66 all the time - but don't you think if Scotland had won a world cup in the last 100 years we'd always discuss it - course we would! I wore my Scotland shirt round London this weekend as I have on many occaisions when i've been down south - i got a bit of banter from some of the fans but no-one gave me any trouble at all, - I wore it in the pub during the games and it was a good laugh. One of my mates has had some serious **** after wearing his England top in Scotland, and he's not alone. The Fact is the english couldn'nt care less about the Scot's because they have this very cool thing called "multi-cultural-ism" which occaisionally I feel is completely lacking in Scotland. Granted we were an opressed race many times during our history and one could argue that just as the scots like seing the english lose, the english like to see france and germany lose. And that's fair enough, I just think there is some kind of mis-interpretation from a lot of people that the English dislike the Scots just as much as the Scots dislike the English - which is a total myth and I can't help but feel it's born out of a lot of people looking at things like bias media. The only other thing I can say on the mater is - If you don't like the english punditry and comentary then don't watch it - personally I find it quite entertaining. II n i'm going to get completely burned for this post - and i'd re-enforce the point I am very pround to be scottish, especially outside of Scotland - we've got a good reputation round the world. In fact the only time I'm ashmed of being Scottish is generally when I'm in my own country and see things like adults shouting racist abuse at teenagers in england shirts. In saying that - I wouldn't rather be of any other nationality.
  11. Can't do any harm - and i really think especially in schools and offices it will do a little good. If people are reminded the football is on at the weekend then you're bound to get a few people going along to check it out...
  12. It's so nice to see that they take into account peoples intelligance and personality in these beauty competitions these days: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ZABeQ5vkpXM :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
  13. gonna beg the boss to get off work early in the day to see if i can make it along (i only work 10 mins away) happy days!
  14. I'm trying to get the day off work to make it to the game, if i succeed I shall see you guys in said pub on matchday.
  15. Politics is not a subject which goes down lightly in coversation with anyone other than good mates and or family - otherwise it's gonna cause arguements. That's not to say that people shouldn't talk about it, it's a very important thing which I think is often neglected by people of my age group. Anywho - I doubt anyone is going to convince the other over this sort of issue so i'm gonna stay out. i can see both sides of the arguement and have my opinon.
  16. Just moved from Haymarket, staying at a mate's place in Currie for a few weeks until I move into my New Gaff which is up Newington way - which happens to be a lot closer to where I work. You gonna be making it to the hibees game on the 1st? The away crowd are always great for ICT, shud have seen them at the Jambos game last season before the split (or maybe you did?).
  17. very true I refer to my earlier comments on another thread. my fear is that his ability is not there. he can only be judged on his record and his most recent record is shocking. 3 wins in 30 games at DUFC ! So why not issue an update? Everything that has trickled to the press so far seems to try and spin the club in a certain direction and comments about Warnock seem to centre around words like "baggage" without actually adding any substance to those comments. We have been at pains to explicitly point that out Everything that has been mentioned as a possible obstacle to his appointment has been virtually swatted away by the man himself. Have the club actually sat down with him or his agent to get definitive answers to these questions? If they have, then why not nip this whole thing in the bud and say so. I have always judged the board on two levels - the results they produce and their integrity. I have always thought they had both in abundance but right now I am questioning my beliefs on that score. On Brewster's record at DUFC - Couldn't agree more it was shocking, I can only hope he came out with some seriously good reasoning why this will not be a repeated at ICT. I think the board will have to explain why they chose brewster over other possible candidates, it is only fair - this decision has not gone down well overall and an explanation is definately owed, here's hoping that happens and Brew proves everyone wrong with some good performances.
  18. It is worth mentioning that sometimes clubs do things that many fans are against - jeese look at the whole Glazier man Utd thing that went on. Personally I think that you cannot pass judgment on the appointment of Brewster so early, the press has reported many things about ICT/Warnock but as yet no one actually knows what went on. Secondly I don't think that the poll on this sight takes in a large enough sample audience to be very scientific. Regardless of that whilst most people I spoke to would prefer warnock it has to be said that there are many reasons why he wouldn't be an ideal signing: Wages Likelyhood of getting snapped up by another club very shortly Would he relocate Does he know the scottish game Did he really want the job or just the publicity. I think most people still have faith in the board, and I think they should be judged by their results. let's see just what happens.
  19. Dudnee Utd have had a **** of a lot of money poured into them and seemingly no improvment whatsoever in performances over the last couple of seasons. I guess it's what they call 'turd polishing' at the end of the day no matter what you do them you can't change the fact that they are sh*t...
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