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Everything posted by Caleyjag

  1. There's an understatement, he was telling the Sky guys to move at FT....not a man to be messed with I would imagine!
  2. Anyone else think Johnny was lucky not to be sent off there for raising his hands?
  3. Caleyjag

    David Davis

    I can't find the link but there's an article in todays Sun that says Mick McCarthy wants him back to go on loan to a Championship side.
  4. Sky Sports News is reporting today that this game is to be replayed in full in a closed doors game.
  5. Is it not the case that the powers that be sort the fixtures so that we wouldn't both be at home on the same day?
  6. My link If this link doesn't work can one of the mods fix it please? Mucho gracias
  7. booked our wedding this week, and it falls on an international weekend :)

  8. Thank you all for your replies, much appreciated
  9. I'm looking for some basic advice, I have a Sony E-Reader and pay quite a lot for ebook downloads, does anyone know if I'm able to download Kindle books onto it? Just because they seem to be a lot cheaper, is it all the same kind of files etc?
  10. I seem to recall that some ICT fans noted potentially racist behaviour during our 3-3 draw there in August. It would appear we weren't the only ones.... from the BBC website. A 20-year-old man has been arrested in connection with a racially motivated breach of the peace at last Saturday's Dunfermline v Hibs football match. The man is due to appear at Dunfermline Sheriff Court on Wednesday. The arrest was made as the result of an intelligence-led anti-racism operation which has been running at East End Park for last few Dunfermline home games. Plain clothed police officers have been in the crowd to apprehend anyone acting in a racially motivated way. The incident happened in the North West Stand of the ground. 'Act as warning' Sgt Andy Smith, of Fife Constabulary, said: "Racist abuse of players, or any person for that matter, is totally unacceptable and we will do all we can to root out the very small minority of fans who act in this despicable way. "The operation will continue at forthcoming home games and this arrest should act as a warning and deterrent to others." The man has been banned from the ground in the meantime, and if convicted, the club will consider further action, which is likely to be a lifetime ban. John Yorkston, Dunfermline Athletic Football Club chairman, said: "We are a family-friendly football club and there is no place for anyone at Dunfermline who conducts themselves in a racially motivated way. "The club's position on this is very clear - anyone who is found guilty of racially abusing players or other fans will face being banned from the club for life."
  11. Nice one. Aye, well he proposed while we were there so it had its moments
  12. That was the typical game of two halves...we were shockingly bad in the first half and after they scored their second I seriously feared a tanking. Why did our team require a rollicking before it got going? Having said that I felt we could have played for another twenty minutes and not scored, it was that type of afternoon. To echo other posters we desparately need a striker and like CapitalCaley I could also see our players arguing with each other and its not nice to see, Richie especially is not short in letting other players know when he isn't happy. We were robbed of a goal by the ref, and their wall was never ten yards back. Again though would we have deserved it? Answer is probably no. Lots of work to be done by Terry and Mo. This now makes the Ayr game even bigger for us, we need to win that (well) to boost confidence in the team otherwise I fear a long hard season ahead. On a slightly more serious note....I don't know what the circumstances were but one of our supporters required medical assistance just before the game started. Hope whoever it was it is ok now.
  13. My link Found this online and wanted to share it, my personal highlight is around 2:30 when 2 of the opposition players start fighting!
  14. Was taken away by MrCaleyJag to Paris as a surprise :)
  15. I see tonight that MacB the water company have withdrawn their sponsorship of Hearts. To be honest I can't see this issue ending without either the player leaving (of his own accord or otherwise) or JJ leaving. Knowing how much Romanov likes to 'allegedly' pick his team, I can see the situation arising where Romanov tells JJ to pick Thompson and JJ refuses. Would I blame him? No.
  16. I can't WAIT for tomorrow! I love planning weekends away around our games, especially this year as Mr CJ is in hospital after having an op earlier this week, I'm counting this as an important part of his rehabilitation!
  17. Would doubt this would happen as they both have flag raising opening games.
  18. UEFA rules state that no football can be played on the pitch for the Champions League Final up to 14 days before it so by UEFA's rules today was the latest they could have it.
  19. If you watched ESPN at halftime you would have thought that Celtic were the only team playing all the questions were about them!!
  20. Completely agree with CaleyD and absent friend on this one. Mr CaleyJag and I enjoy the banter as much as the next person but choose to sit nearer the front so that we know that we will get an uniterrupted view of the game. Don't get me wrong Mr Caleyjag likes to shout encouragement at our players and shall we say advise linesman and referees when he feels they need to open their eyes but he has never been approached by a steward regarding his shouting or the fact that he sometimes stands to shout. Compare this to one guy I heard shouting behind us around 3 times in the first five minutes 'You f****** c***'. What does that achieve? How is that supporting our team? I get that folk want to stand but the fact of the matter is that we're not supposed to. The majority of our fans can enjoy a game sitting and the others are just ruining it for themselves.
  21. Mr CaleyJag and I will be there as its a 'home' game for us. incidentally whilst running along the beach at Aberdeen last night in my ICT fleece (it was freezing!) somebody from a car shouted 'Come on! TB says you can do it!' Never been heckled or cheered before but this made me chuckle!
  22. Not doubting this but am sure I saw this in the local Aberdeen paper as being on the 12th??
  23. This is what the BBC are saying about it. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/scot_prem/9442787.stm
  24. if that is imdeed the case then I agree, rain virtually stopped after the 10am call off, by 11.30 pitch certainly looked as good as many games at other grounds had been played on this season if games can have a KO delayed because of crowd congestiion or indeed I do recall a game v Aberdeen? having kick off delayed due to delays caused by roadworks on A96, so a little common sence would have said give a little more time, think game could have probably gone ahead at 12 anyway, but definatly later 1pm 2pm?, if we have a water retention issue get one of those rollers they use at cricket games to soak up the water, sure it would cost less than we have lost in the 2 recent tv call offs and yes who ever is to blame it will be Inverness CT will look at fault in the peoples eyes down south regardless of the truth We heard this on Radio Scotland
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