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Everything posted by IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER

  1. Wow - I agree - but good point from the aging rigger as well - Agree about Marius as well and I really hope that yer comment about Brew and the transfer window is also true - but if it isnt :024:
  2. What about his cousins - Culloden or Rannoch ?
  3. fer fecks seke - give the loon a brake - he is evdently a new strtarter and neeeds enkouragemnet not rebook.
  4. Niculae does all this on a regular basis. Your main gripe with him is that he isn't brilliant 100% of the time - who is? Certainly not Bingham or Juanjo. Niculae hadn't played football for over a season when we signed him. Perhaps that's why he took a few games to get into his stride, since when he has been one of our best players, scoring several vital goals, contributing to a great run which has seen us move from relegation candidates to challenging for the top six. I imagine Niculae could score a hat-trick in every game from now until season's end and you'd still be on here complaining. With regards to Russell, I like him as a player. His passing can be wayward at times (i.e. last Sunday) but he is a vital cog in the machine. I really hope we make him a new offer to keep him - I'm sure he isn't expecting the mythical ?5,000/week that MN gets but just a raise. He is now an established SPL player after all. I'd hope that we aren't letting him go in order to fund pay hikes to other players - to coin a phrase "Why put another layer of gold paint on the Bentley when you are losing the entire engine"? Well :023: a lot of it is wind up - as you probably sussed - it is one of the few things that gets cnuts responding on here these days. He has NOT impressed me and most games I go to I really do look fer summat just a bit different. He is a skilful, seasoned, talented pro who is past his sell by date. The difference home and away is astounding - that suggests that he is dependent on others - especially the "workers" - the "runners". He clearly is 50-60 % of the player he was. He has no pace - he has little movement - he plays very intelligently with the first time ball or touch - BUT apart from the cross fer Cowie at Midden and a "dummy" at Killie he simply has not done anything to suggest to me that he is extra special. His goal rate is "terrible" given his tag and, although he has improved, his shooting is below par. I, HONESTLY, wish that he would excite me - he simply hasnt. And fer the money that we are paying that is my main gripe. Plus he is clearly upsetting the spirit - But as I have said before I feel that the peeple who brought him here and damaged our wage structure are the ones to blame. And I am only obssessed with ICT and I feel Niculae is taking the club down.
  5. tHANK YOU FER YOUR APPRECIATION - It has always been my goal in life to share my advanced psychological knowledge with my peers.
  6. :017: A classical example of visual processing disorder - A visual processing, or perceptual, disorder refers to a hindered ability to make sense of information taken in through the eyes. This is different from problems involving sight or sharpness of vision. Difficulties with visual processing affect how visual information is interpreted, or processed by the brain. I suspect that this devotion will eventually be classed as an outburst of mass hysteria in the history of psychology. It is beginning to match instances akin to: Nigerian Genitalia Vanishing Epidemic of 1990 During 1990, an episode of "vanishing" genitalia caused widespread fear across Nigeria. Native psychiatrist Sunny Ilechukwu (1992) said that most reports of attacks involved male victims. Accusations were usually triggered by incidental body contact with a stranger in a public place, after which the "victim" would feel strange scrotum sensations and grab their genitals to confirm that they were still there. Then they would confront the person as a crowd would gather, accusing them of being a genital thief, before stripping naked to convince bystanders that their ***** was really missing. Many "victims" claimed that the ***** had been returned once the alarm had been raised or that, although the ***** was now back, "it was shrunken and so probably a 'wrong' one or just the ghost of a *****" (95). The accused was often threatened or beaten until the ***** had been "fully restored," and in some instances, the accused was beaten to death. Ilechukwu (1992, 96) described the scene in one city: Men could be seen in the streets of Lagos holding on to their genitalia either openly or discreetly with their hands in their pockets. Women were also seen holding on to their breasts directly or discreetly by crossing the hands across the chest. It was thought that inattention and a weak will facilitated the "taking" of the ***** or breasts. Vigilance and anticipatory aggression were thought to be good prophylaxis. During 1990, an episode of "vanishing" genitalia caused widespread fear across Nigeria. Native psychiatrist Sunny Ilechukwu (1992) said that most reports of attacks involved male victims. Accusations were usually triggered by incidental body contact with a stranger in a public place, after which the "victim" would feel strange scrotum sensations and grab their genitals to confirm that they were still there. Then they would confront the person as a crowd would gather, accusing them of being a genital thief, before stripping naked to convince bystanders that their ***** was really missing. Many "victims" claimed that the ***** had been returned once the alarm had been raised or that, although the ***** was now back, "it was shrunken and so probably a 'wrong' one or just the ghost of a *****" (95). The accused was often threatened or beaten until the ***** had been "fully restored," and in some instances, the accused was beaten to death. Ilechukwu (1992, 96) described the scene in one city: Men could be seen in the streets of Lagos holding on to their genitalia either openly or discreetly with their hands in their pockets. Women were also seen holding on to their breasts directly or discreetly by crossing the hands across the chest. It was thought that inattention and a weak will facilitated the "taking" of the ***** or breasts. Vigilance and anticipatory aggression were thought to be good prophylaxis. OR Fifteenth Century Germany A nun in a German nunnery fell to biting all her companions. In the course of a short time all the nuns of this convent began biting each other. The news of this infection among the nuns soon spread, and it now passed from convent to convent throughout a great part of Germany, principally Saxony and Brandenburg. It afterwards visited the nunneries of Holland, and at last the nuns had the biting mania even as far as Rome. (Zimmermann cited in Hecker 1844, 127) I fear that very soon, in the Highlands, that supporters of ICT will be walking around holding their private parts, indulging in wanton violence and biting each other. :001:
  7. A player who you would leave the game feeling that he had made it worth it - a player who could produce a little bit of magic - a player who would make the opposition look like wallies - a player who could score goals out of the blue and spectacularly - a player that you would pay money to travel for cos you just knew that he could turn a game in an instant. Bingham and Juanjo were the main two - Niculae couldnt lace their boots when it came to my criteria. Harry - I have gone to most of the away games and he has been dire - no goals - two moments of above average skill - he has lost us games away. At home he is a bonus but he is an average SPL striker with a poor goal return fer what he is being paid.
  8. Niculae is a "former" international with NO kudos fer several seasons. He is getting paid on the back of his PAST reputation. If he lived up to it then I doubt that there would be any argument - he quite simply hasnt - His overall performances have been bettered by the large majority of the squad- and that includes Duncan. Niculae came here grasping at straws and I suspect that he and his agent underestimated the SPL. ICT hyped him up and gave him a chance - he simply has not delivered. And Harry - it makes a BIG difference when the "star" player is a bit of a damp squib. I am having more of a pop at our Board fer the signing. and CD - Rosscoe knows that Brew was in the background in regard to CC - and he knows that the signing of MN was the final straw fer CC. It is a sad thing loyalty. Lets sign a team of mercenaries. 11/08/07 Laff if ya may but my job is a lot to do with observation and intuition. That was not a together ICT out there today. There is a lot of bitching going on and pointing of the fingers. The team spirit and "all fer one" ethos that has served us well fer years, and helped us survived, is sadly missing. We lost our shape today and the game because it appeared that some players decided to do their own thing - or was it tactical - which would be even worse. I have never seen so much moaning and whingeing and lack of camaraderie. Am I wrong? Please tell me that I am - If not we are in deep ****tt if we dont sort it out pronto. 18/08/07 I will be very interested to see how he performs on his home debut next week and the reaction of the fans. I have read on several threads that he is "class" and has played well. Well I would say BOLLICKS as he has not impressed me in the least. The hysteria has blinded some fans. He is NOT fit and should not be starting - He should NOT have got 90 minutes today - he was clearly fecked. He may well improve and I would love to see what he is like behind the scenes and at training. He is either going to improve and be the Messiah or he is going to take us down. He has that air of arrogance but does he have the heart and the committment. He strolls about the pitch, caressing his hair,he looks lazy and has no sign of pace. Good players have a presence about them, they do 1-2 things in a game that take yer breath away or something that sepeartes them from others. Juanjo had that quality, so had Bingham - Niculae doesnt. Sure he has good touches but not awe inspiring. He doesnt run the line - he is not a penalty box player - he is a target man. Bayne is evidently not the partner. And the goal today - bad mistake by the full back who slipped - superb cross from Niculae but Cowie's run was the "class" in the move.
  9. Bit of a come down for you..... :rolleyes02: Yip - but I have got tickets fer the sunny side of Stanley Park on Wednesday as my beloved Toffees take on the Yids.
  10. If we play Niculae we need "runners" in midfield - but Bazza's head has gone down and I am afraid that he is on his way out. You cant hold back the likes of Cowie and Patti. But when Brew resorts to Royster playing wide. :024:
  11. Ok - I am getting pissed off and I did tell everyone earlier in this season that Rosscoe was livid about the CC situation and has been expressing a desire to leave ever since - and he also felt let down by the lack of support from his management in regard to the Heathmount incident. He is also unsettled by the wage structure. I have also stated on many occasions that the Niculae factor is having a definite effect. If you recall I have been naming Duncan, Black, Cowie, Rankin and Tokely as the main detractors. All four of the remaining players regularly fall out with Niculae and I have ben at games when they do appear to avoid bringing him into the game. As professionals I suspect that they have to accept that he can be a bonus at home but they must be seething that he is being played away from home. Lets face it - Niculae is being played as a means of trying to get him a recall to the Romanian squad (give me a feckin break :029:) and there must be some form of contractual agreement in there as well. I suppose they feel that if he is worth the wages then they are also worth an extra bob or two. And why are we making so much squad cutbacks and the Rankin transfer - financial ? :024: Mark my words Black and Cowie will be itching in the summer if the situation is not resolved. I said it after his first two games - Niculae is becoming the worst signing we have ever made and he is taking our club spirit apart - and that is not his fault - and players like Rosscoe and Duncan epitomise it and players like Black and Cowie are the future.. :018: Who is to blame for this "terrible" season ? Clue - Look to the back of the Main Stand.
  12. Wow - I was just about to shoot and logged on first - thank feck - cheers mr shuffle. Looks like its the Pie Eaters versus the Chelski for me. :sillywave:
  13. I think that it is about time that you toed the line - the next sniff of sarcasm and you should get a warning toot - dusted down an moderated - you are no longer The Lady I thought you were.
  14. Feck me - I've got a flag and a G Spot T-shirt - Im a feckin Ultra in the making. :001: Wheres yon piccy from the Ayr away cup game ?? There was a right crew of nasty ultras waving it that nite. :rotflmao:
  15. It is very early days to start an overall judgement but Markus clearly has potential. It wasnt exactly the best game to return to the starting line up - I agree with chris123 that he does look a tad clumsy but he does appear to have pace off the mark. I know he scored lots of goals in the lower ranks - I wonder where he will settle into - looks more like a striker than a midfielder to me.
  16. Yup, I thought he had a good game and Burke had to resort to blatant cheating to get anything out of Tokely. His miss at the end was shocking and because of that it will be the big black mark against his performance. They should have gone to Specsavers.
  17. Have to concede that he deserved :015: :015: :015: but I hit the :015: as I felt that he lost us the game and I still feel that Munro shepherded him through the game and he was really found wanting at times in the second half. You obviously havent been on many away days. :018: and Cowie was sacrificed today. Niculae is class in many departments but sadly lacking in the main floors.
  18. I think that you have got it spot on there Scotty.
  19. Concerned about Cowie, his hearts not there. Lets upset davie boy and Lady Caley BUT Cowie was played in a role to suit Niculae today. He was wasted and hopefully will be played back on the right flank where he belongs. What totally pisses me off about Marius is how we play to include him rather than get him to adjust to our system. I fear that Cowie will be played in a similiar role next week. And chris 123 - for long a Niculae defender has got it totally feckin spot on with his comment. :clapping03:
  20. Blackie, as you can see, was my runner up - I just feel that Munro shaded it as few will have noticed just how much he covered fer Proctor. At half time I would have said Bazza fer Royster but Patti looked knackered and I actually think that he asked to be hooked.
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