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Everything posted by CaleyCanary

  1. Completely agree Scotty, I find it quite astonishing that he hasn’t said a dickie bird since the playoff defeat. He drops further in my opinion with every passing day we don’t hear from him - he’s not the man for the job and we’re not the club for him.
  2. I think it’s ok and I quite like the black sleeves. I’m the same as Gringo though, not a fan of a fat old bloke in a footie shirt so I’ll be sticking to the casual leisure wear - talking about myself here, not that I’m suggesting Gringo is of course…
  3. Welcome back from your holiday Dunc - could you have a wee word with your pals at Goodison to see if they can toss any spare change our way after they pocket their takeover mega millions? Cheers
  4. That was my first thought too but given the history of damning silence from this board I don’t think the usual adage applies to ICT.
  5. Will be a minor miracle if we manage to put a team on the park for the opening game of the season
  6. A ‘me too’ moment. Sadly I feel the same - I find it quite astonishing that a handful of irresponsible, self-serving ***** have brought us to our knees so quickly and trashed 30 years of such a brilliant and thrilling history. It’s been a blast but I think we’re done for as ICT - just got to look forward to the rise of Inverness Phoenix and do it all again…
  7. Ma heid is spinning - ok so we could lose our bronze license, probably deservedly so, but is that the case in all circumstances when a club enters administration? What actually happened with the demise of Glasgow Rangers FC, did they lose their license and simply started afresh as a new company with a new name? Is that what we may need to do by winding up ICT FC and reinventing ourselves like New Rangers or Airdrie? I’m thoroughly confused by all the technicalities and certainly wouldn’t want to invest in such a mess if I was an outsider - if we’ve any chance of finding a rich saviour then they surely must need to have some local connection and a love for the club.
  8. I’d like to know how long his notice period is and when he actually leaves the building - until then the champagne is on ice.
  9. Unless he walks of his own accord he’ll still be with us next season, we simply can’t afford to get rid - our only hope on that score is for a new investor with plenty dosh who'd be willing to pay him off.
  10. Just received email from change.org confirming the petition has been successful confirming the Kelty move is off
  11. I remember sitting in a Glasgow bar that night feeling quite depressed despite what we’d just achieved - I thought this was it, the pinnacle of our achievements, the best we could probably ever be and it would never be quite as good again. It would have been no surprise to anyone if we didn’t win a major trophy for another decade, or flirt with relegation to the Championship a few times like County, however, I could never have dreamed that we could fall from grace so far, so quickly and so easily. In essence eventually ruined by one selfish, inept and incompetent idiot while others we trusted with the safe running of our club turned their heads the other way. Ross Morrison has to accept responsibility for his part in allowing Gardiner the freedom to cause so much pain and damage. The evidence is overwhelming, you have an opportunity Ross to take the first steps in putting things right, sack Gardiner now! No further delays or excuses, just get on with it and maybe you’ll find you come out of this in a far better place than where you find yourself today.
  12. With the few contracted players we have left and the likely poorer calibre of summer additions it wouldn’t surprise me to see us bottom of the group - hopefully I’m wrong but I very much doubt we’ll progress past the group stage.
  13. Just a short, easy hop down the road to both compared to the deranged plan we’ve been presented with - can’t imagine training in either location would have generated the shock, betrayal and anger that we’re currently feeling.
  14. Just read the article in The Courier (sorry have been unable to attach the link) about Clach making available 300 free season tickets to those eligible for a youth concession. The difference between the two clubs couldn’t be more stark at the moment and Clach look like they’re trying their best to capitalise on the opportunity to garner more local support at ICT’s expense.
  15. I haven’t been to a home game since before the start of the Covid pandemic and only a handful away, the expense of the 1100 mile round trip is just too much for me these days. Consequently, I feel it’s not for me to have an opinion in the same way as a regular ST holder and not eligible to cast a vote in the poll. However, if I were a ST holder I wouldn’t renew my season ticket, I’d be boycotting home games until this toxic regime is gone. I feel strongly that this is the only form of direct action that will have any impact on this board, all they seem to care about is the money. Yes, it is a risk denying the club that income stream but we have to face facts, SG and his mates are killing our club anyway, it’s death by a thousand cuts. And let’s face it, if this plan goes ahead it wouldn’t really be our club you’d be spending your money on to go and support. They may run onto the pitch wearing ICT shirts but that’s as far as it goes, the spirit will have gone, they wouldn’t be part of the community that the club is supposed to represent. Only found out about this shambles today and still can’t believe it - all so very sad that it’s come to this, ultimately because of one man and the fools who hired him.
  16. WTF! Two days offline and I can’t believe what I’ve just been reading for the past hour - I’m in classic ‘You cannot be serious!’ John McEnroe mode. I’m having trouble digesting this and getting my head around it as so many of you seemed to have on Friday so can’t put together any coherent thoughts. At the moment all I feel is numb and far worse than I did after the abject defeat and relegation last week - I’d been resigned to that fate for some time. All I know for sure, right now, is that I’d rather follow my team as part-timers in a lowly league than this proposed version of a disjointed central belt club playing in ICT shirts with no relevance to the loyal fan base or community. These muppets are killing our club, we must do something to fight them!
  17. Well done again Old Gringers on another great Championship win and thank you for all your hard work on the spreadsheets throughout the season. Good shout from Joonya remembering the great days last time we were in the 3rd tier. We were on our great magical climb through the leagues back then. Somehow I don’t think it’ll be so much fun this time around, but the NPL will be - as good now as it’s ever been - cheers
  18. Likely following Big Duncs instructions to play it safe, go sideways and not take any risks in the other half
  19. Well Norwich didn’t hesitate to get rid of Wagner after the debacle of the second leg at Leeds, despite his best efforts to get them to the playoffs he just wasn’t the right fit. We should do the same if Big Dunc doesn’t fall on his sword, he isn’t the right man for a rebuild in League One.
  20. We now have 60 minutes to score as many goals as we’ve mustered in the last 6 games - and that’s providing we don’t have anymore defensive disasters!
  21. FFS!!! Just when you think it can’t get any worse…
  22. Aye Moog anxiety is one word for it! I’ve still got my Private Frazer head on (can’t help it I’m a miserable, pessimistic old sod) but I hope the guys out there today are more like Lance Corporal Jones and stick it right up ‘em, right from the start - Accies won’t like it!
  23. HT: 0-0 FT: 2-1 ICT: Billy Mckay HA: O’Hara Crowd: 2345 Yellow: Longridge **JOKER**
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