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Everything posted by Iain

  1. Iain

    We've won it

    I disagree, 16 games unbeaten shows we've made it for ourselves.
  2. Yeap we really did, was very evident from the start. No one to sweep up the area between defence and midfield. Like Foran, you don't realise how important they are until they don't play.
  3. What a game. But it does worry me how anyone can run through our defence almost un challenged as Tade did for their second. Anyway 4 points clear :D
  4. Iain

    Dearest Terry,

    It's safer to just take it one game at a time...
  5. Iain


    Think its getting blown out of proportion. All it sounds like happened people were celebrating when we scored, realising as it stood we were 4 points clear at the top while a chair happened to break as everyone was in this jolly and excitable mood. Good job it was only a chair and not a person.
  6. Iain


    Just phone the stadium and get it sorted, to be honest you won't get much further on by asking people on a forum.
  7. Silly bugger. Lets hope he hasn't got a leg to walk on after tonight, same goes for the other 9 of of them. Michael will be fine, he has big ears.
  8. You havn't been to any of the games at Victoria park then. Eh...yes..I have been..I take it you refer to the inaudible half hearted efforts of a dozen or so teenagers? Not exactly what i was thinking about!! I'm looking forward to you leading some audible efforts then :( Let the ***** know what everyone thinks of him.
  9. Suprisingly he actually starts for County. He has actually started to put in some half arsed efforts aswell apparantly, which again is surprising. Edit: After that, Barrowman hat-rick tonight.
  10. You havn't been to any of the games at Victoria park then.
  11. Although it says 5k, if they sell that they'll get more and so on. Think it is expected to go up to 8k.
  12. Ity will definately be in the 5k's, maybe mid-high?
  13. How enjoyable We were all over them in the first half and I'm not exagerating when I say MOTM John Tuffey made 3 of the best saves I've seen this season. Utterly fantastic, he will soon be playing at a higher level - thats for sure. Anyway, after that we finally managed to score from a Rooney header, whcih rounded of a very pleasant half. In saying that the only regret from the first 45 was thatw e never scored more. Partick came more into it in the second half, and although they proably had the bulk of posession they never really created anything or looked like scoring, apart from once where they came very close to equilising. Maybe a couple of others aswell. As we were hanging on for a win, word gets around that County had evened it up against Dundee and we were top of the league. That made the last 5-10 minutes of our game fecking brilliant. It's been a long time since I've come away from a game as happy as I did today. Also Rooney was nothign short of brilliant today, the runs he makes and the balls he manages to somehow win made him a pleasure to watch. Edit: Also, I would like to give a big shout out to the not so very happy Dundee fan I saw in Perth on the way home!
  14. The guy has serious wit. Fantastic yet again.
  15. Well considering he's been sitting on the bench and has didn't even bother his arse (apparantly) when he did get a game, I doubt it will have any affect on the game on Saturday
  16. It explains on this link how to get there from the train stations http://www.scottishgrounds.co.uk/partick_thistle.htm It's only a 30 minute walk from Buchanan, but still don't have a scooby how to get there!
  17. Meal deal for 4 quid? Thats not a fecking deal at all. Then again, if people are still buying from it........
  18. Well they'd be hard pushed to be classed a community club with what they were throwing at and calling Esson.
  19. At 4 and a half minutes into stoppage time Dundee get a penalty, but as im typing this its been over ruled and just a corner. I was in tears, Thought they just scored there, all the fans started to celebrate but it was just sidenetting. 1-1 full time. YES.
  20. I wish this game wasnt on tv. Nerves are getting tested, typing this to avoid watching it.
  21. What a goal Bob Harris! Absoloute belter, nearly matches Barry Robson lobbing Goram when he played for QOS.
  22. Can't make it - the joys of living in Skye and failing your driving test, eh? Anyway, heres hoping for win tonight!
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