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Everything posted by ictchris

  1. Lets be honest - everyone loves it when their team wins by cheating. I remember loving it when Juanjo, Barry Robson or Wilson used to dive to win penalties.
  2. What a joke. The Irish need to get over themselves. Perhaps we should ask for a replay of the Celtic game in 2004 when Lennon dived to get Juanjo sent off? Then Celtic could ask for a replay of the Old Firm game in 1997 when they had a good Di Canio goal chalked off wrongly. Henry should be condemned - for not celebrating like Adebayor, that would have been funny. Edit: I recall a few years we got a 1-1 draw with Celtic at home after being 1-0 down at half-time. McGeady (as usual) did a number on us in the first half but in the second we had four players all booked for individual fouls on him (Bayne, Black, Hart and Tokely). He quietened down, we equalised and got a point. Was that cheating?
  3. I just read the 'Interesting' thread and, aside from a possible prosecution under the Trades Descriptions Act, I don't see anything wrong with it. A couple of posters had different opinions from other posters and there was a bit of discussion/debate/arguing about it. That's what the forum is about. There was no personal abuse of anyone and no breach of any forum rules that I could see. Perhaps we are all being too sensitive?
  4. Most football forums are full of ill-informed idiots arguing about things they barely understand and find impossible to articulate. Would we have it any other way? All forums have these debates, issues with 'schoolkid' posters, problems with the mods. To my mind it's part and parcel of a forum.
  5. If they got 357 fans for every home game I'd imagine they'd be in much better financial health. Why was the 1995 Inverness Cup final played on a Saturday? :huh: International game?
  6. When the moon hit's the sky, like a-big pizza pie That's Mannone!
  7. Also, we had a few relatively ropy showings in that season. Against the bottom teams we struggled to a 1-0 win over Brechin at home (thanks to a Barry Wilson penalty). I'd imagine if we replicated that result these days many on here would demand the manager, board and ground staff sacked. We also beat Ayr Utd (the other relegated side that season) 1-0 and 2-1 at home, results that these days would have some of our fans apoplectic. I appreciate that we aren't playing well (I have seen it myself at games this season) but we aren't doing that badly. We have scored more goals than any other side in the league this year and are a five points off the top, which isn't a bad position to be in.
  8. It's a fecking joke! It's either a direct train at half nine or a two hour journey via Stirling, all after a night out on the Saturday. I am going, plus two. Altogether now: I'd rather be in Kabul than Dundee Rather be in Kabul Rather be in Kabul than Dundee You can stick your f*cking circles Stick your f*cking circles Stick your f*cking circles up yer arse. etc
  9. I imagine that Butcher will start with the same XI as yesterday.
  10. We won loads of games in our championship season like this and I do recall people moaning like fvck about long balls and pish football then.
  11. This thread has gone off topic - who would win a fight between Richie Foran and Nikolai Valuev?
  12. To be fair, if the board were to defend themselves what they would say is that most of the current regime have been in place for the most successful period in our clubs history, when we've finished higher in the league than we ever have done, when we've won promotion, won cups, made money from transfers, built an SPL compliant stadium and turned profits on a semi-regular basis. I don't think that our club are run in the most efficient way possible and there are issues with much of what has gone on (mainly the entire Niculae fiasco from start to finish) but to listen to some posters on here we are at death's door. One thing that I hope people don't pin their hopes on is someone doing the mythic 'putting money into the club' act - that simply doesn't work for clubs like us. You could argue it doesn't work for any club but that's another story.
  13. Foran said that he's had fights with Butcher before. I wish I'd seen it, would probably have been better than the game! Maybe Imrie started on Tokely, in a sneak preview of the Haye-Valuev, David v Goliath fight.
  14. If you are talking about the stadium sale made when David Sutherland took over the club, have Tullochs not invested over half a million pounds in the club since then? Also, in what way would you say that Sutherland has been bleeding the club dry?
  15. Didn't we also bring in Don Cowie that summer? Yeah, I was going to add that - if it wasn't for us signing COwie and Gretna getting promoted that season, we could have been playing in the First Division last year.
  16. ------------------------Esson----------------------- ---Proctor-----Tokely------Munro-----Golabek---- --------------Cox------------Duncan----------------- --------Imrie-------Sanchez--------Foran---------- -------------------Rooney--------------------------
  17. The main point where our performance started to go downhill was the summer of 2007. We had finished strongly but lost two talismanic players, Darren Dods and Craig Dargo. Neither of those players were replaced. From memory the only defender we signed that summer was Steven Watt and the strikers we brought in were Dean McDonald and Marius Niculae. McDonald was a total failure and Niculae wasn't the type of striker we needed. When we had Dargo in the side he offered us a pacy outball, Niculae was a more cultured player but lacked speed (probably due to injuries). If we had bought better in that transfer window I think we'd still be in the SPL. I don't think we actually bought a defender anywhere near as good as Dods until we got Mihadjuks earlier this year! Considering that everyone knew Dods would be off in late 2006 that's absolutely disgraceful. I still don't think we have enough pace in the side, hopefully Imrie or Eric can offer us this when they get to full fitness. I don't buy all the saviour talk about Alan Savage either. He was chairman during that transfer window, wasn't he?
  18. We started poorly, the goals we gave away were very poor and although we probably had more of teh game after that we never really stretched County or made them work hard. Bulvitis can f*ck right off, he is absolutely abysmal. Tokely also didn't do much. Despite his goal I thought Rooney was crap.
  19. More than 750? Can you pay at the gate then?
  20. RiG is going to the game with a load of County fans - just call him Judas.
  21. doresboy, you taking your flag?
  22. That's true actually - there's been nothing on the offical website saying people have to buy tickets and my mates were just going to pay at the gate. Let's hope that there aren't fans locked out.
  23. I should be there if my mate gets the tickets.
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