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Everything posted by Renegade

  1. Must admit, my thinking was similar prematch. But no, that was one of the dullest matches I've ever witnessed.
  2. HT - ICT 0-1 QOTS FT - ICT 0-2 QOTS ICT - Vigurs QOTS - Dobbie Crowd - 2,007
  3. Which garden ornaments charity is getting the heave-ho for the travel club?
  4. Harping back to the football old days means nothing nowadays. The game was played at a snail's pace when George Best was at the height of his peak with Man United. Would these players drinking and smoking make it to the top level of today's game? I doubt it.
  5. Renegade

    Robertson Out

    No. We have to stop this obsession with looking backwards. Butcher is in the past, as where Robbo should've stayed. We need someone new, with a new background and new ideas to create the next Caley Thistle side.
  6. Wow so it is! They both look a lot better.
  7. He played regularly in our garbage U20 squad and was nothing special and was garbage at Arbroath. We can't just keep people on in the hope they come good. He isn't any better than Donaldson or Elsdon anyway IMO.
  8. I'm not surprised. The League Cup papered over the cracks as they've been garbage for about 18 months.
  9. Renegade

    Robertson Out

    I like Robbo as a guy but this has been a disaster so far. A lot of my reservations about his appointment have come to pass. He hasn't managed a full time club in years and it shows - his tactics went out of fashion a decade ago while his signings have been rotten. If say, Terry Butcher made 13 signings over a summer, about eight would be good, three would be alright and then there'd be two duds. This season the opposite looks to be true. Ridgers, Elsdon, Chalmers, Cooper, Baird, Oakley and Zschusschen all look absolutely dire, while only Seedorf, Bell and Trafford look decent and all three are still pretty raw especially the last two. Calder looked reasonable at times before disappearing and Elbouzedi looked good against Forres before getting injured against Elgin and not being seen since. And even then he is still an unknown quantity. I wasn't too keen on Danny Lennon but he'd have unquestionably been better than Robbo. Many people on here were opposed to Paul Sheerin but I think he'd have been alright after seeing his Colts team a few weeks back - they were quick, attacking and looked very well drilled. Stevie Aitken was apparently keen on the job too and as we saw on Saturday, his part time team looked far more organised than we did. I wonder if the minority of those who were happy with Robbo's appointment ("He did well last time!" "He's won the First Division and Danny Lennon hasn't!") are having second thoughts now.
  10. Who cares who he scored for. He wasn't good enough for us and not the type of player we need to take us forward.
  11. Seemingly Michael Fraser is returning to football after a hiatus playing shinty and looks to be signing for Clach.
  12. Renegade

    Robertson Out

    I'm certain he's going to chuck it in the next few weeks. Nevertheless this was a jobs for the boys appointment. Some on here seemed very opposed to Sheerin but after seeing his Aberdeen side against us recently I wonder if he'd have been alright. They were fast, direct and very well drilled. I wasn't too keen on Lennon, but he'd have been unquestionably better than the incumbent. This was a jobs for the boys appointment and an ethos that has hung around the club like a bad smell for far too long.
  13. Perhaps their manager, who was interested in joining us, would've been a better choice than Robbo...
  14. You could take the supporters bus.
  15. Oh and I see his brother Ally Ridgers must've voted too...
  16. HT - DFC 1-1 ICT FT - DFC 2-1 ICT DFC - Nade ICT - Warren Crowd - 703
  17. Yes that bad. At least Lionel was fast, Chalmers doesn't even have that!
  18. The man is garbage. He's actually worse than Djebi-Zadi.
  19. Dropping Trafford yet keeping Chalmers. Eh?!
  20. Don't know about you, but I'm really starting to feel that Robbo is going to chuck it quite soon. If things get any worse, he could easily resign and then head back down the road and get a job at Hearts again. The more time goes on the more convinced I am that that'll happen before the season is out.
  21. To be fair, nor are any other threads on this site.
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