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Everything posted by tm4tj

  1. I propose a braveheart like figure, full highland war kit, swathed in bloodstained bandages and wielding a massive claymore. A sort of IHE like figure cutting a dash and raising the morale of the clans in the glens of the North Stand.
  2. ..............but longer than 'just for one day' please
  3. Unfortunately interviews don't win matches. I don't care if he couldnae string three words together, it's what happens on the park that counts. I agree though, he is very articulate.
  4. From the Inverness Courier paper copy:- Alleged quotes from Butcher "Don has agreed a pre-contract with Watford and now he's like Ian Black and Michael Fraser in that they've signed deals elsewhere. "However, they've been very honest about it and they are all prepared and willing to fight for the cause because they know they can leave here as heroes. "That is their target - to help Caley Thistle survive - and until I see any different then they'll be for selection. "We are going to need everybody who is right, both mentally and physically, to play for this club and I'm confident those three will be" No need to buy the paper now. ps Hastings, Gatheussi, McBain all missing. Morais and Byrne trained this week.
  5. Thats some size of chip you have there maddy
  6. Boruc looks like a decent penalty taker. Best goal of the shoot out, right up in the postage stamp corner.
  7. tm4tj

    Brian Kerr

    You mean we would have to pay him We are not a charity, we should only ask him along if he is better than what we already have.
  8. He can't kick with either foot and is a right lazy blighter. Coulnae tackle a fish supper, useless in the air and can't pass water. Don't know why anybody would ever want to sign him.
  9. Ho hum, it looks ominous, but not concrete yet, unless you know otherwise.
  10. Any source for this rumour NAK I find this strange knowing we have a new manager in place and he may want to keep him here.
  11. We may have to be patient though, as the first couple of games are tough ones, Celtic, United away.......so don't be too hasty to stick in the knife and say whats changed if we lose these games. There would be every likliehood that would have happened anyway. Lets just hope the feelgood factor will lift the whole place.
  12. Look out for your supporters on Sunday, if you bleed for us, we will bleed for you.
  13. Speak to Johndo guys, and clean the lens next time.
  14. Oh dear God, what have I done.............what have I done.
  15. tm4tj

    Brian Kerr

    Whatever turns you on.
  16. Is that like being drunk in a football stadium?
  17. I think we are OK, we will get away with that one, mind you, the Polish version might cause some consternation. ps, are baps not rolls, as in an egg bap......................
  18. I don't see too much negativity on the boards just now. Most people have accepted the boards decision to appoint Mr Butcher. We had no option but to appoint someone after the last one broke. Most of the negativity came from a handful of Brentford fans who expressed their opinions on Butchers term in office down there. His record elsewhere is somewhat disconcerting, but this is a fresh start for Butcher and us.
  19. If theres to be no more moaning we might as well shut down the forums.
  20. For a start, all those who stopped going along when Brewster was in charge can come along and spend some money at the stadium.
  21. Yes, anything is an improvement and any of the final 4 would have sufficed.
  22. I like the idea of everybody in the North Stand turning up with blood stained bandages on their nappers. That would be a resounding vote of confidence for the new manager. Setanta would like the idea as well and highlight it during the transmission, good bit of banter and support.
  23. Undoubtedly time will tell Tel. Unfortunately we don't have much of that left thanks to the board taking too long to decide Brewster was inept. But Butcher is a very high profile manager for a club of our standing. This can only be good for the club and our profile has never been higher since Feb 8th 2000. Long live The Butcher.
  24. Surely there are no weaknesses in a Scotland player
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