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Everything posted by tm4tj

  1. Wow, how did he get his gobber inside that red bubble :?: cool.
  2. Jings, I think Ebdon is trying to bore Dott into submission
  3. Dott has been brilliant this year, biding his time, prepared to do the safety stuf, and strike at the right moment. Something Hendry should have done a few times in his career, instead of trying to pot his way out of trouble. Credit to Dott for the commitment and focus he has on threading his way through the rounds. Against o'Sullivan, during the session when he won all eight frames, he was so focussed, it was very intense, you could see the difference when the evening session commenced and he only needed one frame for victory. It was as though he new he would eventually get that frame, but the intensity had disappeared, which is why he needed four frames for victory, a fantastic victory over the world No 1. You may say that the final is not entertaining, I believe that is more down to Ebdon's style of play than Dott's. But there is more to snooker than merely flashing in rapid breaks, as o'Sullivan has found out. I find this just as interesting as the big breaks, so mybe not everyones cup of tea, but I'll have two sugars in mine.
  4. I knew he would do it, why did it take two seasons though
  5. tm4tj and zogg will grace the stadium for the last time this season. Visit to the Innes maybe around half six, for a little shouting juice, then on to the stadium to give the boys their deserved applause for a wonderful season.
  6. Wow, the last frame took well over half an hour, Dott edges two frames ahead. Go on son, fill yer boots.
  7. it's a great picture, but who is the ugly besturd in it............ :twisted:
  8. Boo hoo hoo, poor old Ronnie. Did anyone watch the session where he complained to the referee about one person shouting for Dott. Come on man, fekkin grow up. O'sullivan has about a thousand people shouting his name during a game and one Scottish voice pipes up, "come on Graeme". What then happened was that the guy was taken from his seat and removed from the auditorium. He was warned about his behaviour and was only allowed to return to his seat when he promised not to shout "come on Graeme" Gosh, Hitler was more lenient. This 'outburst' only happened when either player was not at the table, so whats the problem?? There seems to be a rule for most and a different rule for the chosen few. Apart from that Ronnie seems to be conducting himself reasonably well. COME ON GRAEME.
  9. who cares............I don't fekkin care. I don't care who the new manager is and I don't care what England do in the wotld cup... is that OK. I know Scolari has pulled out of the race, allegedly, but all you heard on radio five twenty four hours a day was all about Scolari. I am pleased he has decided not to pursue this onerous task. They had questioned his ability before he even accepted the job, suppose a bit like CC here. The doubters out in force having a field day. News has just come on and Scolari is the headline for turning down the job. Now what do us Scots dislike about this. Right I'll kick off, if the Scottish Irish or Welsh managers job was vacant, do you think on national radio and national TV there would be such an outpouring of media attention. They were even discussing the Big Phil theory, what did 177cm mean in those terms etc, what a load of fun for the rest of the country, whoopee. Well done Phil, tell them to fekk off, you are better with Portugal. I don't really have a problem with the players, or whoever manages them, but the media who think the whole of Britan want this thrust down our throats, until we vommit, are just sooo not it. Not only does the media do this, but it seems that some people on the ICT boards think we should like it as well.
  10. I agree, anyone but Sullivan, his attitude stinks and not sure why you think he is a role model for anyone. If my kids acted like him I would divorce them. I don't doubt his skill at the game, but he is nowhere near the person that Davis or Hendry are. He is very disrespectful towards fellow professionals. Go on Dott, give it a go son.
  11. tm4tj

    Charlie Christie

    Some fans are losing the plot already, talk of top 4, unbelievable. Have we lost track of the real world. We get close to top six, now we want top four, next it will be playing in the Champions league and the English Premiership. Charlie Christie has done very nicely and will continue to prosper as the team digs in for another few years in the top flight. Do you seriously think that we should be in the top six, or top four or even higher.........get a fekkin grip, what is wrong with some people, give them an inch and they want a mile. Since CC took over we have recorded our biggest wins this year, most goals scored in a game, twice, and continued our dominance of Hibs, yet we are still being told by 'experts' that he is not good enough to manage ICT, a team in only their second season in the SPL. Sour grapes because the Spaniard has been told to go maybe. Charlie can only be judged properly once the team Brew selected has disintegrated and he stamps his own persona on the playing patterns. I believe he will continue to do OK, my sights and expectations are set to normal, anything above that will be a bonus, below that a disappointment but not a failure. We will see harder times in the future, this may be about as good as it realistically should get. Get behind CC and stop the sniping. must use the spelling cow in future
  12. Never seen you wear it before Gav
  13. Who's the Boss? A young couple on their wedding night were in their honeymoon suite. As they were undressing for bed, the husband, a big burly man, tossed his trousers to his new bride. He said, "Here, put these on." She put them on and the waist was twice the size of her body. "I can't wear your trousers." she said. "That's right,'' said the husband, "and don't you ever forget it. I'm the man who wears the pants in this family." With that she flipped him her panties and said, "Try these on." He tried them on and found he could only get them on as far as his kneecaps. "****," he said. ''I can't get into your panties!" She replied, "That's right...and that's the way it is going to stay until your attitude changes."
  14. Nothing we didn't know there then. Decent player for some first div team, as said above County or Livi.
  15. Ha, you are a noisy one Dee. Heard she was not that good looking, in fact it has been mentioned she was like mutton dressed as lamb.
  16. Friendlies 4/6 one of the six was a closed shop, Hornbaek CIS cup 3/3 SC cup 2/4 SPL 28/35
  17. Interesting to note that the players voted Grantie second in their poll, a great testament to the local lads contribution this year. I would have to say there is only one winner for me. Sometimes we overlook his performances because we come to expect that standard from him week in week out. He very rarely does anything wrong but is always there when you need him. He probably did not expect to have made such an impact when he joined and must still be wondering how we have managed to sustain, and improve upon performances since he joined. Many doubters wondered if he would be good enough to fill the former captains boots, we even had fans from his last team coming on our webby and telling us how poor he was. Well, stand up and take your bow Mr Dods. You have proved them and most of us wrong and have been instumental in the continued rise of our club. Darren Dods, you are a star. For what it's worth, my top three are:- DODS Rossco Dargo
  18. Don't go there, these were calles precision passes. Back to the origin.........maybe we do lack the extra creativity to break down defences when on our own pitch, however, we should learn to turn it to our advantage and make it a ground for other teams to dislike.
  19. He had a decent game in difficult conditions. Looked pretty busy but would like to see an end product from some of his beavering displays. Good to know he is coming back, and like Golly, will benefit from match sharpness in the pre season.
  20. Didn't add up the attempts, but we looked most likely to win and had the closer attempts, so on that basis alone although a little late in the game, we deserved the victory.
  21. tm4tj


    Disagree with all you doubting Thomas's. The passyback was nothing, didn't stop me getting up and shouting for something though, but did not really expect anything. The Rossco incident I never saw, Ill take your blue and red verdict on that one. Samuel diving......if you mean it started from the kick off when Rossco bludgeoned him to the ground and only got a ticking off from the ref, well I would have to say he was probably being fouled. Dargo's shot............don't be fekkin silly now. Check the tv tonight and let me know if it was a passback, in the opinion of an unbiaised commentator.
  22. tm4tj


    Thats a poor statement to hand to a guy who always gives plenty of effort. I have no doubt he still has plenty to offer ICT and imagine he will be raring to go after the pre season matches. Lots of misplaced passes on Saturday, but he was not alone in that department. I will put it down to match sharpness, give him the support he deserves. Fifteen, it is probably an age thing, you will grow out of it.
  23. Are you serious.......no, this is a wind up, right The club should be doing more of this to encourage new people along. I'm sure other clubs will be doing likewise.
  24. tm4tj


    did not expect to get the "passback" decision, the original intent was not deliberate enough. Samuel diving......or just plain old being fouled. You better get new specs...
  25. Looks like Setanta forgot this was an earlier than usual kick off and forgot to turn the free viewing off until ten minutes from the end of the game, about five past two. :roll:
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