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absent friend

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Everything posted by absent friend

  1. With a million pound cheque in his hip pocket! What a silly fellow for not resigning and giving that up.
  2. The Irish managers income was quoted on Radio 4 today as ?3million, part funded by industry!!
  3. It is obvious that pals will be aware of the culprit who threw the bottle onto the park at County so lets hope they will do us all a favour and leave him at home on Saturday or at Pitlochry if he insists on boarding the bus.
  4. A quick scan of the current SFL league will confirm we are title contenders and that with a make shift team, with players who had never seen Inverness before this season, never mind their playing partners!
  5. Do you not perhaps feel it is the manner of your presentation. I accept that your view will not match mine and there it is....no problem...but when I look at your top quote, highlighted above, our result - the Morton result - the Dundee result - the Ross County result, could all be the butt of your views, just substitute the managers name. Perhaps it would help to take a step away and view the league as a whole and our position within that and consider what our management are doing with the players they have. Dundee fans with their team having mega bucks, could maybe utter your top comments but not, in my opinion, ICT fans.
  6. Whoever it may be I fancy English will be his second language.
  7. HT: 2-0 FT: 4-1 1st Scorer ICT: Rossco 1st Scorer Opp: Baird Crowd: 2941
  8. I'm off down Union Street to see if I can spot the other guy with the big....... SMILE!! The first one is the begger with the dog on Union Bridge - late night shopping = extra dosh!!
  9. The EPL have thrown out the OF application for entry on the grounds of them being non viable and not desirable. With Rangers debts listed as ?31mil and UEFA meeting today, maybe three strikes in one day!
  10. Points to ponder. (1) Will he go? (2) Should he go? (3) Show consistency? (4) Other Managerial options? 1) I think he might as he does not appear to have the backing from the Board or the fans. 2) Definitely not! The work is only part done but we will get there if he stays long enough. 3) If you play golf it is you against the course, end of! In a football match it is you against the other team and you are only as good as you are allowed to be, by the opposition. This opposition, in this league, appear to be able to match each other on any given day so a result must have this factored into any critical analysis. We always made the OF look average and always the papers said the OF had an off day when they played us - no they did not, we had an ON day. 4) What yardstick do you use for consistency? Play each game as you did the week before and win 4-1 again? So the rival team this week has not studied and analysed your tactics from last week and taken appropriate action to nullify your strengths? Poor management by them if they have not. 5) Living in the past hoping Pele will return and provide the football from back then is a joke. Players are different from back then - tactics have improved since then - loyalty has now almost disappeared. Management stock will not include any big names now - would TB come to ICT at this time? Of course not, he came to keep us up and enjoy the press exposure playing against the OF, not County. Enjoy TB when you have him folks, he will not be here for long - he will leave, on his terms. .
  11. I don't think it was their Chairman that made the statement, it was Callum with the deep pockets and lack of understanding as to how players are approached!! Dundee Utd did not complain re the unsettling of their player due to Callum's recent involvement into this market. Will he buy big to improve the playing staff - with his wiping off their debts, funding their new buys up to date - why not?? So Starchief, I bet he does unless they are so far ahead they don't need to! Now if we could only get a Callum for ICT. As I understand it, he is not just being the security for the bank providing the cash, he is supplying the money so that if he walks away the club are not going to be left with big debts and little assets. They do not even now have to service big borrowings, just fund their ongoing costs which will, of course, be larger than ours due to the players pool and incomes being higher, if they are successful.
  12. I think this is an excellent post although I accept Rig's point re the season ticket sales. That apart I think the above hits the nail on the head. .
  13. I find it difficult to lump 'Strictly' in with the rest. There is no doubt that BB and the X Factor are politically manipulated, big money resting on the outcome either by way of advertising/heightening profile(Peter Andre) or, the X Factor, mass recording hit, with the judge enjoying the spoils. Now Strictly did not make John Sergent and Co this sort of return. They are providing excellent entertainment to excellent music and the female dancers are stunners- nae contest, Charles - Strictly is in a class of it's own! We old Drum/Kiltarlity/Strath/Beauly/Meeting Rooms veterans, every Saturday night, can all imagine ourselves doing a Sergent in our prime and dragging a worthy along the floor towards the tea room and that would be to a Strip The Willow, we were versatile in those days, we did not need a Chaaa, chaaaa, chaaaa!! Of course in the Caley, Harry Shore would not allow this sort of thing so we had Jackie Packer and his sister doing their Quickstep at a hundred miles an hour round the floor to make us all scared to then dance and this drummed up a fortune for the bar as we all bought 'courage'. I relive it every Saturday night. Memories - I'm on the wrong forum.
  14. HT:1-2 FT:1-4 1st Scorer ICT:Munro 1st Scorer Opp:Gardyne Crowd:5194
  15. I feel the return of Duff will be like a new signing for the team. He is, in my opinion, an excellent defender just needing the likes of Munro and Rossco to assist in the fine tuning.
  16. Discriminates against the male indeed! This is not related to underage sex but I can never understand why a female can accuse a guy of rape, his is named from the outset, found to be innocent but always a 'no smoke without fire' aura follows him around. The 'lady' at no time is named unless she, during the case, is found to have wasted police time by making a false accusation. Because of the grey areas relating to this 'crime', I feel that no names should be made public unless a conviction results or if he is named and no conviction results, the female should also be named. Easy scenarios to follow. She, boozy, following morning can't remember ''but I would not have consented, I'm not like that'' - we all wake up some mornings following a sech and think 'I'm not like that' but we can be! She, now sober, realises she has to face up to her last night behaviour..... "He raped me" ... reduces the degree of guilt for her actions. Meantime the guy is still wondering why he took a 10 pinter home after only having 8 and is proud of having done her a service. I suppose a pre-nookie agreement in the Y fronts along with a Biro may be useful after the event but may cause a problem creating an event. .
  17. I find your reaction to the sponsorship potential statement immature. If anyone were investing money in some way in the club with their clients aware of this, I would suggest our current manager is a more professional mouthpiece for the club than, for instance, Calderwood, Smith or Campbell. I accept that 'points on the board' matters but so does the profile of the management. Many years ago my company had Rula Lenska(spl?), Cliff Thornburn and Kenny Dalglish among our 'mouthpieces' and guess what, we did not want Kenny!! Possibly the most potentially entertaining one we had but he was not blessed with that ability to express himself in company. The point is that 'mouthpieces' matter when recruiting backing and retaining backing as very often they are the public image of the club. We have a very good 'mouthpiece' in TB. .
  18. We're on the turn, young man, no more negatives. We may not win the league but we will be up there near the top. I can feel it in my water!!
  19. Because of our unexpected drop from the SPL - well it was unexpected for many of us - followed by our loss of players due to this relegation, the lack of funds and the poor home form in the first 8 games of the season, it was not too difficult to see where the negativity came from on here and this was reflected at the park, on and off the field. The lower turn out, the booing of the players both on and off the park in a moronic way and the natural disappointment of an afternoon spoiled, gives a feel that all is not well with ICT. We therefore have to blame someone, be it the players (all but one should be shipped out as soon as possible), the management team (they are crap, have been crap and always will be crap, so ship them out) or the Board (all muppets who have no idea and every fan can do better so ship them out) Now the three targets above are all unable to defend themselves against the horrible offerings on here so the fans assume that they are therefore guilty as charged. The players - are not good according to the posters on here as they should play to a standard of top SPL teams without the reward. The fans would, wouldn't they??(Aye right, they would not even give off their spare time to paint the gent's loo) Management team - working with a poorer standard of player, new to each other and the team/area, in a competitive league AND ONLY A FEW POINTS FROM THE TOP AND IN A CUP FINAL! (Yes but..No but..Yes but..) The Board - don't profess to know the workings but I am aware that other football Boards get pelters as well so maybe it is par for the course. I do feel that once the results come our way, we get used to the competitiveness of this league and are still in touch, the fans will return, the offerings on here will be less bitter and match days will, once again, be the tonic to keep us going for another week. Starting on Saturday!! .
  20. Now I wonder if I could have been slightly too generous with my estimate?
  21. Your opening line is bang on , for once :D I wonder if it could be part of a line central to my offering that could be bang on, not once but all the time. .
  22. Scotty, it is because ICT are run by Muppets!! Tell that to people on this forum often enough and they will believe it - easily lead, as my mother would have said. No matter the amount of effort being put into any area of the club, be it ticket handling or whatever, the hard worker must be a muppet and the person making this claim will no doubt have an IQ of 10 but it must be right as they read it on here!! There is some offerings on another thread relating to the waygoing of what was historic posters on here and one wonders if this negitive 'muppet mentality' is helping to drive them away. 'It is all a muppet shambles at ICT'. How sad for the people trying to provide us with a service.
  23. I would agree that they did post items that were less confrontational and the site is less rich due to their waygoing. Gillian Black's loss is understandable but the rest is to be regretted.
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