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07: Moderators
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Everything posted by IBM

  1. The first chipper I went to after moving into Inverness in 1968 it was great ( no chipper in Fort Augustus) I used to get sent down for the family order 8 suppers in total we were not allowed chicken it was to dear then!
  2. It is the channel marker for the entrance to the harbour I noticed it out in the firth to the east of the bridge on the way to the football on Saturday, they are red and green but not being a sea farer don't know the rules, I will stick with traffic lights.
  3. Covering school book was one thing I was good at
  4. A very bright and well polished Austin A35 and a smart Landrover! Great photo IHE, where is the location? West coast late 50's is as close as I could guess, note the small stripe on the AA patrol man's left arm was that for good conduct or long service?
  5. Easy one tonight must be SMT showroom my Street, all Vauxhalls and a Bedford Dormobile Camper, 3 Victors on the right and 1 front left 3 Crestas 2 on left and in middle and the black on on the left is a Wyvern.
  6. IBM


    I had many a haircut at Wilson's and Anoraks from Nicols.
  7. Great for a ceilidh in the 70's, the down side for me was that most spoke in gaelic and I didn't have a clue what they were saying but the music was good.
  8. Riggs had a few shops one in Grant Street across from Mackay's Butchers. I think they also had a shop in Kenneth Street & Eastgate. Great stuff! And Inverness has solicitors by the name of Cheetham and Robb, albeit not working for the same firm. In Dalneigh in the 50s/60s, long before the era of Munro and Coffey, Bobby MacKay used to come round with his butcher's van and that was very popular. They did wonderful spicy, family sized steak pies. I think Bobby used to live in the house right beside the Tomnahurich canal bridge and kept the van there. The one in the OP is Flockharts which was at the "backawoolies". The shop closed long ago but the family are still active in the food industry. Duncan farms at near Croy and supplies my turkey every year. After Flockharts closed, my mum shifted to MacLennan's. Margaret MacLennan was a local councillor for some years, and I THINK may have deposed her commercial rival ex-Provost "Billy Butcher" Fraser to win her seat. When Munro & Coffey closed Mike Coffey took over the butchers in Tomatin Road and is now still working at Munro's in Dingwall.
  9. A Black 6 heading north from Dalwhinnie station and heading up the old A9 at the same time...................
  10. That's some list Laurence! But all 'This nation' needs is a further swing to the SNP and we have cracked it
  11. No, thought you might have got that one no bother!
  12. Tarbert on Isle of Harris. Here is an easier one where and what is this one?
  13. IBM

    Injury Updates

    I'm led to believe the pic was taken at Raigmore. I think they are waiting until they sign anew striker
  14. DD a very good post your first paragraph says it all. We have to remember we are a small club with very small support and have to cash in where required, I don't think the club has the money to offer him a big long term deal. We have to accept that any good young player will move on and he is the best local young player to come through the youth system. We have to wish them all the best and no doubt we will follow them wherever they go. Lets hope there are more to follow in the coming years.
  15. Are you on the voddie's tonight IHE? You did that one on 30th July An old AEC bus but where?
  16. That will be from the late 50's with the Morris J2 Ambulance.
  17. Might as well add in Ian Black!
  18. My thoughts as well and it was Barry Wilson! No mention of under 3000 in Perth today
  19. I think it may still be the reserve ferry there although that photo was taken a number of years ago.
  20. Yes Charles you are right, but a new station should be built to the east of Morrisons and the present one should be demolished and become the new bus station incorporating a taxi rank. The entrance could be the present one to the rear of the station and exit through station square. The old memorial could be moved to Farraline Park and sit nicely in front of the library which could become civic square. Just dreaming again
  21. Not a baker but Roddy Wood worked in Burnetts which was taken over by British Bakeries from leaving school till he retired. He was an officer in the Army Cadets but where was this photo taken?
  22. Just a guess Morris Commercial, did you drive one of them? 2 Vauxhall Viva HA's and one passing in the street, Hillman Minx, Daimler Sovereign and front of Austin 1100.
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