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07: Moderators
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Everything posted by IBM

  1. I was following a Macbraynes Bedford from Fort Willian to Spean Bridge yesterday. Brought back boyhood memories travelling from Fort Augustus to Inverness. Here is another AEC in good nick at the castle in 1994.
  2. NO preference for Rangers as a New Co, they should start in the third division if the are accepted at all!
  3. IBM

    Ian black

    If that turns out to be true it will be the first decent news from that paper for years!
  4. Thats no way to talk about Prince Philip!
  5. I will agree with you on that! All the best Ross.
  6. Same with me, the whole setup in Scottish Football is ***** but I have renewed mine or it is me who will miss out next season!
  7. The same starting line up as Sunday and even add Christie, Wilson, Macbain, Wilson, Mann and Calder as Subs! :lol:
  8. I agree with all that and as for Mapplebeck he was a Legend of a different type!
  9. Was not expecting much in the way of football today but it was even worse than that!! I am sure we will see better from the Legends tomorrow.
  10. She believes that the town planners of the time quite simply expected an increased volume of traffic with increasing car ownership and the extra housing on its far side so decided to make Laurel Avenue a dual cariageway for that reason. She is not aware of any plan to link the A9 north and the A82 but couldn't rule it out. The town planners must have had a bit of vision back then, more than the planners and officials we have now!
  11. 'Many Scots have died for the Union flag, It is flown proudly throughout the world on all British merchant and naval ships, It is reconised as the symbol of a proud nation. Dont take the blue out of the Union jack' Very good point Laurence, there was once very proud Highland Regements who fought and died in many wars, Camerons, Seaforths and Queen's Own Highlanders all had great family connections throughout the Highlands. Where are they now after all the Tory and Labour cuts? Scotland can survive without Westminster we just need to have faith in ourselves!
  12. He will be out of a job if we all vote for independence!
  13. What about Sir David Murray, could he be the next one to fall and become just Mr David Murray?
  14. Something tells me he will be called Gnasher
  15. Great performance today! The first time this season you could not fault any of the team for effort and determination, a well deserved win. I would be happy to see the same lineup next week if they play like that. A good 8 days for the whole team well done to all. :clapping:
  16. YES YES YES, I have voted SNP since I was 18, 54 now! We can easy govern our own country and the bigest saving would be the money wasted in both houses at Westminster, Trident and ilegall wars. Looking forward to 2014.
  17. I got the Canon EOS 600D for my birthday in May which is excellent but I am still learning with it. It is easy to use in the auto mode for starters, great quality on the video as well. Might be a bit more expensive than what you are planning. ?590 now was ?690 in May! You can read the reviews on Amazon see link. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=canon+eos+600 You can get the 550D ?40 cheaper but if you go for the Canon I am sure your wife would be worth the extra ?40!
  18. I can see 3 points coming our way a week on Saturday!
  19. Good one! We could start a joke thread again. CHINESE SICK LEAVE 'I NO COME WORK TODAY!!!' Hung Chow calls into work and says, 'Hey, I no come work Today, I really sick . Got headache, stomach ache and legs hurt, I no come work.' The boss says, 'You know something, Hung Chow, I really need you today. When I feel sick like you do, I go to my wife and tell her to give me sex. That makes everything better and I go to work.. You try that.' Two hours later Hung Chow calls again. 'I do what you say and I feel great. I be at work soon......... You got nice house.'
  20. Better transfer it to CD these young guys down there won't know what to do with it!
  21. That actually started life when that Bridge Street development first opened in the 60s as Liptons which I think then moved across to where Tesco Metro is now when they knocked down Rossleigh's Garage on that site. Anyway... I digress... what I was going to say was that Liptons had a very good cafe back in the 60s on Upper Bridge Street right above the shop. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that may have been the first ever supermarket cafe in Inverness. Now, on the subject of Supermarket cafes in Inverness, has anyone been in the Tesco Inshes one of late? Is it still as dreadful as ever? At least Tesco Extra at the Retail Park has a slightly better one and I used quite to like the Morrisons one as well. However ordering a meal can somethimes be as slow as waiting at their Lottery counter and I've been very disappointed with the last couple of breakfast visits there. I've probably said this before, but I've yet to find better than Cobbs Cafe at Highland Industrial Supplies down the Longman. To quote but one example, you get a fantastic bacon roll, wedged thick with bacon, and a coffee for ?2.25. There's also a supply of papers. But I'm sure there are other decent breakfast establishments in our good city. For instance I've heard Wetherspoons well spoken of. I worked in Wm Lows on the corner of Bridge St & Bank St 1971-72 the big new supermarket then. Started part time on the cold meat counter then full time when I left school at 15 only got paid ?3 a week full time! That was the time of the power cuts and the shop stayed open with gas lamps and wind up tills, lots of shoplifting in the dark! Thought it was a good job till I moved on. We used to get 2 artic deliveries a week, look at the artics and trains coming up to Inverness with food now. Lows was taken over by Tesco then moved across the river to the Rossleigh's site.
  22. It's not a case of Salmond picking another fight with Westminster, he is fighting for Scotland which is more than any politician of any other party has ever done in my lifetime. I agree and wish there were more like him!
  23. I'd say R.H lane Mrs ICTFC.... These lanes are very badly drawn on that roundabout. Entering from Tesco, and exiting on to Old Perth Rd, can be an absolute nightmare.... you need eyes in the back of your head for that manoevre. Left lane for that one although many drivers use the right! There are advance signs before the roundabout to show what lane to use, have a close look next time. If we are talking entering from Raigmore direction on Old Perth Rd and exiting along St Walter Scott Drive in between Tesco and the police station then I would have to agree with Johnboy on this, you are turning right so you would be in the right hand lane. Left lane is for turning left or straight on. I am going to look at this sign you mention tomorrow and will apologise if you are right but I can't see it being as you say. Thats right from Raigmore hospital to Sir Walter Scott Drive, the left lane is from Tesco to Old Perth Road, but do have a look for the signs they are there although small!
  24. I'd say R.H lane Mrs ICTFC.... These lanes are very badly drawn on that roundabout. Entering from Tesco, and exiting on to Old Perth Rd, can be an absolute nightmare.... you need eyes in the back of your head for that manoevre. Left lane for that one although many drivers use the right! There are advance signs before the roundabout to show what lane to use, have a close look next time.
  25. And I remember some of the grumpy old storemen!
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