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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. the short and long of it, both the religious charge and the assault charge should be kept separate, in case one or other is not proven. I cannot believe that because Neil Lennon was not physically injured they didnt convict. If anything physically, the aggressor would have been the one with more injuries after every one jamp on him, and the way the legal system is going, if the aggressor shouted insults, but not sectarian, if anyone had retorted in a religious retort, could they have also been charged. Bit like shooting a robber in your house, they get community service, you get prison
  2. Take a look through the divisions in England and see how many clubs have just released players, with no ongoing club. Some big names, lots of experiece, and without a club they can sign for anyone at any time. Some clubs even released as much as ten or twelve players from their contracts. Im sure some would rather have a wage than be on the dole. Opportunities if the ex pats put their money in, if we need alternatives later
  3. The sports bar would be the perfect answer. Both clubs won the same trophies over the years, so it not as if one has a Fairs Cup tucked away from the main competitions. Would also be nice to have some of the stuff presented from other clubs on show. Pendants from Denmark, Italy, Sheffield Utd, QPR, etc. Believe some of the other clubs in Scotland gave ICT stuff to celebrate them joining the league. Could even have it as a tribute to the history of north football, with a bit about the clubs in the north, from Caley, Thistle, Clach, Citadel, Wick, Fort William and The Broch etc. Would possibly add a wee bit to the coffers if it was paid entry on non match days, with profits going into youth teams. My Bannerman might like it to be another of his legacies at TCS!! Just a thought
  4. Fair play, didnt hear he still got the clink on the radio, probably because they concentrated on the not proven guilty part. That said, it was clear what his intention was, and who his target was. It could be argued if it was sectarian, why didnt he attack the first Celtic person on the bench
  5. maybees Tel is going to show a wee bit of faith in the youth system here. I do like Liam Polworth, and although still very young, he has a lot about him to admire. He has excelled at each youth level so far, and stood out at each level internationally. If your good enough, your old enough. Noticed that during pre season he was also out with his dad training with Clach doing their full pre season at night after he had done Caley's. Fitness wouldnt be his shortfall
  6. If 'chippy' appears a bit brain numb from the Terriers fans, we can certainly improve on things with David Davis, suppose we have a lot to play with......double Ds
  7. The said Hearts fan, has been proved that after all the qaffuffel, that he just hated Neil Lennon, and not his religion. As I said at the time, the majority of people would hate him because of the way he was going about things, nothing to do with his religion. His complaining was doing as much damage to the reputation of Scottish football, if not more, than this idiot did. However, to only get done for breach of the peace is a joke, and now includes the courts and Scottish legal system into the catagory of damaged reputation. I dare say religious bigotry and sectarianism is difficult to prove unless you have shouted said abuse at the time of the attack, or have feck the ........ tattooed all over your forehead. Hope they can still jail the idiot,
  8. Certainly down as 'released'. Hope he aint huffed his way out of a career
  9. Under 19s usually play up at the Ross County pitches in Dungwell. If its yer first time, the park can be seen from the railway station, and they play on the Highland Academy football pitches behind the stadium. Kick off varies, but check the spl under 19s website closer to the time and it usually states the times. However, if in doubt call the club. Rocpool is just up from the city centre, youll get value for money from your ? 50 for a starter, but they also provide toothpicks incase it sticks between your teeth. Town just dripping with pubs, and plenty of shameless available too
  10. Ive heard they are expat businessmen in Dubai
  11. The Caley one!!! Seriously, are they not in the board room on the top floor. Most of the trophies would still be in circulation, ie Highland League Championship, Qualifying cup, Inverness Cup etc etc
  12. Who are the ex ict youths at Curryhoose. I know Kelvin MacKenzie plays for them. Adam MacLeod turned out for them to keep fit until he got a club, playing out of position he scored 15 goals in 4 games but has gone to Strathspey
  13. IHE, that could be turned around if we say they havent got as many injuries as us. When you have the injuries we are currently experiencing you could look at others in the similar plight, and only Arsenal come to mind. Dont think we are doing quite so bad, as with players coming back I think we will be ok if we stay in touch with the rest, and if we stay ahead of a few even better.
  14. Aberdeen play Hibs next, so do we prefer a clear winner, or a draw to continue their gloom. We have Hearts up here which is certainly winnable
  15. bauhaus

    Febian Brandy

    If he is a free agent, then we dont have to sign him by the deadline, so he can be properly assessed. If he has promise what he may well need is time and fitness
  16. Went to Iceland and Greenland. Iceland awright, Greenland just awsome!
  17. Greenlandic rock from Nanook and another band called Chilli Fridays
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