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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. They have been drawn against Keith in the 19s scottish cup, with the game being played at the TCS on the Sunday between the Czech and Spain internationals. Im sure they would welcome support from those starved of live action. So if you want to see what the future might bring, head down to watch
  2. and to add injury to insult, those highly paid prima dona gold digga stars got humped at central park cowdenbeath. must be hard to be a dee? bet if they had been promoted they would have spent loads, and been in even biggger trouble this year. Dont want to see a club with so much good history go out of business, but they must learn to cut the cloth were the budget is concerned. Wonder if those players will take pay cuts or will they leave at the first opportunity.
  3. In P and J today too, Suspended from being the MD and resigned from his job, along with his brother. Wonder if he will resign from Dundee and leave them up that smelly creek. No suprise, a Dons fan I ken said there was summitt rang we him, nae Aberdonian whaz made their money legally spendz it!!!!!
  4. Would I be right in saying that Pele actually started his management at Forres, winning the league, before moving to Elgin, winning the league, before moving to Huntly, and winning the league, before the history that is Inverness Caledonian Thistle and Pele elevated him to SFL legend status for us
  5. I has to be pointed out that you can count on one hand or so how many 18 year old players have come into the SPL teams. It usually means the club thinks a lot of the players, as most managers would try play an experienced older player to fill the gap. It is a big pat on the back for Nick that Tel and Mo think he to be good enough. Our 3 league games so far has shown him to have a reasonable game, an excellent game and a reasonable game. You could say he has been as consistant as our team. I certainly beleive he will be an important player in our future
  6. What has happened to our nations teams. Hibs out, Utd out, Mothers out, Celts demolished. Rangers our only team left in Europe, and with the Champ league draw they must be favourits to finish bottom of their league. Why have our teams gone backwards so much, when it comes to competing in european compititions
  7. Eleven knackered tangerines, an empty bottle of Ouzo, and a pamphlet on " how poorly promoted teams play" or was it a present for all 27 away fans they were expecting!
  8. it is tonight, Tuesday. Cant go, have to be in Grantown at 5pm!
  9. Johnny signed a two year deal in the summer, he goes nowhere at Xmas, we get a full season and offer him our first 5 years deal, the freedom of Inverness, and free tattoos for life.
  10. its a fair hike from the wetherspoons pub to the park by the cemetry, but its probably the only decent pub in Week. rest are hotel pubs i think. Might have a small chance of making it to the game, depends if i can arrange my work in that direction. Wick will be a challenge to the young lads, so would expect fringe players to maybe be the team backbone, with maybe Tuffey in goal, Golly in CD, Gav morrison and Shane Sutherland up front. Shane would know most of the week players anyways.
  11. Lost 2-0 but were down to ten men in the middle of the first half. Hand ball on the line, although ball to hand was more likely. St J then missed the penalty, but scored from a powerful header two minutes later. They then held their own until 10 minutes from time roughly when Saints scored with an outstanding shot from outside the box. Once the dust settles and they look back, Saints were certainly a bigger stonger side. So they have done well to hold on for over a hour. Noticed that two midfielders were playing as full backs today, and only two subs. Look a bit short of choice at the moment, especially if suspensions kick in, even for single games. Good to see some of the first team squad up to watch them, Richie, Gavin, Shane, Nick were there
  12. Now matter what ideas crop up it will be guided by the television money. They will want the 4 old firm games for the biggest commercial audience, as its our most sellable product. So adding other ideas, increasing the league too much means that after one season two " weaker " teams will come into the equation. this season that could potentialy be Cowdenbeath and Stirling? nothing against them but if they deserve their place by good play they deserve their place. Suggestion of 14 splitting into 6/8 seems to be the best option for tv money, but why not the other way 8/6? SKY and ESPN will be the driving decision, but it will change.
  13. We have a very young squad of players, mainly 17s, a few 16 year olds and one 15 year old ( Liam Polworth ). Would expect them to be playing against slightly older more developed players - and one year can make a big difference to these boys with full time training and physical strength. So would expect ICT to look for positives throughout the season, with Scott Kellacher challenging them to match those with better resourses. St Johnstone finished about 9th or 10th last season and will be expecting to improve on that, so anything out of tomorrows game would be extremely positive.
  14. bauhaus

    BBC Celtic

    Tm4tj - point I was making was in that first half hour did Celtic even get as far as our penalty box. Once Johnnys adrenalin faded, so did our control on the game, or our foothold as you would see it. Rooney volley did go less than 10 yards wide, about 5 yards but that was only a couple of degrees angle on his foot getting wrapped round the ball! small margins
  15. Didnt quite understand the Argentina / German flag at the time. Thought they had signed an Argintinian and another German! Simple fact of life, Celtic are the most loyal and best fans in the world. WHERE WERE THEY LAST SEASON WHEN THINGS WERENT GOING WELL. That was not showing their loyalty to the team. What season ticket sales do they have this year, bet its down again. And not just Celtic, look at Rangers attendance to unfurl the flag 45,000 - 5000 missing loyal fans. We broke our attendance record to unfurl our championship flag. The bigger the support, the more likely their are to be morons, just so happens Celtic AND Rangers seem to attract more than there fair share of idiots
  16. bauhaus

    BBC Celtic

    What did Craig Levein say about us folks? regarding highlights, we dominated attacking play with a toothless celtic, until Malony hit the post. It then went 50/50 for the rest of the half, although celtic slowely came more dangerous as we gradually lost belief. Seemed to be Jonnys adrenalin was over come by a hurting rib cage after 30 minutes and thats about how long it took Mulgrew to win a challenge against him. Once that happened our outlet seemed to waiver and feel the pace of very little match time with injury on top. Cant explain the second half, but were we not doing that at the beginning of last season, playing really well for 45 minutes and not so well the other 45. Wonder what would have happened if Hayes got the free kick / penalty he deserved in the first 20 seconds. Goal might have changed the entire complection of the game, celtic heads down and ours buzzing. Saw 5 or 6 good chances for us, Hayes run and hooverbelts sneaky foul, Rooneys volley, Erics header, Rooneys turn shot and Ross's back post header. How many did auntie beeb show of that 5, as the rest was just promising attacking. Also wondered why Mulgrew didnt get booked for continually trying to take Johnny down by any means in the first half hour, especially his side step shoulder block on a flying Hayes. that would have put Mulgrew under pressure to stand off him after, but was that just ref preference towards celtic. If Rossco or Grant had done that to Malony they would have gone in the book me finks
  17. saying all that it could be an inspiational move by Tel come Sunday night. Although he wouldnt be expected to jink past the full back and cross every time, could see him cutting in from the left onto a fairly hard strike at goal, and good support from attack minded formation.
  18. Monday was Gairloch to Glen Dundonnell Tuesday Drum and Sneckie Wednesday Lochgilphead Thursday Campbeltown Tomorrow Evanton and Dalcrecait Saturday TCS Sunday Orkney memorable places, OUT SKERRIES, NEW ORLEANS, CORROUR, DUBAI, BARCELONA NOU CAMP
  19. Grant Street Park, tonight 7-30 pm kick off. North of Scotland Cup 2nd round. Expect this to be mainly the younger players, but wonder of Foran or Hayes might get a bit of a run out. 19s have just had a couple of pre season games for them, so would think it will be most of the young guns, with Shane, Gavin and maybe Nick. Think it could be a closer game given Clachs start to the season
  20. Tichy I was also at that final in Elgin, 5-0 humping of Buckie. Everytime we scored the Buckie fans went on the rampage, bythe end of the game id never seen so many Police at a north game. remember a few years later it was Elgin in the final at Forres, was in the Thistle bar when the windows were smashed with bricks and game was nearly abandoned due to the rowdy crowd. Liverpool finals have a tendancy to be more epic than some other clubs, Alaves, AC Milan, Roma game not so exciting but to win final on their ground infront of their fans was cool. never forget the last 5 minutes of the Arsenal 3 Man U 2 final, and was it Motherwell 4 Dundee UTD 3.
  21. its the cup teams think they have the best chance in! but it does favour the bigger teams because of the seeding, and if all goes to plan they will be more spl clashes later in the rounds. As a smaller team like Elgin suppose the beleif is there for them to get a plum tie, but would prefer the twisted sisters getting each other as early as possible so at least one 'smaller club' can get to a final. but then seeding does give us a chance of an easier progress to the quarters atc Dundee at home for me
  22. understand that Richie could start the Celtic game, but it was an injury from the Ayr game away, so nowt to do with pre season or friendlies. Think Hayes injury is a hangover from opponents constant hacking at him towards the end of last season. Dont know how close he is to playing
  23. bauhaus


    spoke to the piemakers in the market a week ago and can confirm they will be at ict all season, and clach and county. Several thousand will be made for our home games, hundreds for clach whereas county are still reheating theirs each week!!
  24. same sorry story every year now. our so called top teams just seem to get whippped by teams youve never heard of before. One thing is clear they dont like very early season games, so is that just poor preperation. Hmmm unless we are playing Icelandic, Faroese, Scandanavian or Russian teams this must be the case. The listed countries play summer footie so you would not be suprised by there sharpness etc. But the likes of Braga and Maribor are weeks away from there season starting, so in theory we should be sharper than them. So why we failing - are we diluding ourselves that there are not enough young players in Scotland, and any Tomasi, Darius or Henrick should be better than our homebrew. Past climate shows we wont learn the lessons, until one largely home grown team makes it with exciting fearless football again. Will we ever see the likes of the Dons and Arabs tear teams to shreds again. Ido think that Terry found the right formula last season ( 4-2-3-1) but can we take it further, if we do I think they would need another couple of years together, but given our standing in the poor state of the scottish game, anyone showing real form this season may be easily skimmed of for a wad of cash. hope the teams atmosphere in the dressing room blends well, as that can be the thing that keeps the good guys, as our budget wont do it alone. So much for the media slagging off the lesser teams that have represented Scotland recently - Gretna, Queens, Livi, etc County might have done better than Celtic and Hibs, but alas we will never know. This year is the top teams in order representing us, lets just see how far we go. Well done Craig Brown's Motherwell by the way, 1-1 to a decent Norwegian team in the middle of their season, but can see them burning up towards the end of the season, but hey maybe we will be their to take their place.
  25. If the base of the SPL is generally thought of as good or poor as the mid to top of the SFL1, then Johnny will do just fine against that quality of defender. We know that Richie Foran will outwit many a SPL team, and Rooney will score - its just how many! Crux of the quality for me is how creative the mid field are going to be, and probably just as valid, how much protection will the holding mids give our defence. our fatefull day against Falkirk had 3 weak links in my opinion, and non are at the club now. Believe we are stronger throughout now, but time will tell.
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