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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. It was Labours fault, they are the ones who made a bollocks of it all. Everything Cameron touches cannot be saved. But they were shouting they had 7 garanteed first votes, only got 2 hmmm, and one of those was their own voter. Think the rest of the world might be tired of 1966 getting rammed down their throats. Happy its the Russians, new era for FIFA, and QATAR, dont know much about them. 1.6 MILLION people. Think i would have prefered the Aussies, but let them prove us wrong. Hopefully we have a chance of getting their, both times
  2. Anyone know what kind of level of frost the USH can deal with. My job is often influenced by the weather, so i need to be aware in the Winter. Its likely to be -8c saturday noon, with as low as -15c overnight. Thats not the end of it though, as it will get worse in December, possibly not getting above freezing for the next 4 weeks. Sorry to be so doom and gloom, but i can see a few weekends getting called off, giving the SFA time to sort out the refs and Celtic.
  3. think they both have strengths of equal merit
  4. Think Yogi, Jim McIntyre or their captain to be given a player manager roll. Any other SPL manager would be insane to move, even Billy Reid, so it will be someone on the dole, or an up and coming lower division manager. Mind Ossie Ardiles name always pops up.
  5. loved the bit midway through the second half, 3 Barca players decided to ghost past a Real player using 3 backheels within a second. The best team performance ever seen, well Reals 380 million euro team looked poor, but Barca were soo good, dont think anyone would have got near them last night. We should ask Barca to loan us a couple of youngsters, but they would have trouble getting into our team just now
  6. Who has been doubting Foran by the way. Injured from last season, missed most of preseason, did about 10 days training, came back in a friendly, got injured again, had to have operation, did about 10 days training again and back into the team. Takes players time to get back to their best - and that means games. Leave out your inspirational captain, naw get him on the pitch and his enthusiasm, experience, skill and grit overcomes his lack of sharpness, which is now there. Legend of a player, and will be here as long as Terry and Mo are
  7. Yeah I heard some of that Scotty, but it always gets reported that whoever we play were off form or poor. Under par Celts in two papers today, Lennon saying they were poor, etc etc. And you can get two teams playing well, in end to end games Sure we have had more positive mentions lately, so we should, 4th in league, 3rd top scorers, unbeaten away, extrordinary for a non O/F team to achieve the year away mark. Certainly got the year the hard way, Tannadice, Easter Rd, Rugby Pk ( this season at least ) St Mirren ( again only non O/F to win ) Pitodrie, Celtic Pk. Tynecastle to make it a full calander year also
  8. Read somewhere in the past week that Aberdeen turnover was just over ? 7,000,000 last season. Does anyone know what the turnover is for each spl club, and how far adrift are we from our opponents. Know it will be Celtic, Rangers, Hearts, Hibs but what distance is our budget from the rest?
  9. If he had been correctly demoted by the ref management this would not have happened. He was right to cancel penalty, but wrong to change report sent to Dallas. We all make mistakes, but none of us get our windows smashed, or our employers threatened and so on. If SFA had dealt with the situation properly Scottish football politics wouldnt be in such a damn mess. Celtic will now feel they have the upper hand, and can bully the authorities. What will be next, Celtic allowed to choose the refs, and all will be ok until they make a mistake against them and whooosh it all starts again. Find it strange that of the five sacked along with Dallas, two were Catholics who thought the email was light hearted enough to forward, to people outside the SFA. So if you only forwarded it to a colleague seems that you are not anti catholic / anti celtic. Seems that we just dont understand how big the chip on the shoulder of the Celtic family is, glad we live in a different world from that goldfish bowl of Glasgow. Wouldnt it be ironic if McDonald turned out to be Catholic, something that never even crossed my mind until 5 weeks ago, to question any refs religion.
  10. Your naw use ref, your meant to believe me, Mo headbutted me...stole my teeth, knocked my hat off and threw my gloves away. That should be a penalty to us ref, we were meant to win with you in charge!
  11. Every time we get a decent result, the opposition seem to have a poor game. however, its rare that newspapers and reports, managers and pundits, state that ICT didnt let the opposition play well. We gave Celtic the first half virtually, yet we end up playing the second half and have more shots on target? Celtic had far less shots than usual, because they were poor, not because our team prevented them. But last week it was hibs were poor, before that Aberdeen were poor (and had injuries, and suspensions, and were under too much pressure to perform) and before that Rangers, Killie, Hamilton, St Mirren etc etc We should get the club to compile a DVD of the highlights of the last 18 away league games to be sold, adding a game at a time until this superb run ends
  12. bauhaus


    Our central defence partnership has been outstanding this year. I know Grant is signed up for next season, but Rossco only got a year because of the positional change. Time to give ham another two years I think, reward the big man for his loyalty and great performances.
  13. now that Dallas has been fired, and MacDoanald is retiring, Celtic have got their way. Alright, what happens now when they dont get a penalty, or a dodgey penalty is given against them. Will they go on a witch hunt to get them man again. It gives Rangers the scope to do the same doesnt it, cause anyone else wont get away with it
  14. Mo says " DID YOU SEE THAT, DID YOU SEE THAT. HE'S BEEN TANGOED!" perfect one that..... orange on the head, Tennasee teeth, and a sh1t football team
  15. Not beyond us to be undefeated against the other powerhouses this time round. Confidence must be sky high in the dressing room. We look a better team with Duff at the back, and Russell back in the holding midfield with Cox.
  16. What a goal for ICT, corner, overhead kick from Rooney, which was going in, Munro ball coming towards him makes sure it hits the back of the net, not knowing if anyone was behind him to possibly get it of the line. Sweet sweet connection from Adam, and would most definately be a contender for ICT goal of the year. McCourts was no bad either, but its all about ICT. Think that both Rangers and Celtic have gone a calander year before, unbeaten away in the league. However I would be suprised if anyone outwith these two have ever got near to matching this incredible away record. Would hope the SFA SFL and SPL mark this achievement with some award, to show the positive side of the game.
  17. Heard it on the radio, and the commentators spoke about it but didnt know why all of a sudden they started cheering and applauding.
  18. anyone got an Israeli flag? Seem to remember Celtic have a Palestinian one somewhere!
  19. Unfortunately I think that in the long run that this will work against most of the provincial clubs. Sir Alex Ferguson has perfected the " putting the ref under pressure tactic down south " but Neil Lennon has tried to copy this, and for him he is not yet an untouchable god like manager. It raises many debates this. If say 60% of the scottish population are Old Firm FANS or have a strong incling to either side, that means refs are continually in charge of their favoured team. As most refs are from the central belt thiswill increase the likely hood of officiating their boyhood team. If their is 80 refs, assistant refs, and 4th officials then around 50 of them will have supported the old firm. As their support is evenly split in Scotland, or Rangers have less as the attract less fans, does this mean Celtic have the majority of the referee supporters. So why do they feel so agrieved. Over the years of watching football, live and on tv, I have always felt that the old firm get the majority of 50/50 decisions, in games where i have no loyalty ie not involving ICT, and have amused myself when they play each other at their actions when either doesnt get the decisions they want. However I has not gone unnoticed that in the blue corner Mr Smith the current incumbant does not take to ranting too much against referees. The ref who discoloured the truth should resign or be demoted. End of story. But if refs are to be hung for lying or cheating and being biast, as they have all been labeled by Celtic FC, SHOULD WE TREAT THE PLAYERS THE SAME WAY. One live tv game recently saw the same Celtic player blatantly dive 3 times in the opposition penalty box. He was rightly booked for the first, but the ref ignored the following two. Was the ref biast by not sending him off for a second act of cheating, or is it alright that this player tried to put more pressure on the already under fire refs thinking they would buckle as it was the unfairly treated Celtic FC, which was by the same player who has also said in the media that Celtic dont get decisions because they are one of the biggest teams in the world! What utter utter p1sh. I fear that Parkhead will become an Old Trafford as far as refs giving the opposition penalties is concerned. How many penalties have Utd had given AGAINST them at home. Refs will be scared to give them at the home of the picked on club. I have always thought that our refs are also far too lenient to the old firm in Scotland. They often seem extremely physical and get away with far less bookings than they deserve. Why oh why when they play in Europe with foreign referees do they all of a sudden get so many players booked and lose more penalties etc. Maybe it because the ref has absolutely no bias whatsoever. I wonder how many titles would change hands between the big two, and cups if all the games going back were reviewed properly. 3 seasons ago Celtic won the league on a catalogue of poor decisions from referees. Nakamura free kick goal v St Mirren, Diamonds Aberdeen equaliser at Parkhead wrongly ruled out in the last minute, 4 points that won the league. Is It not the same refs 3 years on, there were also some wrong decisions at the start of that season I remember going the Celtic way. But hey Rangers get seasons where it goes for them too. Unfortunately it never seems to be our year for these decisions. So are we going to get an avalanche of decisions going Celtics way, or will refs stop giving them the favour of doubt. Cant decide if they game goes ahead on Saturday if it would be a good thing for us, or a bad thing. But paranoia will be the state of every decision from the parkhead faithfull at every tackle, every push, every pull and every dive. Who should be punished for putting us into such a turmoil throughout the game. If I were a Doomhammer or a dirty Stag I wouldnt be too happy with them. Clubs will loose gate money and all the rest as midweek will attract smaller crowds, and hardly any kids. Admitedly Parkhead will lose the greatest amount, but who should be punished. Mr Reid, Mr Lennon, ex players, Mr Hooper, Mark McGhee for his comments after we beat them - about the Parkhead 9-0 ref, the SPL, SFA, Refs Commission. In an overhaul, the Utd- Celtic ref should be demoted for the rest of the season, Mr Reid, Mr Lennon should both be fined heavily - feeding the paranoia that can potentially spark crowd trouble ( imagine its 0-0 and Shinnie wins a last minute penalty on Saturday ). Celtic should maybe be fined or deducted points, but it cant be anything that effects their fans ( like ground closure for 2 or 3 games ) as they didnt directly cause the histeria and paranoia, but it is most likely they who have been threatening refs, their families and workplaces. Hooper should be warned as I think he is too daft to realise what he was saying. McGhee bidded his time to speak so probably just a warning, but he was more directing his wrath at the pressure celtic put on the ref. How would the SFA act if this was Caley Thistle or St Johnstone spouting of about refs. We would have been dealt with long before now. The beaks are scared of upsetting Rangers and Celtic, so probably little will be done unfortunately. One rule for them another rule for the rest of us. If they want to get out of scottich football so badly, and the English Premiership wont take them, why dont they go and compete in Ireland where they say they come from. That would extinguish the hate between the Two Ugly Biased Sisters.
  20. Think the way Celtic, Neil Lennon, John Reid, Gary Hooper etc etc have behaved and spoken has been an absolute disgrace. They should each be heavily fined and banned with a points deduction suspended pending their attitude in the future. THEY HAVE ONLY GOT AWAY WITH THIS SO FAR BECAUSE THEY ARE CELTIC, Can you imagine what would have happened if this was Terry, George and Adam that were crying cheat. Why do Celtic not get the decisions - when over the years they have won free kicks and penalties because the opponent had a curry the night before. Some of their now previous players would go done like Gillian McKeith, but hey did Hooper not blatantly dive 3 times in the Hearts game, but got booked for the first simulation and the other two in the hearts penalty box were ignored. Cheating! Saw the spl highlights tonight and should Mastjovich not have been sent off for this blatant block on Goodwillie as last man, not cheating in this case but a ref mistake in Lennons favour, but no word about that one from Mr Lennon. However, although Celtic have gone way way over the top about this, a lot of Celtic supporters will believe the hype, and this then becomes a very hostile situation every time a ref does make a mistake or misses a foul etc. Cant imagine what could happen at Ibrox if the ref misses a Celtic penalty at the away end, or Rangers get a pen for an act of simulation. The ref who takes charge of that one will need elephant like skin because he will be in a no win situation. Again however, the sfa should have acted sooner and more severly to punish the lie from the ref McDonald. His decision was right to reverse the penalty, but i bet he wishes he didnt scribble that white lie. He has to go, but so should the refs decision process be changed for after the games. After all that with the Utd game we then got Broadgate, with a player already on his way down winning a penalty in Celtics own back yard. If Broadfoot wasnt diving early, Mastjovich was going to catch Kirk anyway, as he did with his left knee, but its really down to the fact that Broadfoot wasnt waiting for the genuine foul. But waiting for the genuine foul doesnt always get you a penalty - ( Broadfoot when he was taken down in the Man U box at Old Trafford ) Crux of the matter a lot of the time is the lack of honesty in players these days does not help refs. Players with bags full of talent dont need to go diving ( Ronaldo ) and we should be able to admire those who apear to not simulate death on the pitch like Messi. Time for football to get tough with the cheats, and get the game clean again. Kick out McDonald, throw the rule book of eticet at Celtic and start to ban players for cheating after the games. Only way to get the respect back and stop all the simulation
  21. bauhaus

    Scottish Cup

    anywhere away, apart from Ibrox or Parkhead. hows about Buckie, Beith, Elgin or County
  22. if you are in the top 6 you must be winning games, so winning is more entertaining. Ask the supporters of the two teams Yogi Hughes has managed recently, lovely on the eye but didnt score and didnt win too often. however look at rangers and celtic at the moment celtic try to play attacking attractive footie and rangers try to win games full stop. Who are the happier fans - top of the league and europe after xmas, or chasing the leaders and lost the passport. I rather win games, and worry about performance later
  23. no no, i cant go in that taxi again
  24. Why is it we seem to have a poor half and an exceptional half in each of our games. When we have a poor first half something inside me keeps saying dont panic we will trounce them in the second half, but other way round I fear when we seem to play well in the first 45. Get the feeling we are going to go nap against some team when we hit form for the whole game. Any one else noticed our game of two halves experience. Bit like home and away
  25. understand the sticking point is Stuart Milne, with the rest of the board wanting him gone. Stuarts reason for keeping him is his deep pockets - cause he dont want to pay off McGhee for getting them into another fine mess.
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