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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. Rangers or Celtic? Who do you think will be crowned on Sunday. Celtic have the better team to watch, but they also have a fair few divers - which I hate. Rangers have scored more goals - but they have Kyle Lafferty - who cant stay on his feet. Celtic are more exciting to watch as a neutral, Rangers grind teams down and are more of a team! Celtic have peed almost everyone off with their conspiracy theories, Rangers have kept reasonable quiet - the actions of a guilty party? When it comes down to it I dont really care, but i prefer the dignity one manager has shown, whilst the other has been a disgrace and a loose cannon at times. However I think that Mr Smith will not be able to bite his lip any longer if his team wins the title, and will depart Castle Greyskull with a reflectional rant at the attitute of John Reid and those below him, just to prime things for next season. Someone said to me today that Celtic had broken a world record this season, for national top flight league games. Seemingly they have had more penalties this season , than anyone else in a top league - Does anyone know if that is true or not, Manchester City were the team removed from that proud record.
  2. Post #22 Im glad my eyesight and my memory didnt let me down. I can confirm that this is the original film of what happened, as I descibed before the highlights were shown. unfortunately the snipper was not caught on film, as the angle did not allow visual of the bushes by the bridge, however it may have been a rubber bullet as Mair made a quick recovery. Terry has said in an interview that Russell can still get a run out in the Accies game. Does anyone know if Pedz has a one game ban, or is it more.
  3. didnt realise that there were two seperate cricket teams. let them groundshare i say. does anyone go to watch either of them. Is it not inconvenient for them to have to deal with the Tattoo, and concerts etc
  4. typical but if the cricket was there first, you cant just steamroll them because they play an unpopular sport at a poor level. However, this has rumbled for a long long time now. Why cant the council just decide to award them a home pitch. Not as if their aint many around - Bught, Milton, Charleston, new Inshes, Culloden, North Kessock, Canal pitches. What do they need in place? Fenced off, stand, changing rooms, floodlights, parking, ?????
  6. whilst we in the majority dont want a straight 10 team and play each other 4 times a season league, the 12 team split is also not perfect, but does add an incentive to most teams up until the last five games. If it went to a 14 teaam league we would still have a split but would even out the home away 3 times arguement, but the more teams in the league the less they can help the lower division apparently. Another equation would be to work the tv deal, and put 10% OR what can be agreed aside for helping the lower leagues. That would be better for the game as a whole, rather than the self interest of the chosen ones. Anyway dont know of a league with a split ofhand, but there are a few, but the likes of the dutch have play offs between teams after they finish, ie Ajax finish second but have to play Sparta Rotterdam finishing 5th to find out who will play in the champions league, even though their may be a 40 point gap between the league placings. thats a lottery that rewards failure in my view, but not if i supported Sparta. Only an example by the way - no idea where Sparta are in the league
  7. Russells run was badly and illegally ended by a St Mirren defender, namely Lee Mair. It should have been a penalty as the ball was not won by the defender. In his guilt and to try and deflect away from his foul the aforementioned defender accused Russell of diving which ensured a short burst of after words. Lee Mair in the heat of the moment didnt appreciate the truth being spoken and grabbed Russell by the throat and pushed him away. A straight red card for lifting his hands in an aggressive manner. However Russell did not like this chocking and pushing action, so carried out a strange manouver, where with both hands he grabbed Lee Mairs jersey and preceeded to slam him with his chest - an old tribal greeting. Enter the snipper in the bushes ajacent to the stadium, he fired a clear shot that struck Lee Mair right in the Kyle Lafferty, his legs went like a guy kicked in the jewels by a donkey. The ref was away from the scene but the stand side linesman had a great view of the action, or Lee Mairs back, so he would likely not have seen the throat grab, but did see the bullet from the snipper. On departing the field of play, Russell in his shock saw a manager called Lennon, and started shouting his opinion on his teams tactics in an audible manner which the majority of the crowd were also thinking. Hope they appeal, as I think there are grounds to reduce this to a yellow, but there was contact, chest to chest, but the snipper is the one who should be responsible, as otherwise it was handbags. As far as Russell Duncan is concerned, you are still a legend, and this will not sour the memories we have of you in the red and blue
  8. bauhaus


    Although he made what appeared to be one or two minor mistakes, the ref did not seem to be influenced by the demanding screams from the away end, and the alleged simulation from one or two tic players. Thought it was played in a very sporting manner between two teams until the home team scored a third goal, when the professionalism of the away team shone by the placing of invisible rope and a sniper in the crowd. However, the childs reaction from the away coach who became annoyed and kicked the bottles out of his pram was a wonderful sight to see. After counting to ten one thousand times the coach formerly known as public enemy no 1 came out and gave what I thought was a rather mature intervew, which the majority of home fans will agree was the biggest shock of the night. Good night for the referee, the game in Scotland, and the good name of ICT. Conspiracy theory thought about the Old Firms determination to make it a ten team spl, only way they can think of trying to get rid of us legally because we seem to annoy the hell out of both of them. Seriously would we have had so many young players in the team this year if it was a ten team set up. I thinks not. 12 aint perfect. 10 is worser, weve tried both but when did the spl try 14 with a sensible end of season home and away split, with a minor trophy available to the team top of the bottom half, and even a split meister award for the team top at the split ( believe this happens in Germany ). Hell gone way of topic Referee was in my opinion the best we have seen this season. We will probably never see him again however,
  9. I dont like Mr Lennon, but nowt to do with his religion or his club. More to do with the fact he was a very very good player who resorted to cheating against us when he got Juanjo sent off. And I dont like when he tries to convince us all that his team doesnt get decisions - sorry that is a universal feeling for supporters of every club, but generally the bigger the club the more decisions going for them. Got a very big wrong decision go for them today which they couldnt take advantage of, more to do with the ref having one angle to see the decision from. I wonder what would have been said if this was at the other end of the park. One thing that could be worse than whats happened with all this stupidity lately, Graeme Souness being in the opposite dugout. Someone who on the blue side of Glasgow also attracted the wrong headlines throughout his career. I can see what Caley D is saying, but it does stink of a Rangers / Northern Irish protestant linked idiot. However I feel that Celtic, and not just Neil Lennon have upset a few folk this season, it could be a former referee that they have upset, or a Hearts fan, St Mirren fan, an SPL employee who would have cause to get a disillusional chip on the shoulder. When the culprit is found I hope they really really make an example of them, as they are of the sickest kind of human being. By the way Lennons actions walking off the pitch today was the sort of response you get an idiot doing, much like Souness would have done. Thoughtless, provacative and crazy. Now lets try and get rid of the provocation between the two clubs, no union jacks, no irish tricolours, no provocative singing. Find them and ban them. Both sides say it is mainly a problem at away grounds so they cannot identify the culprits, SORRY but last year the Old Firm took the responsibilty of selling the away game tickets themselves. They must know who they sell them too, surely. However fans behaviour and singing was much improved today, long may it continue, these issues should be treated the way drink drivers are, named and shamed
  10. With our season starting a few weeks earlier, pre season will also be earlier. Since we had problems getting games arranged last pre season in Englandshire, will it be even more difficult this year. Tel did say in an interview they would like to do England again. Why not try to get Torquay, Plymouth, Exeter and Bristol City. A step up in levels each game
  11. apparently Emerenko has said to the old firm come and get me, then added it would be difficult to get in the team at celtic park, but Rangers need to bolster their midfield. Hmmmm which one is he aimimg for then. Best player in the SPL this season by far, and Goodwillie for the young player. Thought Nick Ross might have been nominated here but unfortunately not
  12. not a chance at the moment. Top country ( Norway ) will get an automatic place. Then all the countries who are above the magic number of 8 go into a draw as to which two countries receive the 2 other places. No understanding on how they rate with fair play but its over the entire league and not just how nice one team is. At Xmas Scotland were rated 7.94 but had 16 countries ranked higher. However this draw for the two remaining places is a lottery between all teams who rank ABOVE the figure of 8. So if Scotlands ranking were to rise we would be in a draw of probably around 10 others. Malta were seemingly the unfairest country to watch honest footballers, but Englandshire were ranked second. Better at coning the ref maybe
  13. Simple thing to do is highlight the cheats on the tv and reports and shame them into being an honest professional. Many clubs have them and come straight to mind - Celtics Hoopper, Aberdeens Mackie, Uniteds Goodwillie and Conway, Rangers Lafferty, etc All repeat offenders but they keep doing it, so why dont we show them up for what they are. They spoil it for others. Tell them to put studs in their boots so they dont run like they are on ice near an opponent.
  14. It erks me when all away teams say Inverness is a hard place to take the points, especially when they have been the team with 12 men, one wearing black! No excuses, tonight we were not up to the task as a team, Utd were the better team and outplayed and out passed us. However, we didnt need the ref giving every slip, trip and fall to united. Two players in particular werent wearing studs tonight, as every time they were tackled, or not, they went down. Disgraceful tactics in my opinion, but a ref on a poor night bought into the fact that the team with the best disipline and least fouls conceded in the league turned into a South American hatchet eam for the night. We must have had 3 games worth of fouls given against us tonight. Some how I think this then feeds into the psychie of the players, as everytime they went to tackle the utd players they were getting pulled up for it. I noticed that they were even lifting their arms before the utd players were hitting the deck and yet when we were getting fouled on most occassions the ref played on. NOT FAIR, BUT WHY DOES IT SEEM TO HAPPEN ? Do refs hate coming North aswell, so they take it out on us on the pitch . Tonights ref was certainly inconsistant and was by no means a "homer" . The crowds reaction also seems to confirm that this was not just my thoughts. Ironic cheering if we got a free kick. Several times tonight a foul was given against us, where a minute later a similar foul against us was waived away. Blatant dives or simulation by utd players were not dealt with by the ref, Mssrs Conway and Goodwillie were an embarresment tonight. Thought the SFA and SPL were going to get tough on the simulators. Though their antics were not inside the box it is very frustrating to see players use these tactics minute after minute, right throughout a game We need stronger referees, and a 4th official who can use technology - replays and tough action on cheats to rid it out of our game
  15. its not really the Ambulance Service you can blame. If Europe hadnt interfered several years ago the T echnician would have been on the old style contract, the one that forced SAS staff to work all day without food or breaks if they were called out. But as he joined the Service after Europe got involved, he is forced to take his break if he wants to or not. The old contracts will have Ambulance drivers working 12 or even 16 hours without a break for food or anything if they are busy. It is meant to improve service by having " fresh " staff atteand incidents. Would you rather a keen concentrated ambulance technician attend if you had an accident, or the lottery draw the team attending have worked without a break for 14 hours. In many ways it will improve the service delivery, but in outlying areas it can be very counter productive because of the areas covered. Simple answer is to employ more trained staff to cover the Highlands especially the outlying areas, but hold on you have to do that with a 15% cut to your budget from the government. The service is having to cut staff rather than employ more, but the public expects better delivery with less teams and more single person ambulances, with European working regulations messing things up at the same time! Would you take a 30% pay cut so the service can comply with Europes work rules, taking your wage to below 18,000 when you are out saving lives and seeing incredibly horrible sights. S ure we are all going to vote to make things harder for ourselves domestically, like the majority of us the older guys in the service will be trying to look out for themselves, as they get paid additional money to respond on these old service contracts.
  16. Just thought I would say, 12th man commented that ambulance drivers are entitled to a tea break instead of saving someones life,. Itsactually more a case that Europe has by law forced the newer recruits to the SAS, have to legally take a break. Thet are breaking their contract if they dont take a break, and if they respond and something goes wrong they would be up for being sacked for illegally working their break, and can be sued by client for poor judgement and Poor decision making. Whereas the older long serving SAS paramedics can be still working under their old contracts where they are PAID to respond during their break, so its part of their contract to respond no matter what. However some of these older paramedics have by choice signed new contract conditions which then excludes them from paid breaks, and then means they also are not allowed to respond when on the official breakl. Its always Europe to blame, and because the longer serving ambulance crews were not agreeing with something they had ( paid response during breaks ) getting taken away they had the trade unions involved, with the outcome, only those who choose to agree the new contracts were excuded from responding. This creates problems with staffing levels as every day crews will be working that legally are not allowed to be called upon during their breaks. All new staff have to now sign contracts that prevent them from attending during breaks, as it is European law that forces this.
  17. They keep saying a top 14 wont work. How do they know as we aint been there, but we have with a top 10, and we can all remember how dire the prospects were for kids progress. Old firm still get the 4 games a seaseon as does the telly folk, but the prospect of more kids cutting there teeth in the top league has to be better for the future. I will always go watch ICT, but must admit I would be less likely to subscibe to paying to watch the top 10 on tv, The likes of Dunfermline, Raith, Falkirk, Dundee etc can make the spl attractive. Dont let the bully boys get what they want - as they arent looking out for the fans or scottish football. Vanity and greed.
  18. Was only trying to say that the way the Government and Police are, if this was a Muslim publicly saying thngs that could induce hatred, then they would be getting severely reprimanded. Just because its sport doesnt make it alright. Any way, the man at the top, Mr J Reid, seems to back everything that conspiracy theories against Celtic mean, and this from what is meant to be a upstanding former member of Parliment. Every team at some time doesnt get the rub of the green ( no pun ), and a poor run of luck. But it often happens to the teams near the bottom with a bad team. We could easily complain plenty about some refs and decisions against us. You never hear them complain when a player dives to win a penalty, or free kick, or score an offside goal, or get away with a booking when it should be a red. To me both Rangers and Celtic are the most physical teams in the league, and for years it has amazed me how they get so few bookings and red cards, yet when they play in europe this average seems to go up horrendously - it that cause refs arent biast towards one or another. The real issue sometimes is your team werent good enough on the day or the night. See Rangers didnt have a problem scoring against the Accies, but Celtic should have easily outscored a poor Accies team with injuries and poor form but their team couldnt muster a goal from open play. Hamilton have probably not had much luck this season, injuries and so on, but often that luck will change somewhere along the line - just hope its not to soon for them. However the blocking what they are saying, no, they can still say it but not to the press. Thats something they should sort out in meetings and through discussions rather than slagging things off in the press. How would Celtic like it if the SFA and SFL started slagging Lennon for his players behaviour, or his behaviour, or the Clubs. Oh hang on a minute, they have started to publicly criticise Celtic. If they dont back off , both of them, and sort their differences in private, it will be the whole of Scottish football suffering again. Neil Lennon is just the puppet the public are seeing saying these things, but the thoughts of the board must be exactly the same, as thet certainly havent distanced themselves from his remarks. Yet if it were us or County that we shouting our mouths of about south bias, we would have been dealt with by the SFA and SPL severely by now
  19. I thought that after the referee debarcle caused by Celtic, our clubs were going to be given more respect by to all in the game. Didnt seem to last wrong. But it will always be bad when supporters buy into what the club is saying, and unfortunately you now have the green half walking around saying to most its not fair, we getting cheated everytime we dont get what we want. Lennon was bang on the mark with his comments when he took over at first, but now he has the job full time he just opens he mouth and spurts out all the things he shouldnt. Danger is the Celtic fans are buying it, but its starting to effect the blue half aswell now - bullets in the post! How far is this going to go before there is some real problems - with two very important old firm games coming up, one contentious decision against Celtic could cause a take two of Hampden way back. The SFA/SPL HAVE TO CONTROL THE GUY - HE IS A NUT JOB IGNITING THE PETROL. IF NEIL LENNON WAS MUSLIM HE WOULD HAVE BEEN UNDER HOUSE ARREST BY NOW, LOCKED AWAY AS A DANGER TO THE PUBLIC. I saw in the Sun the other day a list of games where poor decisions had effected the games outcome, Lennon says every second game - but its actually been 3 games out of 30 this season ( Rangers penalty, Hearts, and Hamiltons goal ) . Think we could argue to a similar amount, but we have common sense in our manager. ( How many decisions have Celtic had that shouldnt have been, penalty dives etc ) Solve the issue, ban Celtic from issueing all derogitory remarks, reduce his ban to 2 or 3 games, but any more outbursts double it, next offence quadruple it and so on. And hit players for cheating ( Gary Hooper ) because that is worse than the innocent wrong decisions that happen in games.
  20. Pity that people jump to conclusions. I know many of the Ambulance people, and as far as this is concerned it has not been properly reported by the media. Yes unfortunately a young woman lost her life. Apparently if the Tomintoul Technician had responded it would have made little difference - the woman already being deceased by the time her partner found her. However we will never know. What understanding I have of this is the the Technician didnt say NO to responding. The response centre phoned Tomintoul but realised the Technician was on his signed off break, he answered, and they said sorry we should have phoned Grantown!!!, They didnt say what was going on and phoned Grantown straight away who responded immediately. Paramedic helicopter was also called out, and the noise of the helicopter over Tomintoul made the Tomintoul Technician come out of the station to see what was happening 800 yards away. Pick the bones out of that. Ambulance and Paramedics have been getting shafted for years, and working hours etc of the EU is shafting the Ambulance service right now. They have less money to service the north, like everyone else, but they are now getting told staff in outlying areas cannot remain on standby. This then means they are covering witrh skeleton crews continually, with no money to pay extra staff, and no money to train more. Catch 22. Misreporting does not help matters.
  21. Have we not had slightly higher average attendances for the Rangers games compared to the Celtic ones. Opening day against Celticb was 7545, which is slightly less than a couple of Rangers games I think, but timimg just before xmas and weather uncertainty would have kept some away on Saturday. Its only a guess but does that mean there are more Rangers fans in the North, or is it the other way about? Certainly have a better record against the blue half
  22. Coxie and Pedz, cause ICT are a different animal with the two of them on the park, but saying that I have a fav keeper, 4 defenders, and 4 attacking midfielder/wingers/strikers. However love them or hate them, I think we click better with Pedz and Cox
  23. I know of several different ICT tops and scarves that have made their way to NANORTALIK, in GREENLAND. They have also been worn in Iceland and the Faroes, but mainly winter in Aarhus, north Jutland in Denmark. Myself, I have worn the colours in Greece, Spain, Paris, Denmark, New Orleans, Las Vegas and Dubai.
  24. Aberdeen fans have turned on former heroes, if he didnt get instant results can you immagine how they would respect the former captain of their most hated rivals. Cant really see this as a job for someone who already has a management post. Reckon they will go for someone who is out of work ( no compensation ) and who has nowt to lose basically. Only two jobs our Tel would covet, ones in the blue of Glasgow, and the other the blue of Suffolk, and I think he would prefer to stay north of the border!
  25. Pity the trains are off! First benefit ive seen with the weather
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