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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. McCoist knocked out of Europe twice in his debut season, Lennon knocked out thrice in two seasons. Only team in Europe to record a win to the next round was Hearts, only to then be mutilated at home. Maybe the SPL will start the new season in April to give our teams a chance, and it could be argued we could get a better TV money deal with Summer football, better attendances, and pre season tours to Scandanavian countries also starting their seasons. The month early didnt help our European hopes at all
  2. not the worst and not in the top 3 either, BUT WHEN ARE WE GOING TO PLAY 90 MINUTES, and not the 45 we seem to think will do the job. In all honesty we were doing this for the majority of the last two seasons. We need a win from somewhere. If confidence keeps getting lower, the harder this will become. Need our injured players back asap to give strength in depth
  3. Injuries galore, and another bad sounding one for Johnny Hayes tonight. Anyone know how long they are out for. Where was Greg Tansey tonight, if he is injured I must have missed that, and does Tel like this cup, as we bowed out meakly last year too - even if it was a weaker team against the tic
  4. anyone heard how he is feeling about going to Halkirk as Captain
  5. Ooh so many pesimists. We will pick up, our luck must change, and at the moment the injuries are not long long term like Hamilton suffered last season. However one nagging doubt is the refs, have they been instructed to give us bad decisions because ICT stood up to the Old firm and the SFA over the 10 ten SPL !!!! It appears they are following instructions so far, but will be really concerned if the Arabs start getting the same treatment. Saw Toks sending off now. One of the best saving tackles you will see, should have been overturned without question. SFA out to get Tel for being outspoken?
  6. He is very direct, and has a rasping shot on him. Think he would benefit greatly from a run in the team, when he starts, and none of this 5-10 minutes at the end of games. He must be one of our most used subs since we joined the leagues, yet has had little playing time to show for it. His time will come, just like Rooneys did
  7. Had been at ICT youth teams for 10 years. Striker, top scorer each year, coaches player of the year with 19 goals in 20 games at under 17 level. Got a real bad injury couple of games before the end of that season. Still given a contract for the u19s but missed pre season and only started about 5 or 6 games last season, scoring just one goal, but a few assists. Lost his confidence and was released in May. Very natural technical ability, and good finisher. Why?
  8. i am on holiday in Greenland and the Danish TV2 station said that Rangers were very fortunate to get a penalty, although they did not show the penalty claim, they had a picture of us playing rangers in our old strip, the Flybe.com one from a couple of years ago
  9. might just kick start our season, deflection deflection deflection. I would take three deflections and an own goal next week thank you very much. Better than a hattrick of the woodwork
  10. Heard there is a new panto starting down in Glasgow. Craig Whyte and the seven offers!
  11. One big positive, I can see us improving our ranking, so we move up the pots next time. Lets just strart making progress, and if we are close with a few games to go I'll maybe start believing
  12. Bajram Fetei qualifies to play for Denmark, although he was born and displaced from Macedonia, formerly known as Yugoslavia.
  13. Dunfermline and St Mirren will probably be the bookies favourites for the panic button this season, with ICT always amongst the names expected to struggle. Hibs and Dons cant be as bad this year, Killie wont be as good. At this early stage, do you think anyone will really struggle this year. So who are your tip for the drop, and who would you prefer to struggle badly?
  14. everyone wants a semi final at hampden. been there twice, so i want the final this time. dont mind where we finish in the league, as long as we dont have a long long run without wins, cant see any uncomfortable moments. a safe 7th or 8th for me.
  15. bauhaus

    Stuart Duff

    ideas above his station, was a good squad player but team wasnt going to be built around him.
  16. Off the cuff here, but why not red and black hoops? Seem to recall QPR had this I think, and it looked quite smart
  17. Two ways of looking at this, what if Barca phone Dundee Utd, Aberdeen and us for a tour of Scotland. Would we turn them down? I dont think so. Also if they go away seeeking cash and do two games in 3 days, they increase the chances of injury and stupid suspensions, tiring players out quick etc. Its only annoying because they can attract big tournaments. Because we are starting so early next season, we will be way ahead of the big Englandshire teams, which will possibly rule a few of them out of coming north for their preseason
  18. I dont like the old firm. I didnt like Graeme Souness because he was a vicious ned with a suntan. I dont like Neil Lennon because he is a cheating ned without a suntan. Whats the difference. Say one of those and people tend to agree, say the other and you are a sectarian bigot. I liked Martin O Neill, and I liked Walter Smith, but they both comanded respect, even if they showed their stirring passion for their chosen team. My parentage is one half Western Isles protestant, the other half Irish Catholic, which has left me with just a moral compass, which is very very rarely wrong. The first two named would argue with their shadow, and aquired very little respect from their opponents, and wrong adoration from their followers. What is worrying is that when either half of the old firm have such a strong character in charge, they bring such a negativety to the table in some ways. However, Souness blew away the protestant only bile that reeked from the blue side and outed many radicals, which was a positive that they have thankfully ( as a team eradicated, but not clearly as the fans culture ). Maybe this is the point where Neil Lennon outs the fans culture, so it does become a socially unacceptable disease to despize because of religion in Scotland. People are prepared to grass up drink drivers these days, and it is now looked upon as being a shamefull thing. Hopefully we are at the tip of the iceberg regarding Rangers/Celtics and apparently the rest of Scotlands shame in religion. Although he is a difficult to like character, Neil Lennon, we may look back in 20 years time and see this as the beginning of the end of this rotten corpse that is sectarianism. But I fear it is just going to open up old wounds. The oh so brilliant best fans in the world were so clearly chanting IRA tunes at the Hearts game the other week. Hopefully we dont take that dark dark road again, because it spoils it for the rest of us. Start by banning the Union Jack and the Tri-colour at games. They are Scottish teams playing in the Scottish league.
  19. If we sign him it could be a job ' well done ', but on the other hand it could be quite ' rare ' seeing him on the park. Heard they had a bounce game at the stadium and he got one in the face after he forgot to 'duck ' and then made a ' pigs ear ' of a free kick, before he had a crackling shot, infront of a poultry crowd
  20. Do you think he's as fit as a butchers dog. Heard he doesnt shank to many shots either
  21. Gary O Conner done for drugs aswell.
  22. i think we all know that is the thing the players want at the club............a better atmosphere. All for it and turn the volume up please.
  23. Terry has said that although they are all coming up from english clubs, they are not all Englishmen. Daniel Stratford wont be amongst them as he has just been released by Hereford. Players from all 4 leagues, so I presume the premiership players will be very young, and the others to be journeymen
  24. This season has said more about Scottish society than any other. A ref lies about a correct decision and all hell breaks lose. Accussations of bias, strikes, bullets, sendings off, penalties, letter bombs, anonimous statements, threats, more bombs, slagging off other teams, and Ive probably forgotten stuff. Everyone, and I include myself, thinks its down to delluded Rangers fan/s regards the blame and finger pointing etc. Cup final 25,000 Rangers fans really belt out a sectarian chant when they are beating Celtic in extra time. In many ways not a suprise, and I dont think that was a celebration, more a release of tension at Neil Lennon and Celtic but all wrong Our 2nd and 3rd goals against Celtic recently were certainly greeted to a much louder volume than usual. But tonight, when one of the worst incidents to have happened in Scottish football for years is met with a wall of cheering from Hearts fans, it tells you something. A feeling of absolute hatred has returned to the Scottish game, but unfortunately its not derby rivalry, it seems to be all teams absolutely hate Celtic now. All the good they had done over many years seems to be almost destroyed in one season. It cannot go on, or someone is going to be really hurt. Neil Lennon did his usual after the final whistle, going onto the field to congratulate his players, and Hearts season ticket holders in the main stand are going mental asking police to get him off the pitch. We have come so far since the dark days....
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