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Everything posted by Naelifts

  1. Paramedic on standby...................over Happy B'day................over and out
  2. Too late....................I retired hurt before the masterstroke Enjoyed the game though
  3. Spotted my deliberate mistake my multi-trousered friend. Roomaneiah it is!
  4. Whats Latin about Rumania? Discuss Good debut from where I was sitting..............just to the left of Johndo's trousers if you are watching on telly. Worked hard, good touch, very aware and obviously with a good brain. Played one ball across the 6 yard box which deserved to be turned in. One worry was that it seemed to me it was his decision to stay on when well passed it. I'm sure I saw him communicating with the bench and saying he was OK .......not your decision boy!! A bigger problem seems to be who to play him with. My feeling is Denzil.............please can he get some goals soon........he needs cheering up! Deano is a big worry for me........he doesn't look up to it
  5. Sitting where I was, admittedly a full 3 metres from IHE, I saw a different game entirely. It was a reasonably good contest between two lower SPL sides. We dominated in the first half possession wise and simply lacked enough creativity in final 3rd..............its always been the case. We are shakier at the back and require shoring up or we will get torn apart by quicker opponents with more guile than 'Well. Caff did appear to be a culprit at times but **** and Roscoe also had their moments. New boy Niculae impressed me with his work-rate (unusual in an E European import). He should have been replaced after an hour............I'm sure I saw him communicating with the bench after 60 mins but he said he wanted to stay on ( Not his decision to take ). My heart DID sink however when Dean Mac came on. He is SO small and doesn't seem able to run.............I hope he proves me wrong. I also think that fitness was a problem. With 15 to go Roscoe started to look fast and popped up everywhere ( I think this was because everyone else was knackered ( except Roy of course who has one of the most phenomenal engines I have ever seen). We were getting no-one forward to support in the last quarter. I saw no disharmony........just Granty doing his job............pulling Russell aside and balling at Caff. It WAS a penalty. A draw would have been fairer but it was an entertaining 90 and no complaints from me on that score. In all , a marked improvement on last week. positives in Niculae ( I am sure he is a player), Fraser looks safe,some decent football ON THE GROUND from players still getting used to one another (DC and MN). No .........of course we could do with a commanding central defender..............but, more importantly, fitness needs to improve. Lets stop these monotonous and pointless pre-season Highland jaunts
  6. TM4TJ...............which bar.................may join you
  7. I see that Markus is going to get a chance in the 'Tic goal. If he has an extended run, or even claims his place, what do you reckon is the best way to get him flustered? I say bombard him from the air. He never looked that keen on fielding cross balls to me. So.........over to Roscoe and Dickie (cue TM4TJ)
  8. Sorry Guzz,..............I'm a bit thick. How do I PM you? Would like to send a cheque.
  9. An all too infrequent visitor to Inverness and the website this year. What a surprise when a certain guy in China told me on the phone to have a look this morning. Great news..........................i need a new shirt! I'm certainly in for next year................and many more. It'll be August before I'm in the Innes next........................have a great summer PS Caley100...............had a jar with Caley100 junior in Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago................very responsible young man............don't know where he ges it from
  10. Couldn't make it yesterday and it didn't sound like a great game BUT it was pleasing that Barry notched the winner. It has been an indian summer for him.................my stand-out player of the season. He was gutted last weekend but hopefully this may give the team renewed impetus in a bid for the top six..........................still on. Our visit to Killie takes on greater significance and my support for the split hardens.
  11. ............from Sarawak, Borneo. Will be en route to New Zealand when Denzil nets the winner..........somebody record this for me please. and Good Luck to Marky B in his career. He did us proud and no one can blame him for chasing the dollars
  12. ...........today as far as I am concerned. Relegation no longer an issue (11 points clear of Dunfermline if you take GD into account), the shackles off, bouyed by a momentous result last Wednesday. Lets get it down, play some footee and enjoy our team celebrating yet another season in the top flight. And this from a guy who was in the depths of despair 3 weeks ago!!
  13. Whilst celebrating the full-time whistle on Wed. it seems that I ruptured my right Gastrocnemius! Ooh err!! Doc has signed me off for a week to start with.................I'll miss all those New Year shifts.....****!! Won't stop me hobbling along to Falkirk................
  14. Or the was the guy who booked travel and accommodation in anticipation of the Rangers game on the 27th.......................then realised yesterday that he had forgotten to get tickets!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to"you know who" for sorting me out
  15. Stayed away yesterday in protest at the dire football being served up over the last few weeks. I was starting to agree with my mates who think I am "nuts" making the journey to Sneck. Very pleased to see that the entertainment quotient was high yesterday. the result however was not a good one and makes next weeks fixture crucial. I would go as far as to say that win it............and go effectively (counting goal diff) 11 points clear of Dunny........and we are safe this season. Lose it..............and we are in the mire. Despite my stay-away tactics this weekend I would urge you all to make this a well-attended and noisy Christmas party.
  16. I don't agree with any of you................I agree with Gringo
  17. Me and the Mantis please...............are part-timers allowed?
  18. Enjoyed my walk on Saturday. Resisted the temptation to come back on this thread (admirably I think). I'm not here to gloat now. This is an increasingly worrying situation don't you think? I will be present and correct for all of the years remaining fixtures......Mrs Naelifts to put in a festive appearance!!!!!! BTW.........I don't have a yappy little heilin' dog........but I enjoyed your art work Don
  19. My...........what a spirited bunch we are!! Feeling much better this morning after a double dose of HRT. Mr thejob........my next appearance in the Innes will be the Killie game but I will be available for more debate at Dundee Utd and Dunfermline. Now........where's me zimmer
  20. Yeah I know. Nostalgia is a thing of the past! Good to see you guys fighting back. We are the best team in the land........the one and only ICT..............but, believe you me...........its harder to drag yourself out of your scratcher in the depths of winter when you know that, statistically, you are almost bound to be watching another tortuous home performance. The debates about our home v away performances are old hat...........who knows the secret? I think I must be suffering from Seasonal Whatsit Disorder. Thanks for cheering me up
  21. Will I go to the football on Saturday? That is a question which, in the past, I would never have asked myself. If I wasn't working it was....into the car and go, go, go. Home and away since league election I have travelled from Peebles in the Scottish Border country.............a commitment of a whole day and some considerable expense. Now, I feel , things are slightly different this year. Week after week I hear radio commentators describing the fare on offer at home as dire,scrappy,even boring..................in short.................lacking in ENTERTAINMENT. Entertainment and value for money has always been what I'm looking for. I may be wearing rose-tinted glasses but I don't see on the park nowadays what I used to see. I am in a small minority, I know, but I would happily be in a lower division (I do miss those days) watching a ludicrously high-scoring end-to-end game .....even if on the end of a beating. AND, I don't need goals galore either. My two favourite games were a tense-as-you-could-possibly-get top-of-the-table clash with Clyde (30/11/02) when we had to wait until the 80th minute for Barry Robson (oh to have a player like him!) to break the deadlock with a delicious curling free-kick. The other game that springs to mind..........and I remember raving on about it to incredulous work mates.........was a 3-4 defeat at the hands of Falkirk ( on Feb 8th (!) 2003). We were sunk that day by an Owen Coyle hat-trick if memory serves me, but the ENTERTAINMENT factor was unsurpassable. Due to work I have missed the following games in Inverness this term. 0-0 draws with Hibs, D Utd and yesterday with Hearts , and the 0-1 defeat at the hands of Falkirk. What have I Actually missed? According to the media and this forum...........very little! Now its easy to get nostalgic for all those classic games under Pele, the comebacks, the visits to homely little grounds where anything went (**** I even took my dog into Gayfield on a couple of occasions). No plastic seats,great craic,no officious stewarding, half the price. The price of progress has been high indeed.............we can't slip backnow...............it would be a financial disaster for the club. I still love watching MY club..........I don't think that will ever change................but when it comes to getting into the car at 9.30 and pointing it in the direction of the A9 there is a new factor involved......................will I be ENTERTAINED????
  22. Scotty, I have a Feb 8th programme which, understandably I would rather hang on to. However i also have a programme for the original fixture date of Jan 29th.......(unsigned because all the players went home!!). If you remember I flew back from Cyprus for the game that never was. You are welcome to it if you wish.......its basically exactly the same programme
  23. Before this gets moved ..........this is only a nagging worry of mine!! NOT A RUMOUR!! What is the situation with Marks contract.? I can't help thinking that, with Hibs much publicised (and obvious) need for a quality keeper, Mark Brown would be an obvious target for them. Tell me I'm wrong.
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