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Everything posted by Kingsmills

  1. The inability to take advantage of the numerous opportunities created, even from the penalty spot is extremely concerning and deeply frustrating. It's all very well keeping things tight at the back but it's scoring goals that wins games. We could very well end up with the best defensive record in the division and still lose out. If we can't sort out this inability to finish we can soon kiss our title chances goodbye. Billy Dodds, you were a striker and a very good one at that. Get onto the training ground and get it sorted
  2. I have thought that for years. Better food and better service would lead to increased sales and higher revenue. Surely, everyone wins. Almost every other club does it better than us.
  3. This will be a test of character as much as playing abilty and tactics. Morale must have been low in the dressing room after the game on Tuesday, I know mine certainly was. It will be a test of Billy's management skills more than his tactical nous to turn that around in 4 days and send out a team confident they are up to the task. Repeating and re emphasising whatever he said to them at half time in the home game against Partick would be a good start. Consecutive defeats and the bubble really will have burst.
  4. HT; Partick 1, ICT 0 FT; Partick 2, ICT 1 ICT; Gardyne Patrick; Rudden Crowd; 2,509
  5. Play like we did against them in the first half in Inverness and we will come away with nothing. Play like we did in the second half and we will likely win handsomely. Will it be our Jekyll or our Hyde that turns up at Firhill ?
  6. Multiple promises of better engagement have been made and broken multiple times over multiple years now. A very few things are commercially sensitive and may need to be kept confidential but the fans are the lifeblood of the club, without whom there would be no club, and deserve much better treatment and much more respect than the club have shown in recent years. If they have no genuine intention of improving communication just be honest and say so and then everyone knows where they stand.
  7. Scotland beaten by fellow qualifiers Namibia A decent performance by the bowlers could not rescue the side after our abysmal start to our batting innings. Almost certainly Scotland's last opportunity to win in the tournament proper has gone but this nevertheless represents a very satisfactory tournament.
  8. Moved to Rumour Mill where it belongs.
  9. Professional football is about entertainment as much as results. Until recently, we have somehow managed to grind out results but, the second half against Partick aside, I honestly don't recall being entertained by this team this season. That might be acceptable while we are contriving to win but iit is a bit depressing when we are neither winning or even attempting to entertain.
  10. Maybe the player of the match should be shared by the fans to braved the wind and rain only to witness that rubbish.
  11. It's gamesmanship and something Dick Campbell's teams have been adept at for three decades. It's annoying and frustrating but what's more annoying and frustrating is that we didn't appear to have a clue how to counter it.
  12. At this rate, it's unlikely even to be the sign of play off contenders.
  13. A truly terrible evening for us compounded by Kilmarnock's late winner at Ayr. If we can't somehow find a way to turn round this abysmal run of form and win at Firhill on Saturday then we can probably forget about our ambitions for automatic promotion. Arbroath are, very typically of Dick Campbell sides, very well organised but, much like Alloa last term, if we can't find a way to beat part time teams, especially at home, we will win nothing and deservedly so.
  14. Safe to say that I wasn't the greatest fan of the team he was most closely associated with but I was sorry to read of his death at the relatively young age of 73. He always struck me as a very decent, honest and straightforward man and was clearly a very good manager and coach enjoying enormous success. Sincere condolences to all who knew and loved him.
  15. Very true and I will miss being there but I have reached the stage in life where a 200 mile round trip for a midweek match is likely to be an increasing rarity. Gets me home way past my bedtime
  16. Not quite as fine as I will be sitting on my couch watching on PPV and nursing a wee Glenmorangie
  17. I hope that Gareth from Stockport and his family enjoy their visit to the stadium tomorrow and witness an entertaining match and a comfortable home win.
  18. Slightly unfortunate with some of the marginal LBW decisions but taught a real lesson by a very good Afghanistan team who could well go on to surprise a few of the bigger and more established teams.
  19. HT; ICT 1, Arbroath 0 FT; ICT 2, Arbroath 1 ICT; McGregor Arbroath; Nouble Crowd; 1,708
  20. A more taxing tie than we would have wanted at this stage. No room for complacency.
  21. How about instead, we aim to lead the table from start to finish ?
  22. Why on earth would we want to do that ?
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