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Everything posted by KilveanLegend

  1. We got right behind the team in the singing section but when your team plays pish and people don't want to sing in the singing section and you have stewards bothering ya it's quite hard to raise an atmosphere. And if the rest of the stadium sang then maybe we might have as good a crowd as the OF.
  2. Did anyone record this if so put it up on youtube.
  3. No Wood and a lot of the new boys can do that job and who says anyone wants him on loan he was filth against County so they are hardly going to want him. And to be honest sending him out to the Highland League might be the best option get some goals toughen him up get at look at how to win a place in a team.
  4. He should have his contract terminated or be shipped out on loan because he is nowhere near SPL class. It gets me mad when a good young player like Zander Sutherland who plays great football when given his chance yet he is kept on the bench while rory gets chance after chance and every time he blows it. Never mind a petition to help Niculae start one to get rid of rory.
  5. It was Ian Penwright who scored Caley Thistles last goal it was a shame how the Clach team seemed to always have three men round Zander when he got the ball which shows how high they rate him. Also Clach scored a very nice free kick from Blair Lawrie just after Morgans free kick. Next is Fort William in the North Cup.
  6. Sportscene have not changed there set up for about three years now it seems so out of date and quite boring and plain would like them to change the background and that a bit like Match of the Day same with the music.
  7. Has Bayne still got the toe injury or is he ok for the Rangers game? :024:
  8. Here is a good Caley Thistle video which does not get much views but really should.
  9. I see the point you are making now Scotty.
  10. A lot of Highland League are not officially counted and are guess even to this day they do it so these attendences could be a bit faulty.
  11. How not I know a lot of the other team who compete in these competitions do and we used to before how has this changed?
  12. He might even get a chance at Scotland no2 since he is now at Celtic if he can put some games behind him. :023:
  13. Just to say Caley Thistle have there first competitive game of the Season against Clachnacuddin at Grant Street Park on Wednesday night in the North Of Scotland Cup.
  14. I was the first person to get a ticket in the new stand was pretty pleased with myself hopefullt more sign up so im not all by myself.
  15. Mark Brown could never save penalties remember Partick Thistle but you can't blame him for that. I say good luck to him if he can stake a claim as the Celtic no1 espicially since Boruc is always linked with a move away from Parkhead.
  16. Clach beat Forres Mechanics last year in the Inverness Cup I hope Caley enter there reserves in the Inverness Cup this season as the likes of Rory and the other boys need to play against senior teams instead of the usual reserves teams which are sometimes just an older youth team. Also just to say Caley don't play in the League Cup anymore as they are not part of the SFL.
  17. Wood seems to b a lot better than Rory who to me is pish he can at times look ok but is pushed of the ball to easily and scored against Dunfermline from a deflected shot. He does have power behind the ball when shoting and some early bad games i think makes him nervous. I would prefer Wood do get his chance in the first team this season.
  18. The Ivory Coast is a former french colony and a lot of people in France have relatives from the Ivory Coast which means he can play for them.
  19. The whole Irish tricolour thing makes me hate Celtic the most closly followed by Rangers.
  20. Well he is going to have to be pretty poor to beat SEBO! SEBO! SEBO! :021:
  21. He was playing for Nairn County in there 6,0 loss to Livingston good to see hiom still playing football.
  22. Last season Caley played weak local opposition including a 5,0 win over FC Fencie and a 12,0 win over Montecatini. The Qatar U21 team would have beign a more competitive game for the lads than they would have got last season. Now on to are Romanian Opposition.
  23. Rosco Rosco Rosco. But I think he was not wanting it thats why Grant Munro got it and with him still having a few years in him conmpared to Wilson.
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