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+05: Player Sponsor
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Everything posted by Fraz

  1. Chill oot mun. The Sevco story is good for a giggle. But aye FTOF and all that.
  2. More concerned about Motherwell at the moment, get a result against them and then we'll worry about Celtic. Unfortunately I'll miss this game regardless as it's my wedding anniversary.
  3. Give the guy a break. He's probably sorting out his County season ticket for when we're playing away.
  4. I know the plural of stadium is not "stadiums" but I couldn't be bothered to change it. Before the "correct" brigade sort me out. It would have been quicker to sort it out than post again explaining why you couldn't be bothered! Lizi, you are actually right. Stadiums is the preferred plurar throughout most of the english speaking world. Stadia is derived from latin and seldom used to mean plural of stadium according to http://grammarist.com/usage/stadiums-stadia/ Dd, it would have been quicker to do a bit of research before laughing. So in India, which has a population of over a billion, they use "stadia". Meanwhile the Yanks, who have notoriously bastardised the English language since before the Boston Tea Party - keeping, as they do, their "pants" up with "suspenders" whilst making their way along the "sidewalk" in search of a "street car" - use "stadiums". I think I'll stick with good old standard English and stuff whatever "criterions" our transatlantic Johnny Come Lately cousins adopt.
  5. On second thought Scottish football needs a strong The Rangers, they should be afforded every possible form of help to make sure they can regain their rightful place* After all I'm sure the same help would be afforded ICT should we have found our club in their situation. *Actually I hope they end up in admin again, if they died a second time that would be even funnier than the first.
  6. You are right with your first sentence Laurence If you go through life , whether it be at work, or with the girls, or anything else worrying about being popular, what are you? I have always said, " be your own man, think for yourself, and believe in yourself". If you get ridiculed for your beliefs then tough. You are entitled to have your beliefs. Anyone who watches Westerns knows lynch mob mentality never works. I am no Rangers fan by any stretch, I was brought up in highly Catholic Lancashire by Irish nuns, I sang " Hail Glorious St. Patrick ", in assembly at school every morning. I was taught to detest protestants above all else. I just feel this Rangers business, has gone on long enough. It is not good for football in Scotland, It is not helping the top division, It is not helping Glasgow. I can't see how it is helping anybody. I think the sooner we get back to the status quo , the sooner Scotland can get a national team to be proud of. I can see that young men glory in a fallen giant, we all had a good laugh, but how long before we realise we have created a false set up. As Douglas Bader, told the Germans " Rules were made for fools, and the guidance of wise men ". Maybe the men are not wise, or they implemented the rules without guidance. I am not the oracle, I just say it as I see it.
  7. As the title says I noticed a Facebook page called 'Inverness when you were a kid' might be worth a look to those interested. It's a closed group so you need to request to join. https://www.facebook.com/groups/263434463796569/?hc_location=stream
  8. They played Den Bosch today who finished 11th in the Dutch 1st division last season, absolutely a top Dutch club. (Though I've no idea who else they are playing.) They certainly won't be making any money out of the trip, I'd imagine it would be costing them a few bob. So unless punters are happy to shell out more for tickets etc in order to fund a foreign jaunt I doubt It'll happen anytime soon. Personally I couldn't give two hoots just like the stadium issue, do I wish we had the cash to have something a bit more fancy? Absolutely yes, but we don't and we spend what we have pretty effectively, I wouldn't want it wasted on a foreign trip (or 4th stand). Edit- Speeling
  9. I'm 33 with a wife and child and I'm in Miami every weekend showing the youth how its done...
  10. The greatest fans in the world...
  11. The price would have to up a good bit to make it viable most likely.
  12. Damn, I was gonna say that :(
  13. If we dont talk about the merger or wanting to sack the manager - its going to be a long break............ Butcher out!!! We could always talk about the atmosphere at the games.
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