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Everything posted by alimci

  1. Alot of my mates from dingwall are getting tickets for the Falkirk end c*nts I'm an Aberdeen fan and this is my first post on any forum! tempted to come up from Stirling to support our fellow sheep-sha**ers! Possibly taking a Pars fan with me. Would a Dons and a Pars shirt be welcome?! Should we buy and would we be able to buy tickets?! Aye head online to book tickets, or give the booking office a ring. Prob best if you don't wear the Dons or Dunfermline strips though :) No objection to a Bayne one :)
  2. Pretty well agree with that. What is Barrowman FOR? I just don't get it.
  3. I was going to take the train, but I'm happy to take you and a couple of others as well if it means more people can go.
  4. play zadi and we,ll lose :mellow: Bollocks, we lost because we played in the black away strip.
  5. I haven't been to a home game all season but will go up for this one. Do you think the home stands will sell out?
  6. What were our fans like the day??? Where yas in the away stand??? or the corner of the sh*t stand??? Lower tier behind the goals. 247 Inverness fans, not as much noise as last two games but still not bad, usual stewards v boys clash, one ejected from ground, then stewards made (?) let (?) the rest go in the upper tier. No idea what was going on there.
  7. Just home. Gutted. Killie lucky to take all three points, a draw would have been fair. No optimism left now.
  8. Actually at the last Killie game I stood for the entire game and had a long chat with one of the stewards about our players. He liked Blackie very much. Was most surprised. Unless it was Blackie's dad in a big yellow coat. Would rather have HERE WE STAY, HERE WE STAY, HERE WE STAY!! :cry05:
  9. Start coughing and sneezing and pretend to have swine flu.
  10. BBC must be well short of news today clicky
  11. If Dargo wasn't constantly injured I'd take him back in a second. Haven't you ever taken another job for more money? I'd also take back Brown, but he knew he'd be a bench warmer when he left and I can't see why he'd change his mind now, and even if he did want regular football again he would be better off financially in England. Although I know IHE is never wrong. :blah01:
  12. I salute us all :blah01: See you all tomorrow.
  13. No, the tattie field made a difference playing the ball on the ground, but even Blackie at times was like Russeldinho on speed.
  14. The critical thing is for us to get a point in Pieland, and for Midden to lose to Falkirk.
  15. Pretty much agree with the Smellometer. Hoped we'd either get another defensive player for Morais to try and protect the lead, or Eric to try for a bit of zip and another goal, so disappointed to see chocolate teapot instead. I thought a few weeks ago he was starting to put in a bit more effort, but last night he was an ineffectual as ever.
  16. I was waiting for someone to explain that well. And how the two minutes of added time became one free kick.
  17. Except Falkirk picked up four points in their last two games, which is why we're still in the sh*t....
  18. Although when Barrowman comes on it's like playing with 10 men.
  19. We were pretty ghastly at times, passing was everywhere, but we still deserved to win. The curse of John Sutton strikes again. Great support. Usual bizarre stewarding, they let us stand until we scored the first goal, then wanted us to sit down. One said as I passed on the way out "Enjoy life in the first division". Almost feel like making a complaint about that. Cr*p Falkirk result though. :024:
  20. Not quite sure where your coming from here but did I miss a penatly shoot out with each game we have left? I would have to go with Esson just because of the pre contract, it would not be fair to either Ike or ICT if his mistake cost us the game, through possibly no fault of his own it could tarnish an impeccible record of a local boy done good. We went through a spell earlier in the season of collecting penalties like nothing on earth. If we're neck and neck on the last day with Falkirk, and Rossco fells someone in the box, I'd like more than a 0% chance of a save being made.
  21. If you look at KB's map, I've always been able to park on Manse Road or thereabouts.
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