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Everything posted by clacher_holiday2

  1. :allhail: Thank you very much. We'll see where we are come the end of the month but I could yet buy into Sids System if youll have me? For those who have asked, all prize money promised has been honored, all is legit. Just need to decide if I'm having a pint of lager or a glass of courvoisier to toast you over my lunch break tomorrow.. who knows, maybe both.
  2. I laughed when this guy told me the story in my first post.
  3. John Robertson to ICT apparently From a lad in Edinburgh who does alot of scouting for Hibs and the Fife teams, he says its a near cert.
  4. I must scroll back through the various threads, I thought when Brewster came back it was seen as the return of the King ?? Out of about 400 voters 70% said they didnt want him back.
  5. We've won big games in the past. We should never forget just how far we've come and what a huge effort was made in the final months of the first div and then onto Pittodrie, surely it cant all have been for nothing?
  6. You know what, this is the way I'd have chosen to do it. F**K 'EM, BRING IT ON I SAY
  7. I know a few ICT fans in Edinburgh, could probably enter a whole ICT 5's team myself. Vintage ICT tops mandatory, I've got a few Scotrail tops to share around :crazy03:
  8. Dons the man with the better looking table, I'm sure he'll get on it once hes finished buying things.
  9. Right, I think my Padre's Paypal account can withstand these sums so itd be a case of having him transfer it to his bank account and then transferring it to mine. 2 weeks? I'll PM you Joe and email Bob
  10. My father works from home and uses Paypal, dont know why I never thought of that before Joe, he'll phone me back in a minute to let me know whats what. He said hes got a few bank accounts linked to his paypal one so itd just be a case of adding my one ot the list.
  11. Oh well was just a thought Don, I'll just need to go through the process of waiting for them to send me a letter.
  12. IT isnt difficult, but it is a pain the arse getting all the info you need to send them together if you dont have it close to hand.
  13. No question whatsoever, drop him, wouldnt be fair to his current and future team mates to ask him to play, nevermind the fans!
  14. Whats the receiving/withdrawal limits on your Paypal account these days? Of course you could help yourself to an admin fee if you could help out..! I was looking at new laptops aswell, I've just got the new desktop but thats only ever used for pirating movies and streaming things onto the TV, would maybe get myself a blu-ray drive in it now aswell. Its an ok system but I do need a decent laptop for taking to work, I've only ever bought these kinds of things from ebuyer.com but if I'm using it then theres probably a better site out there.
  15. Reef was in there waiting for me. I did say early on this year my victory was pre-ordained by a higher power but then that was a guess, who knows how these things work.. 40 runners sounds good, those who entered this year should be given the chance to win their money back, so theres room for a handful more.
  16. Hey, Apparently I have to go through the account verification process by MAIL, thats not email, thats proper postie carrying stuff from the olden days! This could be an issue as I opened my Paypal account while I was still living in Inverness, so we could be into 2-3 weeks here. Infact I think my mother is going on holiday this month sometime, so she wont even be there to open my letters. I'm sure I went through this process before when I had the original account limits lifted? Open an account JDM What you spending the prize on CaleyD, you aint sponsoring a player are you?
  17. Agree with all those saying we need to hang onto players before bringing in new ones. Morais and Mihadjuks top of the list there.
  18. Tempting as I've never been on a bus with fans of another team, but Rugby Park isnt the hardest awayday in the world from Edinburgh tbh.
  19. Man invents wheel while landing on moon. With Princess Diana..
  20. Not sure if it was mentioned somewhere on this thread but Nicolae scored a hat trick of headers the other week I think Dynamo are top of the Romanian League these days, I'm sure CRuj are second but I havent checked in a bit.
  21. I cant believe this! As soon as I get the stream working perfectly on the big telly I had to goto the door to collect my dinner, I missed the goal lol
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